Driver Installation - for Novell OS/2 ODI Client ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter (1) Introduction: ----------------- This document describes the procedures to install Novell OS/2 ODI driver for Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adaper. (2) Location of Driver: ----------------------- \NETWARE\CLIENT\OS2\FEOS2ODI.SYS (3) Installing Driver Procedures: --------------------------------- 1. Make the OS/2 requester diskette from Novell Server CD-ROM. 2. Put the disketter labeled WSOS2_1 to drive A:, and run install.exe. 3. Choose the "Requester on workstation" item from "Installation" menu to install the OS/2 requester. 4. Specify the target directory and follow the instructions on screen to complete the installation process.(User can choose NE2000.SYS driver for completing the installation) 5. Copy the driver(feos2odi.sys) and net.cfg located at directory: NETWARE\CLIENT\OS2 in diskette to the OS/2 requester directory. 6. Modify config.sys by rename NE2000.SYS to FEOS2ODI.SYS, such as: DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\feos2odi.sys 7. Choose "The workstation" item from configuration menu to edit the sample net.cfg file. Please refer to the following section for driver parameters. 8. Reboot the OS/2, then use Novell tools to logon the network. (4) Parameters: --------------- The following parameters can be placed under "LINK DRIVER FEOS2ODI" entry in net.cfg file. FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 FRAME ETHERNET_SNAP FRAME ETHERNET_II Mode 0 ;Default: 0 - AUTOSENSE ;0 - AUTOSENSE NODE ADDRESS 1234567890AB TX_FIFO_THRESHOLD 4 ;0 - 72 bytes ;1 - 96 bytes ;2 - 128 bytes ;3 - 160 bytes ;4 - Store & Forward ;SLOT 16 ;Specify slot number, start from 16 for PCI bus. ;Auto scan if not specify