Installation - for RPL Boot ROM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter RPL Boot ROM INSTALLATION GUIDE ============================================================================== Contents ============================================================================== * Introduction * System Requirements * Files Provided * Hardware Installation Guide * Installation of Remote Boot function - for Novell NetWare Server - for Microsoft Windows NT Server * Troubleshooting ============================================================================== Introduction ============================================================================== The RPL Boot ROM supports the Remote Boot function of the following systems : 1) Novell NetWare Server v3.1x and v4.x 2) Microsoft Windows NT v3.5x and v4.x 3) Microsoft LAN Manager v2.1 4) IBM OS/2 LAN Server v4.0 ============================================================================== System Requirements ============================================================================== Hardware Requirements: * IBM-compatible personal computer (PC), 80486 or higher with PCI bus * RPL Boot ROM Firmware Requirements: * Fully compliant Rev. 2.0 or higher PCI BIOS supplied with the PC ============================================================================== Files provided ============================================================================== * L100.DOS NDIS 2.0 DOS Driver (must be v3.11 or higher) * L100.NIF The standard NIF file * DOSBB.CNF The boot block configuration file for DOS * PROTOCOL.INI The PROTOCOL.INI stub for LAN Manager ============================================================================== Hardware Installation Guide ============================================================================== * See the User Guide for complete installation instructions. * When installing the adapter in a PCI computer, make sure the slot you select supports bus master operations. * No specialized setup is necessary for motherboards with automatic PCI parameterization (most new PCs support it). * For motherboards with bus master jumpers and interrupt jumpers for PCI slots: 1. Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, enable bus master operations for the selected PCI slot. 2. Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, select the interrupt to the selected PCI slot. 3. Using your computer setup menu: * Enable the bus master on the PCI slot. * Enable I/O on the PCI slot. * Define the interrupt number on the PCI slot. * Plug the RPL Boot ROM into the ROM socket of adapter. ============================================================================== Installation of Remote Boot function ============================================================================== This section describes the installation of Remote Boot function for these supported network operating systems. For the details of installation for Remote Boot function, please refer to the User Manual provided by these Network Operating Systems. A) For Novell NetWare Server 1) You must make a bootable diskette for DOS. This bootable diskette will be used to create the DOS Remote Boot Image File that is stored on the NetWare Server. Copy the following files into this bootable diskette : LSL.COM .COM , DOS ODI Driver IPXODI.COM NETX.EXE , (or VLM.EXE and related *.NLMs) NET.CFG AUTOEXEC.BAT CONFIG.SYS A sample of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains these lines : LSL.COM .COM IPXODI.COM NETX.EXE or VLM.EXE A sample of the CONFIG.SYS file contains these lines : LASTDRIVE=Z , (for VLM.EXE only) 2) Login to the NetWare Server as a SUPERVISOR. And change the directory to SYS:SYSTEM. 3) Insert the DOS bootable diskette in drive A: , and execute the DOSGEN utility to create a DOS Boot Image File (NET$DOS.SYS) in the NetWare Server. Copy the NET$DOS.SYS file to the SYS:LOGIN directory. Remove the bootable diskette out of floppy drive. 4) Copy the RBOOT.RPL and ETHER.RPL files to the SYS:LOGIN directory. Copy RPL.NLM to the SYS:SYSTEM directory. Note : The RPL.NLM file depends on the version of NetWare Server. In the RPL developer's kit, for Netware Server v3.11 , use .\RPL\NLM\311\RPL.NLM for Netware Server 3.12/4.x , use .\RPL\NLM\40\RPL.NLM 5) Load the RPL.NLM module and bind RPL to the NetWare Server's network adapter using Ethernet 802.2 frame type under the server console. 6) Plug the RPL Boot ROM into the ROM socket of adapter. And plug the adapter into the PCI slot of PC for remote boot. 7) Now, turn on the PC, and you can attach to the NetWare Server. B) For Microsoft Windows NT Server 1) Installing the Remoteboot Service on the Windows NT Server. a) Choose Control Panel , Network , Add Software to add the Remoteboot Service. Put the Windows NT Advanced Server CD-ROM or diskettes to install the Remoteboot Service. Note: Before install the Remote Service, both the Data Link Control (DLC) and NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI) protocols must be installed. 2) To share RPLFILES files and install MS-DOS Files for Remoteboot workstation. For example : install MS-DOS v6.2x Client Remote Boot a) Check that the \RPL\RPLFILES directory is being shared on the remoteboot server. It should have the share name RPLFILES (share by File Manager). b) From a MS-DOS client (running a version of MS-DOS 6.2x that you want to support on the remoteboot server), connect to the remoteboot server RPLFILES share by typing : net use V: \\\RPLFILES where is the name of the remoteboot server. c) Copy all the MS-DOS files to the following directory : \RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOSxxx where xxx is the version number (for example, DOS622), by typing : copy c:\dos\*.* V:\BINFILES\DOS622 attrib -s -h c:\io.sys attrib -s -h c:\msdos.sys copy c:\io.sys V:\BINFILES\DOS622 copy c:\msdos.sys V:\BINFILES\DOS622 attrib +s +h c:\io.sys attrib +s +h c:\msdos.sys Note : Do not set the hidden or system file attributes on the new copies of the files in the following directory : \RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOSxxx d) If you copied DOS files other than MS-DOS (such as PC-DOS), you must rename the following files. rename msdos.sys rename io.sys 3) Create the Remoteboot Configuration for new adapter a) Copy the NDIS 2.0 DOS driver of adapter in the \NDIS\DOS directory to the following directory : \RPL\BBLOCK\NDIS b) Create this directory \RPL\BBLOCK\NETBEUI\L100 and copy the following files into it : DOSBB.CNF PROTOCOL.INI c) Copy the L100.NIF file to the following directory : \RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF d) Use the RPLCMD utility to add a bblock record for new adapter. (1) In the MS-DOS Prompt, type : RPLCMD , Note : before run RPLCMD utility, the Remoteboot Service must have been started. You can type : net start remoteboot , to start the Remoteboot Service. (2) Please proceeds as below to add record for new adapter. Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quite] V Add Del Enum: A VendorName=00A0CC VendorComment=Vendor of this adapter Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quite] B Add Del Enum:A BootName=DOSX VendorName=00A0CC BbcFile=BBLOCK\NETBEUI\L100\DOSBB.CNF BootCommet=Name of this adapter WindowsSize=0 Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quite] C Add Del Enum:A ConfigName=DOS622X BootName=DOSX DirName=DOS DirName2=DOS622 FitShared=FITS\DOS622.FIT FitPersonal=FITS\DOS622P.FIT ConfigComment=DOS 6.22 DirName3= DirName4= e) Shutdown the Windows NT Advanced Server, and then reboot. 4) Login the Windows NT Server as an Administrator. Start the Remoteboot Service by typing the following command in the MS-DOS prompt : net start remoteboot , Start the Remoteboot Manager from the Network Administration program group. 5) In the Remoteboot Manager, choose the Remoteboot menu, and then the New Profile submenu to create a profile. a) Type the Profile Name amd Description. b) Select the Configuration named as below : DOS 6.22 6) In the Remoteboot Manager, choose the Remoteboot menu, and then the New Workstation submenu to create a New Remoteboot Workstation. a) Type the Adapter ID (node address of adapter for remoteboot). b) Type the Workstation Name, Description, and Password. c) Choose the Configuration type. d) Select the following item in the Workstation in Profile : DOS 6.22 e) Click the Add button to add the workstation. 7) In the Remoteboot Manager, choose the Configure menu, and then the Check Configurations submenu to check the remoteboot configuration. Choose the Configure menu, and then the Fix Security to fix the security. ============================================================================== Troubleshooting ============================================================================== 1) Unable to see the message of RPL Boot ROM on the screen Solution : a) Check if RPL Boot ROM has been plugged in the socket correctly ? b) Cold start your PC again. c) Contact our product service if still does not work. 2) Unable to remote boot under NetWare Server Solution : a) Check if adapter is working properly ? b) Check if Netware Server is active ? c) Check if Netware Server support ETHERNET_802.2 frame type ? d) Check if Netware Server support RPL and IPX interface ? e) Check if the loadable module (RPL.NLM) is loaded correctly ? f) Contact our product service if still does not work. 3) Unable to remote boot under Windows NT Advanced Server Solution : a) Check if adapter is working properly ? b) Check if Windows NT Server is active ? c) Check the Remoteboot Service is active and the Remoteboot Manager is running ? d) Check if the Node Address in the New Workstation of Remoteboot Manager matched with the adapter for remote boot. e) Check if the related *.FIT files exists in the \RPL\FITS directory. f) Check the adapter setting in the PROTOCOL.INI file under the \RPL\BBLOCK\NETBEUI\L100 directory. g) If the a hard disk is installed in the workstation, use the RPLENABLE utility to set up it. h) Check the attributes of MS-DOS files. i) Contact our product service if still does not work.