
                    The Complete Communicator
             Modem Initialization/Com Port Conflicts

This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the
following information nor can the Complete PC technical support
provide help with this document.  The user of said information
does so at his or her own risk.

The most common problem with using the modem on the Complete
Communicator is a COM Port conflict.  If you are unable to access
the modem and your PC has built in COM Ports you will experience
conflicts like:

     The modem dials and handshakes, but you get no echo back on
     your screen.
     The modem software you are using gives the error message
     unable to initialize modem.
     The modem software attempts to dial and the screen freezes.

If you have COM Ports built into your PC, or COM Ports on an I/O
board you will need to disable the port that the modem will be
using. *Even If you do not have a device plugged into the port.

The Communicator data modem supports only COM1 and COM2.

To Disable COM1 or COM2, refer to your computer hardware or
peripheral manual, or call your dealer for the appropriate
switch/jumper settings.

The Communicator modem's default is COM2. If you disable COM2 you
may install your Communicator without changes.  If you disable
COM1 set the switches on your Complete PC Modem to COM1 IRQ4.
Refer to The Complete Communicator, Getting Started Manual, for
information on switch settings.  If you choose to not use our
modem this manual will also tell you how to disable the modem

COM3 and COM4 are not supported by the modem on the Complete

If you are not sure about your computer configuration or you want
to verify that a COM Port is not in use you can run DEBUG to get
this information.

You must have DEBUG installed on your PC.  Check your DOS
directory for this program.

Before you run DEBUG you must remove the Complete Communicator
board from your computer.  Be sure to turn off the PC before
removing any boards.

To run DEBUG:
Get to the DOS prompt and type DEBUG then press enter.  You will
see a - (dash) on the screen.

At the - (dash) type D0:400 and press enter.

The next thing you will see displayed are hex values for the
system configuration.  The top line is the one you are interested
in.  If you see:

F8 03 on the top line, COM1 Is not disabled (it must be 00 00 to
use COM1) F8 02 on the top line, COM2 Is not disabled (it must be
00 00 to use COM2)

Exit DEBUG by entering Q at the - (dash).

After you have disabled the COM Port* that you want to use the
Complete Communicator modem on, run debug to verify that the F8
03 (COM1) or F8 02 (COM2) value is now all zeros.  This will
confirm that you have correctly disabled the COM Port.

*To disable COM1 or COM2, refer to your computer hardware or
peripheral manual, or call your dealer for the appropriate
switch/jumper settings.