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CHAPTER 1 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Novell Advanced NetWare 2.1x Driver Installation ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1. Things You Need ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Before you start with the installation process make sure you have the following : a. Hardware Driver Disk b. Novell Advanced NetWare Disks : AUXGEN, NETGEN and SHGEN_1 Disks c. One formatted blank diskette Volume name LAN_DRV_003 2. How To Install ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ All object files and configuration files are now set to diskette , LAN_DRV_003. Please insert this new environment when generate driver. 2.1 OS Generation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ a. Make a backup of your NetWare diskettes. Please refer to your Novell Advanced NetWare Installation Manuals for detailed description of the backup process. If you have already done this operation, skip this step. b. Insert the Hardware Driver Disk into drive A and check the contents of subdirectory \NETWARE\IPX. It should contain the following files : AEP0100.OBJ ÄÄ¿ BEP0100.OBJ ÄÄÅÄÄ Server Driver CEP0100.OBJ ÄÄ´ DEP0100.OBJ ÄÄÙ OS.LAN ÄÄÄÄÄ Server Configuration File EP0100.LAN ÄÄÄÄÄ Workstation Configuration File EP0100SH.OBJ ÄÄÄÄÄ Shell Driver c. Use the 'FORMAT' command to format a blank diskette and give the volume name LAN_DRV_003. d. Copy the following driver files from the Hardware Driver Disk into the LAN_DRV_003 diskette : AEP0100.OBJ BEP0100.OBJ CEP0100.OBJ DEP0100.OBJ OS.LAN e. Insert the NetWare diskette NETGEN into drive A and execute the NETGEN.EXE program. Follow the screen instructions to change diskettes, specify new path to LAN_DRV_003 and select ' NE-Series Adapter Driver v1.xx (yymmdd) ' as the target network adapter in the choice list. The NETGEN program can generate the NetWare file server execution program NET$OS.EXE automatically. 2.2 SHELL Generation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ a. Make the backup NetWare diskettes and check the contents of the Hardware Driver Disk as described in steps a and b of Section 2.2 (SHELL Generation). If you have already done these operations, skip this step. b. Copy the EP0100.LAN file from the Hardware Driver Disk into NetWare diskette labeled LAN_DRV_003. c. Copy the EP0100SH.OBJ file from the Hardware Driver Disk into the LAN_DRV_003 diskette. d. Insert the NetWare diskette LAN_DRV_003 into drive A and execute the SHGEN.EXE program. Follow the screen instructions to change diskettes, specify new path to LAN_DRV_003 and select 'NE_Series v3.xx (yymmdd) ' as the target network adapter in the choice list. The SHGEN program will generate the NetWare workstation execution program IPX.COM automatically. 3. Prepared IPX.COM ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To simplify the installing procedure of shell driver,a ready IPX.COM is included. It can be used for all settings of NE2000 compatible mode. The default starting address for NE2000 PLUS mode is D0000h. Re-generate IPX.COM or use DCONFIG to re-configure IPX.COM if this value has to be changed. CHAPTER 2 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Novell NetWare Version 2.20 Driver Installation ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1. How To Install ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ All object files and configuration files are now set to diskette , LAN_DRV_003. Please insert this new environment when generate driver. 1.1 OS Generation a. Make a backup of your NetWare diskettes. Please refer to your Novell NetWare V2.20 Installation Manuals for detailed description of the backup process. If you have already done this operation, skip this step. b. Insert the Hardware Driver Disk into drive A and check the contents of subdirectory \NETWARE\IPX. It should contain the following files : AEP0100.OBJ ÄÄ¿ BEP0100.OBJ ÄÄÅÄÄ Server Driver CEP0100.OBJ ÄÄ´ DEP0100.OBJ ÄÄÙ OS.LAN ÄÄÄÄÄ Server Configuration File EP0100.LAN ÄÄÄÄÄ Workstation Configuration File EP0100SH.OBJ ÄÄÄÄÄ Shell Driver c. Use the 'FORMAT' command to format a blank diskette and give the volume name LAN_DRV_003. d. Copy the following driver files from the Hardware Driver Disk into the LAN_DRV_003 diskette : AEP0100.OBJ BEP0100.OBJ CEP0100.OBJ DEP0100.OBJ OS.LAN e. Insert the NetWare diskette SYSTEM-1 into drive A and execute the INSTALL program. Follow the screen instructions to change diskettes, specify new path to LAN_DRV_003 and select 'NE-Series v1.xx (yymmdd)' as the target network adapter in the choice list. The INSTALL program will generate the NetWare file server execution program NET$OS.EXE into OSEXE diskette automatically. 1.2 SHELL Generation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ a. Copy the EP0100.LAN and EP0100SH.OBJ file from the Hardware Driver Disk into NetWare diskette labeled LAN_DRV_003. b. Insert the NetWare diskette WSGEN into drive A: and execute the WSGEN.EXE program. Follow the screen instructions to change diskettes, specify new path to LAN_DRV_003 and select 'NE-Series v3.xx (yymmdd) ' as the target network adapter in the choice list. The WSGEN program will generate the NetWare workstation execution program IPX.COM automatically. 2. Prepared IPX.COM ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To simplify the installing procedure of shell driver,a ready IPX.COM is included. It can be used for all settings of NE2000 compatible mode. The default starting address for NE2000 PLUS mode is D0000h. Re-generate IPX.COM or use DCONFIG to re-configure IPX.COM if this value has to be changed. CHAPTER 3 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Novell NetWare 386 Version 3.11 Driver Installation ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1. How To Install Shell Driver ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ a. Make sure that the original NetWare diskettes have been duplicated for backup purpose. If you have already duplicated the diskettes, skip this step. Please refer to Novell NetWare Installation Manuals for detailed description of the backup process. b. Insert the Hardware Driver Disk into drive A:, and check the contents of the subdirectory \NETWARE\IPX. There should be 2 NetWare 3.11 driver programs in the subdirectory: EP0100.LAN ----- Workstation Configuration File EP0100SH.OBJ ----- Workstation Driver c. Copy the EP0100.LAN and EP0100SH.OBJ file into the NetWare diskette labeled LAN_DRV_003. d. Insert the NetWare diskette WSGEN into drive A:. Execute the WSGEN.EXE program and specify new path to LAN_DRV_003. From the menu shown on your screen, choose the target network adapter by selecting, 'NE-Series v3.xx (yymmdd) ' from the choice list. This will allow WSGEN program to generate the the NetWare workstation execution program IPX.COM automatically. 2. Prepared IPX.COM ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To simplify the installing procedure of shell driver,a ready IPX.COM is included. It can be used for all settings of NE2000 compatible mode. The default starting address for NE2000 PLUS mode is D0000h. Re-generate IPX.COM or use DCONFIG to re-configure IPX.COM if this value has to be changed. CHAPTER 4 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Function Enhancement ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The following items are functions enhanced by IPX driver. Software Auto-configuration ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Installation procedure is very simple because all settings are set by using DIAG. Driver will detect the configuration automatically and operate properly. No jumper or parameter is necessary. Select assignments by using SETUP.EXE. This function is useless for bridge/router. We offer four fixed settings for every OS driver. It meet the specification of maximum number for Novell's bridge/router. Please use configuration type 6, 7, 8 or 9 when installing bridge/router. Shared Memory for Accessing ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ NE2000 PLUS mode is a new I/O function for this adapter. It offers better performance. Set the card to NE2000 PLUS mode by using DIAG.EXE included in this diskette. This mode is fully compatible with SMC/WD's shared memory mode. It logically occupies 16K RAM if inserted in 16 bit slot and 8K RAM if inserted in 8 bit slot. The default starting address is D000:0000. If it conflicts with other devices. Re-execute NETGEN, WSGEN or SHGEN and select another address. Please note that all settings excluding the starting address can be configured by DIAG. The starting address is fixed after generating driver. Every driver has a fixed starting address for NE2000 PLUS mode. If you are not running this mode, the value is ignored. If you wish to change this value, please re-generate driver. Supported starting address selections are: C0000, C4000, C8000, CC000, D0000, D4000, D8000, DC000. Novell, NetWare, NE2000, NE1000, Novell Advanced NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell Incorporated. Ethernet is registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Other marks mentioned here but unintentionally omitted are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.