Driver Installation - SCO UNIX LLI and MDI Drivers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter SCO UNIX LLI and MDI Drivers INSTALLATION GUIDE ============================================================================= SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ============================================================================= << LLI Software Revision Requirements:>> o SCO Unix 3.2.4 or higher version, or SCO OpenServer 5.0 or higher version << MDI Software Revision Requirements:>> o SCO OpenServer 5.0 or higher version ============================================================================= DEVICE DRIVER INSTALLATION GUIDE ============================================================================= ==================================================== | (A): To install the SCO Unix LLI Device Driver: | ==================================================== << Software Revision Requirements:>> o ODT 2.0 or higher version, or SCO Unix 3.2.4 or higher version, or SCO OpenServer 5.0 or higher version 1. Copy the file LFE_LLI.Z (in subdirectory A:\SCOUNIX) to SCO Unix machine. doscp a:/scounix/LFE_LLI.Z LFE_LLI.Z The number in parenthese near the file's name (see release notes) is the checksum for the file. To verify, use: sum -r LFE_LLI.Z and compare the results. 2. Uncompress LFE_LLI.Z to LFE_LLI, using: uncompress LFE_LLI 3. Copy the file to a diskette. To create a 3.5" floppy in drive 0, use: dd if=LFE_LLI of=/dev/rfd0135ds18 4. Run custom. From the menu select: Custom -> Install -> A New Product -> Entire Product For SCO OpenServer (Everest), run the Software Manager. From the menus select: Software -> Install New -> From Host -> Media Floppy -> Full 5. Put the distribution diskette in the drive and select continue. 6. When prompted for distribution floppy 1, just press enter. 7. When custom has completed, remove the diskette and quit custom. 8. Run netconfig. Add the desired chain. The LFE_LLI drivers are called: lfe0, lfe1, lfe2 and lfe3. Remember that lfe0 must be configured first, before any other driver is configured. Note: For boards with more than one LFE card on them, a driver must be installed for each active port on the board. Thus, if a board has two separate ports, two separate chains must be created in order to connect both ports to networks. This is similar to installing two boards, each with one port. Not all ports must be active. If only one port is used, it must be the first port (as it is found on the bus by the PCI BIOS). 9. When the chain has been configured, select 'q' from the netconfig menu. If you don't wish to modify the space.c file relink the kernel at the prompt. 10. If you wish to change parameters in the space.c file, edit /etc/conf/pack.d/lfe0/space.c and make the required changes. The changes will apply to all the installed boards. 11. To activate the adapter, you must reboot. When the system boots, you should see the following message among the other configuration messages: %lfe 0xFC00-0xFE00 5 - type=10M, TP, addr=12-34-56-78-9a-bc or %lfe 0xFC00-0xFE00 5 - type=100M, TP, addr=12-34-56-78-9a-bc with the appropriate I/O addresses, IRQ, serial media and IEEE address. ==================================================== | (B): To install the SCO Unix MDI Device Driver: | ==================================================== << Software Revision Requirements:>> o SCO OpenServer 5.0 or higher version 1. Put the LFE LAN adapter to your machine. 2. Copy the file LFE_MDI (in subdirectory A:\SCOUNIX) to SCO Unix machine. doscp a:/scounix/LFE_MDI LFE_MDI The number in parenthese near the file's name (see release notes) is the checksum for the file. To verify, use: sum -r LFE_MDI and compare the results. 3. Copy the file to a diskette. To create a 3.5" floppy in drive 0, use: dd if=LFE_MDI of=/dev/rfd0135ds18 4. For SCO OpenServer (Everest) custom-> Software -> Install New -> From Host -> Media Floppy -> Full 5. Put the distribution diskette in the drive and select continue. 6. When prompted for distribution floppy 1, just press enter. 7. When custom has completed, remove the diskette and quit custom. 8. Run netconfig. Add the desired chain. The LFE_MDI drivers are called: lfe0, lfe1, lfe2 and lfe3. 9. When the chain has been configured, select 'q' from the netconfig menu. If you don't wish to modify the space.c file relink the kernel at the prompt. 10. If you wish to change parameters in the space.c file, edit /etc/conf/pack.d/lfe/space.c and make the required changes. The changes will apply to all the installed boards. 11. To activate the adapter, you must reboot. When the system boots, you should see the following message among the other configuration messages: %lfe 0xFC00-0xFE00 5 - type=10M, TP, addr=12-34-56-78-9a-bc or %lfe 0xFC00-0xFE00 5 - type=100M, TP, addr=12-34-56-78-9a-bc with the appropriate I/O addresses, IRQ, serial media and IEEE address. ============================================================================= PARAMETERS ============================================================================= The Space.c file contains the different parameters that can be modified. The meaning of each is explained in detail in the Space.c file, including allowed values for each parameter. The values in Space.c apply to ALL the installed boards. Space.c is NOT the place to modify the board's slot number line. This must be modified in netconfig, by running the reconfiguration script. ============================================================================= ERRORS and TROUBLE SHOOTING ============================================================================= 1. Mismatch between PCI configuration and netconfig/space.c: In order for the adapter to work correctly, the same values that are used during the PCI configuration (e.g CFLT) must be used in the space.c file. Mismatches may cause the adapter to malfunction, or even hang the system. Currently, the PCI setup takes precedence except for the value for the latency timer, which is taken from the space.c file. 2. Driver uses 32-bit protected mode PCI BIOS calls: This driver uses 32-bit protected mode PCI BIOS calls. If your machine can not support this mode, this driver will not work. 3. Driver binds to wrong PCI board (network): (A): For LLI driver: When multiple PCI boards are installed, the chains are bound to the adapters in the order that the adapters are found on the PCI bus by the PCI BIOS. Thus, lfe0 will bind to the first adapter found by the PCI BIOS, lfe1 to the second etc. Removing or adding boards without changing the configuration in netconfig can cause a shift in the order that chains are bound. Also, mis-identifying the order in which the adapters are found by the BIOS can cause wrong bindings. This is especially true when using boards with PCI-PCI bridges. The adapters on such boards are located on a PCI bus with a number higher than 0 (bus #1, #2 etc.) and will be found by the PCI BIOS after all the devices on bus zero. (B): For MDI driver: It will have the problem, if you changed the PCI slot or changed the SCO disk to another PC. Please use the "netconfig" command to select "remove the LAN adapter", and then "add the LAN adapter" to match the changing.