                 The Complete Answering Machine
              Description of Outgoing Message Files
This document is provided as "For your information" and as is.
Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any
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does so at his or her own risk.

There are six files involved for a single Outgoing message.
These files are:

Myyyyyyy.MSG    yy is the number for the voice file, e.g.
                M0000007.MSG.  This is the largest file and
                contains the actual digitized voice.
                yy is the number for the voice file, e.g.
                R0000007.MSG.  This file has the exact same
                name as its associated voice file, only the
                prefix is R instead of M.  This file contains
Mxxxxxxx.OUT    the list of recipients.  Its structure is
                explained below.
                xx is the mailbox number, e.g. M11.OUT for
MSGOWNER.CAM    mailbox 11.  This file contains the date/time
                information for all outgoing messages for the
MAILBOX.CAM     This file contains a single entry for each
                voice file, plus a count of how many "copies"
                of it are in use.  When the count reaches zero,
OUTQUEUE.CAM    the voice file is deleted.
                This contains the information about all of the
                mailboxes, including the number of outgoing
                messages that a mailbox has.
                This is the list of all outgoing and forwarding
                messages from all mailboxes.   It contains the
                date/time for delivery, and information about
                how many times to re-try the call.