Windows LPR Spooler Version 4.0b - User’s Guide 6 3 WinLPR Version 2.0 A Microsoft Windows based LPR/LPQ/LPRM client User’s Guide (Rev. 1) February 1, 1995 This document was created with Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0 DISCLAIMER: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS-IS. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. (C) Copyright 1992-95 Thomas Heil All trademarks appearing in this document are the property of their respective owners. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 5 New Features in Version 2.0 5 Getting Started 6 Requirements 6 Contents 6 Installation 6 Usage 7 Starting the Program 7 The Main Window 7 Printing a File 8 Querying the Status of a Remote Printer 8 AutoQuery 8 Removing a Print Job from a Remote Printer Queue 8 Queue setup 8 Setting Preferences 8 Command Line Parameters 9 Usage Notes 10 Licensing and Registration 10 Registration Fee 10 One final word ... 10 Registration Form 11 _Introduction WinLPR is a Microsoft Windows based network print client that supports the functions print file, query remote printer status, and remove job from remote printer queue. Included with the package is the Protocol DLL WLPR2.DLL which allows access to LPR (RFC 1179) based network printers. This is the default protocol used by WinLPR. Printers ”talking” different protocols can be accessed by means of appropriate Protocol DLLs compatible with WLPR2.DLL. Contact us for a list of available DLLs. New Features in Version 2.0 · WinLPR 2.0 uses the new WLPR2.DLL (and the corresponding API) which was introduced with our Windows LPR Spooler 4.0, and which allows the access of multiple remote printers that communicate over different network protocols. · An AutoQuery feature was added that allows repeated automatic querying of remote printers queues. · WinLPR now accepts several command line options. Getting Started Requirements Windows 3.1 and TCP/IP networking software for the PC that offers a WinSock 1.1 compliant WINSOCK.DLL if WLPR2.DLL is used. WLPR2.DLL Version 2.0b or later, or other Protocol DLLs compatible with the WLPR2.DLL API. WSOCKAID.DLL Version 1.0 or later. Contents WINLPR.EXE The executable containing the LPR/LPQ/LPRM client functions. WINLPR.PS/.ASC The User's Manual for WinLPR. WLPR2.DLL The Protocol DLL which supports the LPR/LPD protocol. Included is version 2.0c. WLPR2.PS/.ASC The documentation for WLPR2.DLL. WSOCKAID.DLL A supporting DLL that contains functions missing in WINSOCK.DLL. Included is version 2.0b. WSAIDCNF.CPL A Control Panel extension that allows the setting of the username for WSOCKAID.DLL. WSOCKAID.PS/.ASC The documentation for WSOCKAID.DLL. CTL3DV2.DLL Microsoft DLL that adds 3D look to dialogs. Included is version 2.20 Installation To install WinLPR, just copy the file WINLPR.EXE to your hard disk into an appropriate directory. For easy access you should add it to one of your Program Manager groups. Copy the accompanying files WLPR.DLL and WSOCKAID.DLL into a directory that is in your PATH, or the WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Move CTL3DV2.DLL to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory after checking that there is not already a newer version. If there already is a newer version in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory, delete the one in the spooler’s installation directory. Make sure that no other copy of this DLL remains on your PC; otherwise the DLL might complain that it is not properly installed. If you use FTP Software's PC/TCP 2.1 or higher, this should be enough. Otherwise you should take a look at the description of WSOCKAID.DLL below. In any case take a look at the documentation of all included support DLLs. WSOCKAID.DLL is a network software vendor specific DLL containing a few functions that WINSOCK.DLL does not offer. Currently you will not get this DLL from your vendor. The version in this pack was written by us explicitly for FTP Software's PC/TCP stack. The functions that WinLPR and WLPR2.DLL use are retrieving the user's login name, as well as setting and retrieving the default printer. If you have FTP Software's PC/TCP 2.1 or higher, this DLL will take the needed information from the PCTCP.INI file (or whatever your PCTCP environment variable is set to). If you use a different stack, you may copy WSAIDCNF.CPL to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. This small applet then allows you to set your username in the Control Panel. Note that the username and default printer are the only things which WinLPR and WLPR2.DLL retrieve from WSOCKAID.DLL. All other information that WSOCKAID.DLL can give (as described in WSOCKAID.ASC or .PS) is ignored. The local PC hostname for example is retrieved from the networking software directly (through WINSOCK.DLL), which means that you have to have a PC hostname configured in your networking software. Protocol DLLs other than WLPR2.DLL may behave differently. Refer to the corresponding DLL documentation. If you use a TCP/IP stack that offers a real Windows network driver, then WSOCKAID.DLL tries to inquire the username through this driver instead of returning the INI file entry. You can verify if your TCP/IP software uses such a driver by looking at the SYSTEM.INI section [boot]. If a non-empty entry "network.drv=" exists, then your networking software has such a driver. For further details concerning the included DLLs please take a look at the corresponding .ASC or .PS files. Usage Starting the Program You can start the program either from the Program Manager (double-click on the icon or select the File/Run... menu option) or by dropping a file onto WINLPR.EXE in the File Manager (see also ”Printing a File” on page 8). You can specify one or more files to be printed on the command line together with several command line options (see next section). The Main Window Following is a description of the functions that you can access through the main dialog window: Host/Queue: Here you enter the host/queue combination that identifies the remote printer you want to access. Protocol DLL:Name of the Protocol DLL to be used for accessing the queue. You can specify a complete path name. Default is WLPR2.DLL. Add queue: Save the current host/queue combination in the list of known printers. This list is saved when exiting WinLPR in the file WINLPR.INI in the WINDOWS directory. Next time you start WINLPR, this list will again be available for you. Remove queue:Drop the currently displayed host/queue combination from the list of known printers. Make default:Set the current host/queue combination as the default printer. Queue properties: Calls the setup dialog in the specified Protocol DLL in which you can set certain properties for the selected remote printer. Refer to the Protocol DLL’s documentation for details on what properties you can set. Query queue: Show the status of the currently selected remote printer. Print file(s): Send one or more files to the currently selected remote printer. This will present you a file selection dialog. When you have selected the desired file(s) and press OK, you get another dialog where you can specify additional printing options. If you click on OK again, the file(s) is/are sent. Remove jobs: Remove one or more jobs from the currently selected remote printer. You get a dialog where you can enter the job numbers of the print jobs you want to cancel. Exit: Quit the program (just like pressing ). Printing a File You can print a file by pressing the Print file(s) or selecting the File/Print file(s)... menu option button in the main program window. Then you are presented with a standard file selection dialog that allows you to select one or more print files. You can also start the program and specify one or more files to be printed on the command line, either manually or by dropping a print file on WINLPR.EXE in the File Manager. In this case the program is automatically terminated when all files are printed. The third possibility is to drag one or more files from the File Manager onto the WinLPR main window or its icon. The files are sent to the currently selected remote printer. When the main window is minimized you can determine the currently selected printer from the icon title. When you print files by starting WinLPR with the print files specified on the command line, the files are sent to the initially selected remote printer queue. Querying the Status of a Remote Printer When you press the Query queue button or select the File/Query remote queue menu option, the program contacts the currently selected print server and retrieves a status listing for the selected remote printer. This listing is shown in the listbox in the middle of the main program window. The output you see depends totally on the print server. The listbox displays exactly what the server sends. If the listing should be ill- formatted (i.e. incorrect tabulation) this is to blame on the print server. AutoQuery When you either click on the Query queue button while pressing the Shift key, or press Alt+Shift+”Q”, or select the Files/AutoQuery menu option, WinLPR repeatedly queries the remote printer queue status. You can stop this by either clicking on the Query queue button (which has changed to Stop AutoQuery temporarily) or selecting Files/Stop AutoQuery from the menu. The query interval can be set in the Setup/Preferences... dialog. Removing a Print Job from a Remote Printer Queue In order to remove one or more print jobs from a remote printer queue press the Remove print job(s) button or select the File/Remove remote print job(s)... menu option. You get a dialog which you have to fill with the job numbers of the print jobs that you want to cancel, all separated by blanks. These job numbers normally appear in the output of a Query queue request. You can select one or more lines in a query queue listing and have the Remove job(s) dialog pre-filled with the corresponding job numbers. Of each line, the first whole number found in this line is added to a job number list which is given as default in the Remove print job(s) dialog. So selecting jobs to be cancelled this way works only with print servers that give the job number as the first whole number in a query output line, but this is the common case. Queue setup When clicking on the Queue properties button or selecting the Setup/Queue properties... menu option you see a dialog where you can specify several queue dependent settings. Refer to the documentation of the selected Protocol DLL for details about these settings. Setting Preferences The Setup/Preferences... menu option allows you to alter several WinLPR settings. The following settings can be made: Autoquery interval: Defines the interval in seconds for the AutoQuery feature. The minimum interval is 5 seconds. Default is 30 seconds. Automatically query queue after printing: If checked, the status of the remote queue is qutomatically queried after one or more files have been sent. Default is on. Automatically query queue after removing print jobs: If checked, the status of the remote queue is qutomatically queried after one or more files have been removed from a queue. Default is on. Save known queue list immediately after changes: If checked, the list of known queues is saved on disk each time a queue has been added or removed from this list. Otherwise it is saved when the program is terminated. Default is on. Use current queue settings for dropped files: If checked, files printed using drag and drop are sent using the currently set queue properties of the relevant queue. Otherwise you get the queue properties dialog for the queue allowing you to change the characteristics for this job only or permanently. Use current queue settings for files given on command line: If checked, files printed by specifying on the command line are sent using the currently set queue properties of the relevant queue. Otherwise you get the queue properties dialog for the queue allowing you to change the characteristics for this job only or permanently. Command Line Parameters You can start WinLPR with additional command line parameters in the form WINLPR [command line options] [printfile1] [printfile2] ... The following options may be specified: -P printername Defines the remote printer name portion of the initially selected remote queue. Default is the printer name lastly defined via the Make default button. -S servername Defines the server name portion of the initially selected remote queue. Default is the server name lastly defined via the Make default button. -D protocol_dll Name of the Protocol DLL to be used for accessing the initially defined printer. It may be given just as a simple file name (which is searched in the standard search order for Windows executables), or as a complete path name. Default is the DLL associated with the default remote printer lastly defined via the Make default button (or WLPR2.DLL if no default printer has been defined yet). -q Automatically query the status of the initially defined printer at program startup (either the default printer specified once in WinLPR or the printer specified via command line options -P and/or -S). This parameter is ignored if one ore more files to be printed are given on the command line. Usage Notes The output of the Query remote queue command is shown exactly as returned from the server. No attempt to reformat this output is made. Make sure that you choose an appropriate file type for your LPR requests. Be aware that when printing via WLPR2.DLL, not every file type works with every remote printer queue. Sometimes the obvious is not correct, as, for example, AIX 3.2 based servers do not accept a file type other than "Formatted file" for queues configured as "PostScript queue". Even files sent as "PostScript" type are not accepted. Licensing and Registration This software is not free. It is shareware. You are granted the right to test this software for a period of 30 days. After this you have to register the product (see registration form at the end of this document) and, if this applies to you, pay the required registration fee. The unregistered shareware version displays a message box at the program start reminding you that the program has not yet been registered. When you register the program, you get a serial number and a corresponding key. Start WinLPR, select the Setup/Register Program... menu option, and type your user information together with serial number and key into the dialog box. Then press the OK button. You may redistribute this program to other persons as long as you keep the package complete with all the files that are listed in the "Contents" section at the beginning of this document. Registration Fee Contact us (see next section) for the registration price. We also offer site/company licenses. One final word ... Tell us everything you like or dislike about this program in order to let us make it better. Tell us about functions that you would like to see added. Tell us about problems you have encountered. You can reach us under the following E-mail addresses (first in the list preferred): ich211@djukfa11.bitnet CompuServe: 100434,2167 or by ordinary mail as Susanne Heil EDV-Vertrieb Hindenburgstr. 50 41352 Korschenbroich Germany or by fax under +49 (0)2161 644337 _Registration Form (Please register WinLPR 2.0 when you decide to use it beyond the trial period of 30 days.) Name: Institution: Department: Street: City/Town and ZIP/Post Code: State: Country: Phone number: FAX number: E-Mail address: Customer Number1 I would like to register _______ WinLPR 2.0 licenses for an educational/no-profit institution.Total price: DM a commercial/for-profit institution. Total price: DM Payment: Remittance to:Bank: Stadtsparkasse Korschenbroich, Germany Bank Routing Code: 310 512 40 Account: 149401 included Cheque (in German currency) Date/Signature Please mail this form (with a possible fee included) to Susanne Heil EDV-Vertrieb Hindenburgstr. 50 41352 Korschenbroich Germany _______________________________ 1from a previous registration