2 Server: NetWare 3.12 & 4.10 servers v1.1 NetWare* 3.12 and 4.10 Server Driver Installation Notes for Compaq 10 and 10/100 Controllers and the Compaq NC3121 Fast Ethernet NIC ================================================================== Location of driver: \NWSERVER\N100.LAN (ODI Assembly Specification version 3.3) Location of NLMs: Novell's automated services (LANDR9.EXE or greater) NOTE: LANDRx.EXE is a Novell archive that contains the latest server NLMs and support files. The x in LANDRx.EXE is subject to change with each new release of the archive. These instructions are for use with the ODI Assembly Specification v3.30 NLMs. The \NWSERVER\N100.LAN driver on this disk is written to this specification. To load the driver on NetWare 4.1x or 3.12 requires updated ETHERTSM, MSM and the new NBI.NLM. Obtain these files from Novell's automated services. For NetWare 4.10: NBI.NLM (ver 1.49, 08/30/96 or newer) MSM.NLM (ver 3.18, 08/22/96 or newer) ETHERTSM.NLM (ver 3.11, 07/03/96 or newer) For NetWare 3.12: NBI31X.NLM (ver 1.49, 08/30/96 or newer) MSM31X.NLM (ver 3.18, 08/22/96 or newer) ETHERTSM.NLM (ver 3.11, 07/03/96 or newer) Note: NBI.NLM (or NBI31X.NLM) must be loaded before MSM and ETHERTSM. NetWare 3.12 needs MSM31X.NLM renamed to MSM.NLM. Sample load commands ==================== LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=n FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 BIND IPX TO N100 NET=xxxxxxxx General Instructions ==================== 1 Install NetWare 3.12 or 4.1x according to the NetWare instructions. 2 Copy the Compaq server driver (\NWSERVER\N100.LAN) and any updated NLMs, to the NetWare server's hard drive. If you can't log in to the server (before starting the server) copy the N100.LAN driver from the \NWSERVER directory on the Compaq Configuration and Drivers disk to the root directory of the server's hard drive. If you can log into the server, copy the driver to the SYSTEM subdirectory. If you do this, you won't need to specify a path on the load line. If you copy it to another directory, make sure the LOAD statement includes the correct path. 3 Start the server. At the server console, load NBI, MSM and ETHERTSM (for NetWare 3.12 load NBI31X, MSM31X and ETHERTSM) in this order. Next, load and bind the server driver as follows: LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=x FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 BIND IPX TO N100 NET=xxxxxxxx Where: SLOT=x Specifies the NBI (NetWare Bus Interface) slot number. Substitute x with the valid value for the controller. You will be prompted with the slot number(s) of installed Compaq 10/100 Controllers. The NBI numbers are different from the slot number indicated in the Compaq SETUP.EXE utility. NET=xxxxxxxx is the unique network address for that LAN segment. The default frame type is 802.2. If your workstation needs to use the 802.3 frame type, see the section later in this document about using multiple frame types on one controller. 4 Add the load and bind statements you need to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file so the Compaq driver loads automatically each time the server starts. Hints and tips ============== 1 If the error message MSGetPhysical is encountered: Upgrade the ETHERTSM.NLM and MSM31x.NLM and be sure to rename MSM31x.NLM to MSM.NLM 2 Installing multiple controllers: If you have multiple controllers in a single server, each controller must have a different NET number and SLOT number. Also, you may want to name each controller. For example: LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=3 NAME=LAN_A BIND IPX TO LAN_A NET=222 LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=4 NAME=LAN_B BIND IPX TO LAN_B NET=333 3 If you have problems loading the driver on multiple controllers and the initialization fails due to "Insufficient RCBs," increase the number of buffers allocated to the server. Add the following to STARTUP.NCF: SET MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS = 100 (or larger) SET MAXIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS = 500 (or larger) The MINIMUM value you specify must be at least 30 times the number of Compaq controllers in the computer. Recommended settings: 1-3 controllers: 100 4 controllers: 150 The MAXIMUM you can specify depends on the amount of memory in the server, but it must be greater than the MINIMUM. 4 Installing one controller with multiple frame types: When binding multiple frame types to one controller, enter a LOAD and BIND statement for each frame type. Each LOAD statement uses the same SLOT number, but each BIND statement needs a unique network number. You must also include a name on each load line to avoid being prompted for the controller to bind IPX to. Example: LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 NAME=LAN8023 BIND IPX TO LAN8023 NET=77777 LOAD C:\N100 SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 NAME=LAN8022 BIND IPX TO LAN8022 NET=88888 5 Optional LOAD line parameters. See readme NWPARAM.TXT titled NetWare Server Parameters for additional information. 6 On NetWare 3.12 servers, if you have not updated LOADER.EXE and SERVER.EXE, you will experience two problems: a. After loading NBI31X.NLM, the following warning is displayed, "This version of NetWare does not support protected mode BIOS accesses. Without a loader patch, some PCI drivers may fail." b. N100.LAN will fail to load and the program will report an error stating that the controller in slot x has been disabled because the hardware is not responding. LOADER.EXE and SERVER.EXE need to be updated manually after applying the latest Novell patches. There are two methods: either load LSWAP.NLM from the console or run LSWAP.EXE from a DOS prompt. Consult the README.TXT in Novell's latest patch files. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.