Driver Installation - Novell NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Win95 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter Novell NetWare Client 32 Driver INSTALLATION GUIDE ============================================================================= CONTENTS ============================================================================= * Introduction * System Requirements * Files Provided * Hardware Installation Guide * Driver Installation of NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 - Install the NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 - Installation Procedures * Driver Installation of NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows 3.1x - Installtion Procedures - Documentation - Descriptions of Configurations * Setting Driver Parameters ============================================================================= Introduction ============================================================================= This document describes the procedures to install Novell NetWare Client 32 driver under DOS, Microsoft Windows 3.1x, or Microsoft Windows 95. ============================================================================= System Requirements ============================================================================= Hardware Requirements: * IBM-compatible personal computer (PC), 80486 or higher with PCI bus * This adapter Firmware Requirements: * Fully compliant Rev. 2.0 or higher PCI BIOS supplied with the PC Software Requirements: * MS-DOS v3.0 or higher ============================================================================= Files Provided ============================================================================= * L100.LAN Novell NetWare Client 32 driver * L100.LDI The setup file for NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows * L100NWC.INF The setup file for NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 ============================================================================= Hardware Installation Guide ============================================================================= * See the User Guide for complete installation instructions. * When installing my card in a PCI computer, make sure the slot you select supports bus master operations. * No specialized setup is necessary for motherboards with automatic PCI parameterization (most new PCs support it). * For motherboards with bus master jumpers and interrupt jumpers for PCI slots: 1. Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, enable bus master operations for the selected PCI slot. 2. Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, select the interrupt to the selected PCI slot. 3. Using your computer setup menu: * Enable the bus master on the PCI slot. * Enable I/O on the PCI slot. * Define the interrupt number on the PCI slot. ============================================================================= Driver Installation of NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 ============================================================================= A) Install the NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 1. Run the SETUP.EXE program for NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95. It is located in the \ENGLISH subdirectory of the package. B) Installation Procedures 1. Insert the driver diskette into the floppy drive (for ex : A:). 2. Open the "Control Panel", and then click the "Network" icon. 3. When the "Network" dialog box pops up, choose the "Configuration" item, and click the "Add..." button to add adapter. 4. When the "Select Network Component Type" dialog box pops up, select the "Adapter" item, and then press "Add" button. 5. When the "Selected Network Adapters" dialog box pops up, click the "Have Disk" button. 6. When the "Install From Disk" dialog box pops up. specify the path to driver, and then click the "OK" button. for example : A:\CLIENT32 7. Choose the adapter, and specify the related parameters of driver. 8. The installation of NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 completed. Reboot the computer to make changes in effect. ============================================================================= Driver Installation of NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows 3.1x ============================================================================= A) Installation Procedures 1. Run the INSTALL.EXE file in the NetWare Client 32 software. 2. Select the NetWare Client 32 products you want to install on the computer from the list below : [X] NetWare Client 32 for DOS [X] NetWare Client 32 for Windows [ ] NetWare TCP/IP protocol stack [ ] NetWare IP (TCP/IP Required) [ ] Desktop SNMP [ ] HOSTMIB for SNMP (SNMP Required) [ ] NetWare TSA for SMS Note : The default items are the "NetWare Client 32 for DOS" and "NetWare Client 32 for Windows". 3. When the "Customize Support for Windows" menu pops up, choose anyone you want to install. 4. When the "Select LAN Driver Type" menu pops up, choose the "32-bit LAN drivers" item. 5. When the "32-Bit Network Board Drivers" menu pops up, choose the "USER SPECIFIED 32 BIT DRIVER" item. 6. When the "Insert the Driver Disk" menu pops up, insert the driver diskette and then specify the path to the driver. for example: A:\CLIENT32 7. When the "32-Bit Network Board Drivers" menu pops up, choose the adapter. 8. The Specify the settings for the adapter. 9. When the "Installation Configuration Summary" menu pops up, check whether the settings are correct, or need to modify. Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS [YES] Client Directory: C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32 Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS LAN driver type: 32-bit LAN drivers LAN driver: Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter 10. NetWare Client 32 for DOS will copy these files to the computer and modify the configuration files to match your setting. B) Documentation 1. If you want to load the multiple frame types, you will get the following message during the driver loading: "Do you want to load another frame type for a previously loaded board? Y/N ". You can add the slot number to the command line in the STARTNET.BAT to avoid it. 2. Make sure that the FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = F statement is added in the NET.CFG file under the "NetWare DOS Requester" section. 3. Check the LASTDRIVE setting in the CONFIG.SYS file, it must have the LASTDRIVE=Z statement under NetWare Client 32 for DOS. C) Descriptions of Configurations The following descriptions are the sample files after the installtion of NetWare Client 32 for DOS : NET.CFG ======= NetWare DOS Requester FIRST NETWORK DRIVE F NETWARE PROTOCOL NDS BIND Protocol IPX IPX SOCKETS 40 STARTNET.BAT ============ SET NWLANGUAGE=ENGLISH C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NIOS.EXE LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\LSLC32.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\CMSM.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\ETHERTSM.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\L100.LAN SLOT=1 FRAME=Ethernet_802.2 LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\L100.LAN SLOT=1 FRAME=Ethernet_802.3 LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\IPX.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\CLIENT32.NLM ============================================================================= Setting Driver Parameters ============================================================================= This driver provides the parameters to set the functionality of adapter. The parameters are listed as below : SLOT The driver uses the slot number to identify the adapter. That is, the first adapter is considered to be in the slot 1, the next in slot 2, and so on. If you want to load those multiple frame types, you should specify the slot number of the adapter. MEDIA Specify the media type of adapter to use (between 0 to 5). 0 - auto-sense the media, including run-time auto-sense (default) 1 - 100Base-Tx Half-Duplex mode 2 - 100Base-Tx Full-Duplex mode 3 - 10Base-T Half-Duplex mode 4 - 10Base-T Full-Duplex mode 5 - 10Base-2 (BNC) THRESHOLD Specify the Tx Threshold mode of adapter to use (between 0 to 6). 0 - Store and Forward (default) 1 - Threshold 36 Bytes 2 - Threshold 72 Bytes 3 - Threshold 96 Bytes 4 - Threshold 128 Bytes 5 - Threshold 160 Bytes 6 - Threshold 256 Bytes NOTE: The TxThreshold lets you choose the number of bytes read from the host memory into the transmit FIFO before the transmission. If the frame length is less than the threshold value, the adapter will start to transmit after a full frame is in the FIFO. The performance is better, if the smaller value is chosen. But if you have compatible problem, the Store and Forward or the bigger value is recommended.