ETHERNET FAMILY LAN ADAPTER BOARD DRIVERS FOR USE WITH MICROSOFT OS/2 LAN MANAGER The drivers contained in the directory MSLANMAN.DOS , MSLANMAN.OS2 WFW ,IBMLAN20 and Banyan are for the following NE2000 Compatible Ethernet adapters: They are used with 3Com 3+Open, Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager OEM distribution, Release 1.x or 2.x, and other compatible OEM versions of LAN Manager. The drivers named ETHNE conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. Included in MSLANMAN.DOS, MSLANMAN.OS2, WFW and IBMLS20 subdirectories are the following files: \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHNE\ACCNE\ ETHNE.DOS The DOS NDIS MAC driver PROTOCOL.INI A sample section of PROTOCOL.INI file \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF\ ACCNE.NIF Network Information File \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\ETHNE\ACCTNE\ ETHNE.OS2 The OS/2 NDIS MAC driver PROTOCOL.INI A sample section of PROTOCOL.INI file \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\NIF\ ACCNE.NIF Network Information File \NDIS UL000XO.NIF Network Information File for LAN Server (OS/2) UL000XD.NIF Network Information File for LAN Server (DOS) READ.ME ETHNE.OS2 The OS/2 NDIS MAC driver ETHNE.DOS The DOS NDIS MAC driver OEMSETUP.INF Network Information File for Window for WorkGroup \NDIS\WFW\ WFW.DOC The Install guide for Window for Workgroup. \NDIS\LANMAN\ LANMAN.DOC The Install guide for LAN MANAGER. \NDIS\LANSVR\ LANSVR.DOC The Install guide for LAN Server. \NDIS\BANYAN\ BANYAN.DOC The Install guide for Banyan. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ INITIAL INSTALLATION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Install the adapter. Proper installation can be verified by running the diagnostic program SETUP.EXE under DOS. Note that the program will not run properly from the OS/2 compatibility box. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SAMPLE PROTOCOL.INI FILE AND PARAMETERS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [ACCNE_NIF] ; Default section of protocol.ini file for the NE2000 compatible Adapter drivername = ETHNE$ irq = 3 iobase = 0x300 ramaddress = 0xD800 ; End of this sample file Several parameters are included in the ACCNE_NIF section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. However, the only parameter that must be specified is the "drivername". The other parameters use the values detected by the driver. irq Specifies the interrupt channel used by the adapter. Acceptable values for this parameter are 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, and 15. However, some of the mentioned adapters do not support all the acceptable values. iobase Specifies the iobase address used by the adapter. This parameter is given in hexadecimal values. Acceptable value for this parameter are 0x240, 0x280, 0x2C0, 0x300, 0x320, 0x340, 0x360. ramaddress This parameter used by the adapter only in NE2000 PLUS Mode. You can select this mode in 1Step program. Acceptable value for this parameter are 0xC000, 0xC400, 0XC800, 0XCC00, 0XD000 0XD400, 0XD800 and 0XDC00. Default is 0XD000. This parameter cannot be detected automatically, so you must give a value in PROTOCOL.INI, else it is default value 0XD000. ***** Note : The parameters expect ramaddress can be detected automatically for adapters UL000x. So it is not necessary to show these first two lines for these adapters. ***** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS IN THE PROTOCOL.INI FILE FOR THE ETHERPAIRNE NDIS DRIVER CONFIGURATION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Keyword Parameter MaxMultiCast 1 .. 1000 Default 10 Maximum number of MultiCast Addresses. This configures the size of the MultiCast Address Table. MaxRequests 6 .. 64 Default 8 Maximum number of outstanding GeneralRequests. This configures the size of the GeneralRequest Queue. MaxTransmits 6 .. 64 Default 12 Maximum number of outstanding TransmitChain commands. This configures the size of the TransmitChain Request Queue. ReceiveChains 6 .. 96 Default 12 Maximum number of outstanding ReceiveChain commands. This configures the size of the ReceiveChain Request Queue. ReceiveBuffers 6 .. 96 Default 12 Configures the number of the Receive buffers in the Receive Buffer Pool. TransmitBufSize 128 .. 1514 Default 1514 Configures the size (in bytes) of buffers in the Transmit Buffer Pool. ReceiveBufSize 128 .. 1536 Default 256 Configures the size (in bytes) of buffers in the Receive Buffer Pool. ***** Note : Values for the preceding parameters are seldom changed by the user. Most of the time, the default values are used. ***** Trademarks: Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 3Com, 3+, 3+Open and EtherLink II are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TROUBLE SHOUTING and ERROR MESSAGE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You you have any problem ,please run SETUP program to avoid the conflict of parameters. ERROR MESSAGE: ERROR: Adapter card not found or IO port error. There are two reasons to cause this fault.(1) The Adapter card is not put it well in slots or there is no any card in slot.(2) IO port fail cause this card cannot work. You can run SETUP program to find the reason. ERROR: Incorrest Media Setting or Bad Tranceiver Please run SETUP Program. There are some reasons to cause this fault.(1) The tranceiver is bad. (2) The cable is broken. (3) The cabling is lost. Run SETUP to check what reason to cause it.