6 UNIX Driver Information v1.1 Obtaining UNIX drivers and installing and configuring them for the Compaq 10 and 10/100 Controllers and the NC3121 Fast Ethernet NIC ================================================================== UNIX drivers for Compaq LAN controllers are provided and supported by the independent software vendor (ISV), unless otherwise noted. Release schedules included in this file are based on the latest information available and are subject to change. All dates are estimated for the calendar year. Products listed are trademarks of the corresponding ISV. Directions to specific World Wide Web addresses and archive file names, were current as of December, 1997 and are subject to change. SCO Unix Santa Cruz Operation 425 Encinal St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (800) 726-8649 (408) 425-7222 FAX (408) 458-4227 http://www.sco.com/ Go to Support Go to "Search the SCO Support Library Technical Articles" Search for "Compaq" in search box. SunSoft SunSoft 2550 Garcia Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 (800)SUNSOFT * (415)336-4960 http://access1.sun.com/drivers SunSoft (Solaris) driver updates are currently located at this web page. Installation Procedures: ======================== Installation procedures for selected versions of Unix are provided in the following readme files in the \info\unix\ directory: SCO OpenDeskTop............... opend.txt SCO OpenServer................ opens.txt UnixWare...................... uware.txt * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.