1 Server: NetWare 4.11 server v1.1 NetWare* 4.11 Server Driver Installation Notes for Compaq 10 and 10/100 Controllers or the NC3121 Fast Ethernet NIC ===================================================================== Location of driver: \NWSERVER\N100.LAN (ODI Assembly Specification version 3.3.) Location of NLM's: Ships with NetWare 4.11, updates also available in LANDRx.EXE (where x is the latest version) on Novell's automated services. NOTE: For NetWare 4.10 installation instructions please see NW312.TXT. Sample load commands ==================== LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=n FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 BIND IPX TO N100 NET=xxxxxxxx General Instructions ==================== 1 If you're doing a NEW installation of NetWare 4.11, install it according to the NetWare installation instructions. The installation process will automatically detect the controller. A message appears indicating that it detected the hardware but found more than one driver supporting it. The hardware ID you'll see displayed for the controller is PCI.8086.1229.XXXX.XXXX.XX. Press Enter for a list of drivers. DO NOT select a Compaq controller from the list. Press F-10 to install the newer driver from the Compaq Configuration and Driver disk. Choose the Select additional or Modify Selected Disk/LAN drivers. Follow the installation screens to complete the installation of the driver. The necessary load and bind parameters will automatically be added to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file with Ethernet_802.2 and Ethernet_802.3 bound to the controller. If you need to change the frame types for your network, edit the AUTOEXEC.NCF after the installation is completed. Note: A good way to determine the slot number is to let the driver load without a slot number. NetWare will prompt with valid slot number(s) for the controller(s). Select one of them. 2 For servers already installed with NetWare 4.11, start the server. At the server console, issue the load and bind statement(s) in this order: LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=n FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 BIND IPX TO N100 NET=xxxxxxxx Note: If MSM and ETHERTSM Nlms aren't loaded, they'll automatically load before the driver. Where: SLOT=n specifies the NBI (NetWare Bus Interface) slot number. Substitute n with the valid value for the controller. You will be prompted with the slot numbers of installed Compaq controllers. The NBI slot number is different from the slot number indicated in the Compaq SETUP.EXE utility. NET=xxxxxxxx is the unique network address for that LAN segment. The default frame type is 802.2. If your workstations need to use the 802.3 frame type, see the section later in this document about using multiple frame types on one controller. 3 Add the load and bind statements you need to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file so the Compaq driver loads automatically each time the server starts. Hints and tips ============== 1 Installing multiple controllers: If you have multiple controllers in a single server, each controller must have a different NET number and SLOT number. Also, you may want to name each controller. For example: LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=10001 NAME=LAN_A BIND IPX TO LAN_A NET=1234 LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=10003 NAME=LAN_B BIND IPX TO LAN_B NET=5678 If you have problems loading the driver on multiple controllers and the initialization fails due to "Insufficient RCBs," increase the number of buffers allocated to the server. Add the following to STARTUP.NCF: SET MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS = 100 (or larger) SET MAXIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS = 500 (or larger) The MINIMUM value you specify must be at least 30 times the number of Compaq controllers in the computer. Recommended settings: 1-3 controllers: 100 4 controllers: 150 The MAXIMUM you can specify depends on the amount of memory in the server. It must be greater than the MINIMUM. 2 Installing one controller with multiple frame types: When binding multiple frame types to one controller, enter a LOAD and BIND statement for each frame type. Each LOAD statement uses the same SLOT number, but each BIND statement needs a unique network number. You must also include a name on each load line to avoid being prompted for the controller to bind IPX to. Example: LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=10003 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 NAME=LAN8023 BIND IPX TO LAN8023 NET=77777 LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=10003 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 NAME=LAN8022 BIND IPX TO LAN8022 NET=88888 3 LOAD line parameters: SLOT:(required parameter) For PCI controllers, SLOT is derived from bus number and device location. Novell determines the slot number for PCI and Plug and Play controllers using NBI. These slot numbers are different than the slot numbers used with other drivers or the Compaq SETUP utility. One way to determine the slot number is to load the driver from the command line. You'll be prompted with valid device number(s) for the controller(s). Select one of them. Syntax: SLOT=n (n = 10001,10002,10005...) If you have multiple PCI controllers of the same type installed and need to match the physical controller to the associated slot number, use the NetWare server command CONFIG. The information shown through this utility shows the NBI slot number and the controller's Ethernet address. Match the Ethernet address shown here to the address printed on the controller. FORCEDUPLEX: Duplex modes: Auto-negotiate: (Compaq 10/100 and NC3121 Fast Ethernet NIC only) The controller negotiates with the switch how to send/receive packets, either full or half duplex. If unsuccessful at negotiating the duplex, the controller defaults to half duplex. You must have an auto-negotiating switch to get full duplex support with the FORCEDUPLEX parameter set to 0 (auto-negotiation). Full duplex: The controller sends and receives packets at the same time. This improves the performance of your controller. Set duplex mode to full duplex ONLY if you have a switch that supports full duplex. Half duplex: The controller performs one operation at a time. It either sends or receives. Syntax: FORCEDUPLEX=n Where n=0 auto-negotiate 1 half duplex 2 full duplex Note: If the controller is set to half or full duplex, set the SPEED parameter to either 10 or 100. (see SPEED below) Default: auto-negotiation (10/100 and NC3121 Fast Ethernet NIC ) half duplex (10-only controller) Examples: (100 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX=2 SPEED=100 (10 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX=2 SPEED=10 SPEED (Compaq 10/100 controller and NC3121 Fast Ethernet NIC only): Specifies the speed the driver uses. If you don't use this parameter, the driver automatically detects the network speed. If no cable is attached, the driver defaults to 10 Mbps. NOTE: You must set the SPEED parameter to either 10 or 100 if you're setting the FORCEDUPLEX parameter to either half or full. If you use this parameter, the driver operates at the specified speed instead of auto-detecting network speed. Syntax: SPEED=n (n = 10 or 100) Default: none, the controller automatically senses speed. NODE: Specifies a local administered address (LAA) unique to each controller. Use this option to provide your own unique node address for the controller. The node address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number; the second digit must be one of the following digits: 2, 6, A, E. Syntax: NODE=xnxxxxxxxxxx n = 2, 6, A, E x = hexadecimal number Default: The controller's assigned address FRAME: Configures the controller to process one of the four valid NetWare Ethernet frame types. Syntax: FRAME=n n = Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_802.3 Ethernet_II Ethernet_SNAP Default: Ethernet_802.2 TXTHRESHOLD: Represents the threshold for transmits from extended SRAM FIFO. Syntax: TXTHRESHOLD=n (n = number of 8 bytes) For example, 16 represents 16x8 (or 128 bytes). In this case, the LAN controller transmits after copying 128 bytes from the host memory. Default: dynamically set The maximum number you can specify is 200 (200x8=1600 bytes) which ensures there will not be any underruns. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.