Local Area Network Software Driver Support For Ethernet PCMCIA Adapter TOPIC ======= 1. Netware Driver 2. Netware ODI Driver 3. Packet Driver 4. NDIS Driver 5. LAN Manager setting 6. LAN Server ( IBM LAN Requester ) 7. Pathway Access setting 8. DEC Pathworks setting 9. SUN PC-NFS setting 10. Windows For Workgroup setting 11. Banyan VINES setting 12. PC-NFS setting *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 1 * * Netware Driver * *************************************************************** Netware Driver Installation Overview This README file is an explanation of the files contained in the \NETWARE subdirectory of this diskette and their usage. For more information please reference "NOVELL NetWare ODI Shell for DOS" manual. LSL.COM: This file implements the Link Support Layer for DOS ODI workstations and is the program that is generally loaded first when booting. The Link Support Layer file enables the workstation to communicate over several protocols. IPXODI.COM: This is Novell's protocol stack for DOS ODI workstations. It performs the same functions as IPX.COM does for DOS workstations. However it is optional and is loaded after the LAN driver. Other protocols can be loaded in place of it or with it. This is one of the key features of the ODI environment. NETx.COM: NetWare Network program. If you use You Need ------------------------------------------ Conventional memory NETx.COM Expanded memory EMSNETx.EXE (LIM 4.0 EMS Compatible) Extended memory XMSNETx.EXE (XMS 2.0 compatible) NETBIOS.EXE Netbios emulation program (INT 5CH interface) allows you to run Netbios application program base on the NETBIOS.EXE interface. The running sequence is: 1. IPX shell driver IPX.COM NETBIOS.EXE --> netbios emulation interface ... 2. DOS ODI driver LSL.COM PCMMLID.COM --> DOS ODI driver IPXODI.COM NETBIOS.EXE ... -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 2 * * Netware ODI Driver * *************************************************************** NetWare 386 And Workstation Drivers Installation The driver, PCMMLID.COM can be used for the Ethernet PCMCIA adapters: The driver installation procedure of ODI driver is discussed in following separate chapters. NOTE : 1. For your convenience, the Hardware Driver Disk is not copy protected. Before you start with the installation process, make a backup copy of this diskette. Use the backup as your working diskette. Keep the original and use it only to make backup copies. Chapter 1 - Driver installation for Novell NetWare DOS ODI 1. Things You Need Before you start with the installation process make sure you have the following : a) Hardware Driver Disk b) Novell DOS ODI WORKSTATION SERVICES diskette. If NIC driver, PCMMLID executed successfully, it would inform you the adapter mode and related configurations. Otherwise you would see some error messages telling you by what reason the driver did not reside. You can specify the problem and correct it easily. Here is the list of error messages the driver may display and correction method we suggested: "The board cannot be found." The adapter does not exist or driver does not recognize the adapter. Correction: Plug the adapter into your PC bus slot. "Board RAM failed the memory test." The RAM buffer on the adapter failed. Correction: Change a new adapter to run driver again. "The board did not respond to the initialization command." The driver recognized the adapter but the adapter fail to respond. Correction: Change a new adapter to run driver again. "There is no cable connecting to adapter." There is no cable connecting to adapter or the transceiver within adapter is failed. Correction: Connect the cable to adapter and run driver again. Normally, you will not need a NET.CFG file because the established defaults should be adequate for your network. Besides, the automatic configuration property can eliminate the necessity of NET.CFG. One condition is when your workstation plugs more than one adapters. In this situation, for each adapter, there must exist a MLID section in NET.CFG file. Note: ODI driver is always parsing your NET.CFG file first. If the related adapter's configuration parameters is found, they will be recognized as preferred setting, even thought it conflicts with parameters store in EEPROM of adapter. Thus it will fail to initialize the adapter. Below is a sample NET.CFG file: LINK DRIVER PCMMLID INT 5 PORT 320 : : You can see NetWare 386 Installation appendix E for more information about NET.CFG. Novell has already changed the Ethernet default frame type to 802.2 starting with the release of NetWare v4.0. The move has to be made to enable it to better support future protocol and networking features. Some of these features are IPX with checksum, security enhancements, and protocol independence. Following this change, the default frame type of DOS ODI driver is Ethernet 802.2 when there is no protocol binding in NET.CFG file. At this situation if your server is not NetWare v4.0, please make sure the Ethernet 802.2 frame type has been bound already before logging in it. -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 3 * * Packet Driver * *************************************************************** Packet Driver Installation To load the packet driver, type PCMPD 0X60. PCMPD syntax: PCMPD [-d] [-n] [-w] [-u] [-h] [IRQ] [IO_BASE] where: [-d] The "-d" option does not start LAN card until this driver is called by the higher layer programs first. [-n] Your NOVELL server uses NOVELL ISO-like packets. Your NOVELL workstation uses NOVELL 8137 packets. You can use this option to convert NOVELL 8137 packets into NOVELL ISO-like packets. [-w] Steve Wallace added a hack to let the packet drivers run under Windows. This is not to be construed with the proper solution, which is to write a TCP/IP package for Windows. This hack is enabled only when you use the '-w' switch. [-u] This option unloads the Packet Driver. [-h] This option displays the on-line help. This specifies the software interrupt (IRQ) where you'll load the packet driver. It must be in the range 0x60 to 0x80. The PC/TCP kernel, by default, is loaded at interrupt 0x61 (so don't load the packet driver there!) [IRQ] This specifies the hardware interrupt (IRQ) where your card will be indicated whether the ring buffer is empty or not. [IO_BASE] This specifies the I/O address . Example: The following command line loads the PCMCIA serials Packet Driver at software interrupt 60h, at I/O address 300, at hardware interrupt 3( NE2000 MODE ) PCMPD 0x60 3 0x300 or PCMPD 0x60 or PCMPD 0x60 3 0x300 Note: The default I/O address is 300 . Note: The default hardware interrupt is 5 Note: The placement of 0x prior to the parameters. After the Packet Driver is loaded, you can run the PC/TCP kernel ETHDRV.EXE. The PC is then ready for PC/TCP communications. To run PC/TCP applications, You need to load PC/TCP Kernel ("ETHDRV.EXE"). a. Refer to PC/TCP manual, Command Reference section, Chapter 2.3. b. The following example will load the Kernel and allocate 8 packet buffers. Increasing the # of packet buffers (from the default of 5) prevents dropping packets due to a buffer shortage. ETHDRV -p 8 c. At this point, you are ready to run PC/TCP applications (e.g., 'ftp', 'telnet'). example ftp , is host address. Regard to host address , you must know its address. For information regarding the "FTP's PC/TCP Network Software for DOS" packages, please contact: FTP Software, Inc. 26 Princess Street Wakefield, MA 01880 (617) 246-0900 How to Communicate with NCSA TelNet. 1. Make sure you have the correct version of NCSA Telnet for the PC. You need version 2.3 or later to support the packet driver interface. 2. Install the NCSA software onto your system. Please refer to the NCSA documentation for detailed instructions. 3. Load Packet Driver (pcmpd 0x60): a. Refer to "Packet Driver Syntax" section above. b. To view the hint screen, type pcmpd -h c. The following example will load the packet driver using interrupt vector 60 (hex).The IO_BASE and IRQ will be read from the software configured adapter: pcmpd 0x60 4. At this point you are ready to run NCSA applications (e.g., 'ftp', 'telnet', etc.) for example : ftp , is host address. For information regarding NCSA's products please contact: National Center for Supercomputing Applications 264 Computing Applications Building 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, Ill. 61820 (217) 244-0638 telbug@ncsa.uiuc.edu -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 4 * * NDIS Driver * *************************************************************** NDIS Driver Installation Overview The drivers contained in the directory MSLANMAN.DOS is used for Ethernet PCMCIA Card. Included in MSLANMAN.DOS, and NDIS subdirectories are the following files: \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PCMCIA\ACCNE\ ETHPCM.DOS The DOS NDIS MAC driver PROTOCOL.INI A sample section of PROTOCOL.INI file \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF\ ACCNE.NIF Network Information File \NDIS READ.ME ETHPCM.DOS The DOS NDIS MAC driver OEMSETUP.INF Network Information File for Windows for Workgroups 1. Installation Procedure Proper installation can be verified by running the batch file INSTALL.BAT under DOS. 2. Sample protocol.ini file and parameters [ACCNE_NIF] ; Default section of protocol.ini file for the Adapter drivername = ETHPCM$ irq = 5 iobase = 0x300 ; End of this sample file Several parameters are included in the ACCNE_NIF section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. However, the only parameter that must be specified is the "drivername". The other parameters use the values detected by the driver. irq Specifies the interrupt channel used by the adapter. Acceptable values for this parameter are 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 ,and 15. iobase Specifies the iobase address used by the adapter. This parameter is given in hexadecimal values. Acceptable value for this parameter are 0x240, 0x280, 0x2C0, 0x300, 0x320, 0x340, 0x360. 3. Additional Parameters in the protocol.ini file for the NDIS Driver Configuration Keyword Parameter MaxMultiCast 1 .. 1000 Default 10 Maximum number of MultiCast Addresses. This configures the size of the MultiCast Address Table. MaxRequests 6 .. 64 Default 8 Maximum number of outstanding General Requests. This configures the size of the General Request Queue. MaxTransmits 6 .. 64 Default 12 Maximum number of outstanding TransmitChain commands. This configures the size of the TransmitChain Request Queue. ReceiveChains 6 .. 96 Default 12 Maximum number of outstanding ReceiveChain commands. This configures the size of the ReceiveChain Request Queue. ReceiveBuffers6 .. 96 Default 12 Configures the number of the Receive buffers in the Receive Buffer Pool. TransmitBufSize 128 .. 1514 Default 1514 Configures the size (in bytes) of buffers in the Transmit Buffer Pool. ***** Note : Values for the preceding parameters are seldom changed by the user. Most of the time, the default values are used. ***** Trademarks: Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 3Com, 3+, 3+Open and EtherLink II are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. TROUBLE SHOOTING and ERROR MESSAGES If you have a problem, please run the CARDTEST program to avoid the conflict of parameters. ERROR MESSAGE: ERROR: Adapter card not found or I/O port error. There are two possible reasons for this error: (1) The Adapter card is not installed correctly in its slot, (2) The I/O port failure is caused by incompatability between the computer and the card. You can check if the card is enabled correctly. ERROR: Incorrect Media Setting or Bad Tranceiver The following are the possible reasons for this error: (1) The tranceiver is bad. (2) The cable is broken. (3) The cabling is not attached. You can use CARDTEST.EXE to find the problem occured. -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 5 * * LAN Manager * *************************************************************** Ethernet Adapter NDIS Driver for LAN Manager Installation ========================================== The drivers named ETHPCM contained in the directory MSLANMAN.DOS is used for Ethernet PCMCIA adapters: These drivers conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. 1. Installation Procedure for LAN Manager V2.0 -------------------------------------------------- a. Type Setup In Lan Manager Directory. Press . b. Press . c. Choice "Import Network Drivers..." in "Action". Press . d. Type the specific source driver. (A:\> or B:\>). e. Insert Driver Disk in specific drive. (A:\> or B:\>). Press . Import Network Drivers appear. f. Press the to select Network Adapter Card, " PCMCIA Adapter Card" . Press . g. Press button. h. Press three times. Network Driver appear. i. Choice PCMCIA Ethernet Card in Network Adapter Cards select menu , then press button, and press , press . Workstation Primary parameters appear, press . k. Press three times. l. Choice "Save" in "Action". m. Press to Exit. ******************************************************************************* 2. Installation Introduction for LAN Manager V2.1 -------------------------------------------------- a. Type lmsetup In LanManager Directory. Press Enter. Microsoft LAN Manger Setup appear. b. Choice "Network Drivers..." in " Configuration ". Press Enter. c. Choice ,press Enter. Network Adapter Driver appears. d. Choice , press Enter. e. Insert the Driver Disk to specified drive (A:\> or B:\>),key in the specified drive (A:\> or B:\>),then push button. f. Select a available Network Adapter Driver, PCMCIA Ethernet adapter. Push button. g. Press the SPACEBAR to select the protocol what you want. h. Push button. Configuration Complete appear. i. Push button. j. Press "F3" to exit. k. Press Enter. Sample configuration files: 3. Config.sys a. LASTDRIVE=Z BUFFERS = 35 FILES = 35 SHELL=C:\DOS50\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS50\e:1000 /p /E:1024 DEVICE=C:\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS50\SETVER.EXE DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\CARDOPEN.EXE /int=5 /port=300 DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /i:C:\LANMAN.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PCMCIA\ACCNE\ETHPCM.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\NETBEUI\NETBEUI.DOS b. LASTDRIVE=Z BUFFERS = 35 FILES = 35 SHELL=C:\DOS50\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS50\e:1000 /p /E:1024 DEVICE=C:\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\DOSUTILS\EMM386.EXE NoEMS DEVICE=C:\DOS50\SETVER.EXE DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\CARDOPEN.EXE /int=3 /port=320 DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /i:C:\LANMAN.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PCMCIA\ACCNE\ETHPCM.DOS 4. Protocol.ini file for LAN Manager. a. V2.0 [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [NETBEUI_XIF] Drivername = netbeui$ BINDINGS = "ACCNE_NIF" [ACCNE_NIF] ; PROTOCOL.INI for PCMCIA ethernet adapter drivername = ETHPCM$ ; irq = 3 ; iobase = 0x300 ; End of this sample file b. V2.1 [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES PRIORITY = NETBEUI [NETBEUI_XIF] Drivername = netbeui$ SESSIONS = 6 NCBS = 12 BINDINGS = "ACCNE_NIF" LANABASE = 0 [ACCNE_NIF] ; PROTOCOL.INI for PCMCIA ethernet adapter drivername = ETHPCM$ ; irq = 3 ; iobase = 0x300 ; End of this sample file 5. Autoexec.bat file for LAN Manager. a. V2.0 @echo off PROMPT $P$G PATH=c:\PE2;C:\DOS50;C:\NC; APPEND=C:\PE2;C:\DOS50; REM ====== LANMAN 2.0 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES ===== LANMAN 2.0 ==== SET PATH=C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG;%PATH% C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\NETBIND NET START WORKSTATION REM ====== LANMAN 2.0 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES ===== LANMAN 2.0 ==== b. V2.1 @echo off PROMPT $P$G PATH=c:\PE2;C:\DOS50;C:\NC; APPEND=C:\PE2;C:\DOS50; @REM ====== LANMAN 2.1 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES === LANMAN 2.1 === SET PATH=C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG;%PATH% NET START WORKSTATION LOAD NETBEUI @REM ====== LANMAN 2.1 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES === LANMAN 2.1 === -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 6 * * LAN Server * *************************************************************** NDIS Driver for LAN Server Installation ========================================= The driver named ETHPCM contained in the directory NDIS is used for Ethernet PCMCIAadapters. These drivers conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. 1. DOS LAN REQUESTER ------------------------------------- a. At the DOS prompt, insert the IBM LAN Support Program (LSP) Version 1.30 (or 1.31) Diskette into your disk drive. (A: or B: ) b. Type dxmaid at A:\> prompt , then press . The IBM logo appear , press . c. Press twice. The Environment Information screen appears. d. Specify the following values for the fields on this screen: Use the to toggle between choices: Configuration for this computer? Yes Use existing configuration information? Yes Do you have adapter option diskettes? Yes Are you configuring for two adapters? No Do you need 802.2 interface support? Yes Type change as need to drive and directory information below: Source for LSP A:\ Target for new configuration C:\lsp e. Make sure the value are correct. Press to store your choices. Process Adapter Option Diskette screen appear. g. Insert the Driver Diskette in your source drive and specify the path: A:\NDIS(or b:\). Then press . g. The necessary files are copied from the Driver Diskette to your target directory on the hard disk. g. Press three times. h. Insert the LSP diskette and press . The Current Configuration screen appears with the PCMCIA series adapter and protocols already selected ("IBM IEEE 802.2" and "IBM OS/2 NETBIOS"). i. Press F4. LSP is installed completely. j. Use a text editor to edit the config.sys file. Specify at least 20 files in the FILES= line, like this: FILES=20 Once you have saved the config.sys file, reset the computer. k. Insert the DOS LAN Requester Install Diskette 1. l. Type: install. Press . IBM logo appears, press . m. Press twice more. The program prompts you for the pathname of the DOS LAN Requester directory. n. Specify the pathname for the DOS LAN Requester directory. (C:\DOSLAN is the default.) Press . The program asks you which services you require. o. Highlight either the "Send messages" or "Send, View, Edit, and Log messages" option. (Normally, you select the second option.) Press to confirm your choice. p. Specify the machine's ID and the domain ID. The domain ID must be the domain server ID and must be the same for all workstations on the network. q. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. ---THE END---- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 7 * * Pathway Access * *************************************************************** NDIS Driver for Wollongong Pathway Access Installation ======================================================== The drivers named ETHPCM contained in the directory NDIS are used for Ethernet PCMCIA adapters. These drivers conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. 1. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE a. NDIS driver Installation Procedure 1. Insert your copy of Pathway Drivers diskette into drive A. Enter as follow : C:\>A: 2. To copy the software onto the system, enter : A:\> pwinstal C: where C: is the disk drive ( you could also use D:, E:, and so on ) that you intend to use for the installation of your Pathway software on a hard drive system. The PWINSTAL program automatically installs the driver software in a new directory named \PATHWAY on the drive you specified. The diskette is finished copying when you receive the following message: "The Pathway Drivers have been copied successfully. Refer to documentation to complete driver installation." 3. Insert this diskette to drive A: and copy NDIS driver to the subdirectory where you install the Pathway software : A:\> Copy A:\NDIS\ETHPCM.DOS C:\PATHWAY 4. Edit the C:\CONFIG.SYS file to contains the following three entries : DEVICE=C:\PATHWAY\PWTCP.SYS DEVICE=C:\PATHWAY\PROTMAN.EXE/I:C:\PATHWAY DEVICE=C:\PATHWAY\ETHPCM.DOS 5. Use any text editor to generate a PROTOCOL.INI file in C:\PATHWAY which must have the following section [PCMCIA] DriverName = ETHPCM$ 6. The startup batch file - autoexec.bat should have the following entries in the order shown : path=c:\pathway ndis [-d:#] pwbind where the -d option is used when accessing a specific module number within protocol.ini. In your protocol.ini file, a line enclosed by square brackets designates the beginning of a new module. Each module is referred to by a hexadecimal number. The first module is module number one. The second module is module two, and so on. b. Pathway Kernel Installation Procedure 1. Insert your copy of Pathway Kernel diskette into drive A. Enter as follow : C:\>A: 2. To copy the software onto the system, enter : A:\> pwinstal C: where C: is the disk drive ( you could also use D:, E:, and so on ) that you intend to use for the installation of your Pathway software on a hard drive system. The PWINSTAL program automatically installs the driver software in a new directory named \PATHWAY on the drive you specified. Diskette copying is complete when you see the following message : " Pathway Kernel files have been copied successfully. Reboot and refer to the documentation to complete kernel installation. " 3. Remove the diskette from drive A: and reboot your PC by pressing , , and at the same time. 4. Change current directory to PATHWAY. 5. Run the CUSTOM program in order to set or change the following settings: . The Internet address . The subnet bits ( if your network includes subnetworks ) . The gateway address ( if you are communicating with hosts outside your local network ) 6. Remove the diskette from drive A: and reboot your PC by pressing , , and at the same time. 7. Enter the following command to load the Kernel : C:\PATHWAY> PWTCP 8. Test your PC Using PING program C:\PATHWAY> PING hostname where hostname is the official name, alias, or Internet address of a host on your network that you expect to be able to communicate with. 9. Now according to your application, you can install Character-based -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 8 * * DEC PATHWORKS * *************************************************************** NDIS Driver for DEC Pathwork Installation =========================================== The drivers named ETHPCM contained in the directory NDIS is used for Ethernet PCMCIA adapters: These drivers conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. 1. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: a. Insert the DEC PATHWORKS Client Setup diskette #1 into your diskette drive (A: or B:) b. type Netsetup at A:> or B: prompt, then press to startup menu. c. Unless you have an LK250 keyboard, Select "NO". d. Select the DECNET transport option and press . e. Insert the DNET TRNSPRT diskette #1 into the diskette drive(A: or B:). f. Specify the destination drive letter (C or D) g. Are you creating an initial workstation diskette? Select "NO". h. Type in the node name and address(i.e. node number). Press . i. Type in the server node name and address(i.e. node number), Press . j. Select "Ethernet" when prompt "Select the network adapter type": k. Select "(Other NDIS)" when prompt "Select the network adapter": l. Enter full DRIVER:\PATH\FILENAME for NDIS driver: A:\ or B:\MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PCMCIA\ACCNE\ETHPCM.DOS Located at driver program diskette. m. Enter full DRIVER:\PATH\ for the protocol.ini file: A:\or B:\MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PCMCIA\ACCNE\ n. If they are all accurate, select "WRITE KEY DISK" to start installation. When prompt to copy files ETHPCM.DOS and protocol.ini , Please insert driver program diskette to diskette drive (A: or B: drive dependent on path at step l. and m.) o. Follow the prompts till completion. p. At the Configuration screen, press F10 to exit to C:\ q. Using text editor to edit protocol.ini at DECNET sub-directory Remove the semicolon (;) from the statement "NI_IRQ = 5" under [DATALINK], Then check if the IRQ value in the new [ETHPCM.DOS] IRQ statement(maybe omitted) matches the NI_IRQ value in the [DATALINK] statement and Adapter IRQ value when set. Sample configuration files: 2. Config.sys shell=c:\command.com /P /E:526 device=c:\decnet\hiMEM.sys device=C:\dos\EMM386.EXE ram 1024 dos=high, UMB devicehigh=c:\decnet\cardopen.exe /int=5 /port=300 devicehigh=c:\decnet\protman.sys /I:D:\DECNET devicehigh=c:\decnet\ethpcm.dos rem device=c:\decnet\nddrv.sys rem device=c:\decnet\npdrv.sys FILES=50 BUFFERS=50 LASTDRIVE=v STACKS=9,256 3. Protocol.ini file for PATHWORKS v 4.1 ; PROTOCOL.INI file create by DNETOMO.V41 V4.1.060 ; via DNETWIK.V41 V4.1.047 [protocol manager] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [IPX4MAC] DRIVER = IPX$MAC BINDINGS = ETHPCM.DOS [DATALINK] DRIVERNAME = DLL$MAC LG_BUFFERS = 16 SM_BUFFERS = 6 OUTSTANDING = 32 HEURISTICS = 0 BINDINGS = ETHPCM.DOS ;Specify IRQ level used by workstations network adapter NI_IRQ = 3 [ETHPCM.DOS] ; PROTOCOL.INI for ETHERCoax/Pair-NE(2) adapter drivername = ETHPCM$ ; irq = NI_IRQ = Adapter IRQ Setting irq = 3 iobase = 0x300 ; End of this sample file 4. Autoexec.bat echo off break on cls prompt $p$g REM Insert any keyboard internationalization and character set information here. if not exist \decnet\STARTNET.BAT goto nostartup call \decnet\STARTNET goto end :nostartup echo ** WARNING ** STARTNET.BAT file not found. Network functions not performed -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 9 * * SUN PC-NFS * *************************************************************** NDIS Driver for SUN PC-NFS Installation ========================================= The drivers named ETHPCM contained in the directory NDIS is used for Ethernet PCMCIA adapters: These drivers conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. 1. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE a. Add Device=c:\dos\ansi.sys command at config.sys, Reboot PC. b. Insert the PC-NFS Installation diskette into the diskette drive (A: or B:) and type: install. Press . c. Enter the destination "Drive letter:" (usually C:). Press . d. Select "Ethernet" and press . e. Select the "NDIS" option of "Ethernet Adapter" menu f. Follow all the prompts that appear. g. Specify the PC name, IP address, server name, and server IP address (Contact System Administrator). h. Follow all the prompts to finish the installation. i. The system create \LANMAN and \NFS directory on the destination drive. j. After finished, copy the ETHPCM.DOS file from the subdirectory \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PCMCIA\ACCNE on your driver program diskette to the \LANMAN (C: or D:) directory on your destination driver. k. Use a text editor, edit the config.sys. Add this line above the NFS_NDIS driver specification: DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\ETPCME.DOS l. Edit the protocol.ini file at \LANMAN directory. 1). Replace [your-mac-module] with [ETHPCM] 2). Replace drivername = YOURMAC$ with drivername = ETHPCM$ Specify the correct IRQ and IOBASE value (May be omitted) for this adapter depending on whether the adapter's set IRQ = 5 IOBASE = 0x300 ... 3). Replace bindings = YOUR-MAC-MODULE with bindings = ETHPCM$ m. Reboot the computer. n. Execute NFSCONF.EXE to configure system (i.e. Mount a virtual driver E:) Execute TELNET.EXE to do terminal emulation. Sample configuration files: 2. Config.sys shell=c:\command.com /P /E:526 dos=high, UMB rem ----pcnfs install Device=c:\dos\ansi.sys DEVICE=C:\NFS\PCNFS.SYS /m DEVICE=C:\NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\CARDOPEN.EXE /int=5 /port=300 DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\PROTMAN.SYS /i:C:\LANMAN --> specify PROTOCOL.INI directory. device=C:\LANMAN\ETHPCM.DOS -----------> NDIS driver name DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\NFS-NDIS.SYS FILES=50 BUFFERS=50 LASTDRIVE=v STACKS=9,256 3. Protocol.ini at \LANMAN directory [protocol manager] drivername = PROTMAN$ [ETHPCM] drivername = ethpcm$ irq = 3 iobase = 0x300 [NFS-NDIS] drivername = NFSLINK1 bindings = ETHPCM 4. Autoexec.bat ... SET TZ=PST8 SET path=C:\;C:\NFS;C:\LANMAN SET NFSDRIVE=D C:lanman\netbind ----> Add this line to Binding NDIS driver PRT * NFSRUN -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 10 * * Windows for Workgroup * *************************************************************** NDIS Driver for Windows for Workgroups Installation ===================================================== The drivers named ETHPCM contained in the directory NDIS is used for Ethernet PCMCIA adapters. This driver conforms to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. 1. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE a. Select "Control Panel" icon in Main group in Windows environment. b. Select "Network" icon. c. Select "Adapters" item in "Option" dialog. d. push button. e. Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter" . "install driver" appears. f. Key in specified drive and path name.(A:\ndis or B:\ndis) g. Insert your Driver Disk in specified drive, then press . h. press . j. press . k. press twice. l. Restart computer. 2. Example of config.sys file FILES=30 buffers=30 STACKS=9,256 DEVICE=c:\windows\HIMEM.sys device=C:\WINDOWS\cardopen.exe /port=300 /int=3 device=C:\WINDOWS\protman.dos /i:C:\WINDOWS device=C:\WINDOWS\workgrp.sys device=C:\WINDOWS\ethpcm.dos LASTDRIVE=y 3. Example of protocol.ini file in Windows for Workgroups [network.setup] version=0x3100 netcard=pcmciad,1,PCMCIAD transport=ms$netbeui,MS$NETBEUI lana0=pcmciad,1,ms$netbeui [protman] DriverName=PROTMAN$ PRIORITY=MS$NETBEUI [PCMCIAD] DriverName=ETHPCM$ [MS$NETBEUI] DriverName=netbeui$ SESSIONS=10 NCBS=32 BINDINGS=PCMCIAD LANABASE=0 4. Example of autoexec.bat C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE C:\WINDOWS\net start @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$g PATH C:\WINDOWS; SET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 11 * * Banyan VINES * *************************************************************** NDIS Driver for Banyan VINES Installation ========================================= The drivers named ETHPCM contained in the directory NDIS is used for Ethernet PCMCIA adapters: These drivers conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. 1. Installation Procedure for Banyan VINES --------------------------------------------- a. Type Pcconfig. Press . "Configuring A PC for the Network" appear. b. Select "1 - Network Card Setting", press . "The possible hardware configuration option are" appear. c. Chose "NDIS Ethernet", Press . d. Key in specified interrupt number, and PCMCIA to the PROTOCOL bindings = . e. Press 'F10' when done. Press to exit this screen. f. Select "2 - Login Environment Settings. ", Press . g. Select "1 - Select Default Communications Driver. " , press . h. Chose "NDIS Ethernet" , press to exit this menu. i. Press 'F10' when all done. "Please wait ...." appear. k. Modify the config.sys and protocol.ini files, see the example. Sample configuration files: 2. Config.sys device=c:\banyan\cardopen.exe /port=300 /int=5 device=c:\banyan\protman.dos/i:c:\banyan device=c:\banyan\ethpcm.dos 3. Protocol.ini file for LAN Manager. [protocol manager] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [PCMCIA] DriverName = ethpcm$ -- THE END -- *************************************************************** * TOPIC: 12 * * PC-NFS * *************************************************************** PC-NFS Software Interface Program Installation Using any Ethernet LAN Adapter and the PC-NFS Software Interface Program, you can run the Sun MicroSystems PC-NFS on your PC. The following files will be used in this installation: Files Contents -------------------------------------------------------------- PCNFSIF.SYS PC-NFS Software Interface Program PCMPD.COM Packet Driver INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: 1. Start the installation process by following the procedure described in the PC-NFS Manual for installing the Sun Microsystems PC-NFS program in your PC's hard disk. When asked to identify the type of network interface card you are using, select "WD8003" from the list. Likewise, when asked for the interrupt level and the base I/O address select: Interrupt Level (IRQ) 5 I/O Base Address 300h 2. Copy the following files to the \NFS directory of your hard disk: PCNFSIF.SYS PCMPD.COM 3. Modify the config.sys file to include the following: DEVICE=C:\ANSI.SYS DEVICE=C:\NFS\CARDOPEN.EXE /int=5 /port=300 DEVICE=C:\NFS\PCNFS.SYS DEVICE=C:\NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS DEVICE=C:\NFS\PCNFSIF.SYS LASTDRIVE=V 4. Create or modify an existing autoexec.bat file to include the following: C:\NFS\PCMPD 98 SET PATH = C:\; C:\NFS SET TZ=CST6 SET NFSDRIVE=C PRT * NFSRUN For your system to work properly, make sure that the C:\NFS\PCMPD 98 command line is placed before the NFSRUN command line. For more information on the PCMPD.COM program, refer to the README.TXT file of the Packet Driver for NE & WD serials adapters. Allowable values for the software interrupt vector range from 96 to 128. The default software interrupt vector value is 98. 5. Reboot the PC and start the PC-NFS program. You may now run PC-NFS commands on your PC to allow communication with other computers on the network that use the TCP/IP protocol. -- THE END --