Driver Installation - Novell NetWare 386 v4.x Server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter Novell NetWare 386 v4.x Server Driver INSTALLATION GUIDE ============================================================================= CONTENTS ============================================================================= * System Requirements * Files Provided * Hardware Installation Guide * Device Driver Installation Guide * Setting Driver Command-Line Parameters * Installing More Than One Adapter ============================================================================= System Requirements ============================================================================= Hardware Requirements: * IBM-compatible personal computer (PC), 80486 or higher with PCI bus supporting bus master mode. Software Requirements: * Novell NetWare 386 v4.x ============================================================================= Files Provided ============================================================================= * L100.LAN Device driver * L100.LDI Novell NetWare V4.X Driver Installation Information file * MSM.NLM MSM of ODI MLID driver * NBI.NLM Novell NBI module to support NetWare Server driver * ETHERTSM.NLM TSM of ODI MLID driver * AUTOEXEC.NCF Sample of the AUTOEXEC.NCF file ============================================================================= Hardware Installation Guide ============================================================================= * See the User Guide for complete installation instructions. * When installing the adapter in a PCI computer, make sure the slot you select supports bus master operations. * No specialized setup is necessary for motherboards with automatic PCI parameterization (most new PCs support it). * For motherboards with bus master jumpers and interrupt jumpers for PCI slots: 1. Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, enable bus master operations for the selected PCI slot. 2. Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, select the interrupt to the selected PCI slot. 3. Using your computer setup menu: * Enable the bus master on the PCI slot. * Enable I/O on the PCI slot. * Define the interrupt number on the PCI slot. ============================================================================= Device Driver Installation Guide ============================================================================= The LAN driver is installed during the NetWare installation process. Use the instructions that follow, along with the instructions in the NetWare 386 v4.x Installation Manual, to install the LAN driver. In addition, you will use the ConfigDisk during this procedure. 1. Insert the Driver Diskette into drive A: . 2. You need to load the following NLMs (located in the A:\NETWARE\SERVER\4.X directory): NBI.NLM MSM.NLM ETHERTSM.NLM Make sure you use these (or later) versions. Earlier versions will not work properly. 3. At the NetWare prompt (indicated by the Server name), run the INSTALL.NLM program by typing: server name: LOAD INSTALL 4. Select "Maintenance/Selective Install" and press . 5. Select " LAN Driver Options (Configure/Load/...) " and press . 6. Press the key to specify other drivers to install. 7. Press and specify the driver path (A:\NETWARE\SERVER\4.X) and press . 8. The driver should appear in your choice list for the 'Select a LAN Driver' field. Choose this driver to start the driver loading and binding procedure. This will allow you to load and bind all 4 frame types supported by NetWare. 9. Add the LOAD and BIND statements required to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file so that the LAN driver will load automatically each time the server starts up. ============================================================================= Setting Driver Command-Line Parameters ============================================================================= This driver provides these parameters specified on the server console or or added in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. LOAD L100.LAN SLOT=1 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 [Enter] The parameters are listed as below : SLOT The driver uses the slot number to identify the adapter. That is, the first adapter is considered to be in the slot 1, the next in slot 2, and so on. MEDIA Specify the media type of adapter to use (between 0 to 5). 0 - auto-sense the media, including run-time auto-sense (default) 1 - 100Base-Tx Half-Duplex mode 2 - 100Base-Tx Full-Duplex mode 3 - 10Base-T Half-Duplex mode 4 - 10Base-T Full-Duplex mode 5 - 10Base-2 (BNC) THRESHOLD Specify the Tx Threshold mode of adapter to use (between 0 to 6). 0 - Store and Forward (default) 1 - Threshold 36 Bytes 2 - Threshold 72 Bytes 3 - Threshold 96 Bytes 4 - Threshold 128 Bytes 5 - Threshold 160 Bytes 6 - Threshold 256 Bytes NOTE: The TxThreshold lets you choose the number of bytes read from the host memory into the transmit FIFO before the transmission. If the frame length is less than the threshold value, the adapter will start to transmit after a full frame is in the FIFO. The performance is better, if the smaller value is chosen. But if you have compatible problem, the Store and Forward or the bigger value is recommended. ============================================================================= Installing More Than One Adapter ============================================================================= If you have only one PCI adapter installed in the server, you do not need to specify the slot number in the LOAD command line. If multiple PCI adapters are installed, the driver detects it and asks you for a slot number, or you can specify the slot number in the LOAD command line.