Driver Installation - Novell NetWare Lite ODI Driver

  Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter

  Novell NetWare Lite v1.1 ODI Driver


*  Important Considerations

*  System Requirements

*  Files Provided

*  Hardware Installation Guide

*  Loading the Driver

*  Modifying Line Speed


*  For custom installations (multiple frame types), refer to your Novell
    NetWare ODI Shell for DOS manual.


Hardware Requirements:

*  IBM-compatible personal computer (PC), 80486 or higher with PCI bus
    supporting bus master mode

Firmware Requirements:

*  Fully compliant Rev. 2.0 or higher PCI BIOS supplied with the PC

Software Requirements:

*  MS-DOS v3.0 or higher

*  Novell IPXODI (provided on the ConfigDisk)

*  Novell LSL (v2.11 or higher, provided on the ConfigDisk)

*  Novell NETX or Novell VLM (provided on the ConfigDisk)


The Novell NetWare DOS ODI client directory includes:

*  L100.COM         Novell NetWare ODI Client driver
*  NET.CFG          Novell network configuration file for the driver


*  See the User Guide for complete installation instructions.

*  When installing the Ethernet Adapter in a PCI computer, make sure
   the slot you select supports bus master operations.

*  No specialized setup is necessary for motherboards with automatic
    PCI parameterization (most new PCs support it).

*  For motherboards with bus master jumpers and interrupt jumpers for
   PCI slots:

   1.  Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, enable bus master operations
        for the selected PCI slot.

   2.  Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, select the interrupt to the
        selected PCI slot.

   3.  Using your computer setup menu:

        *  Enable the bus master on the PCI slot.

        *  Enable I/O on the PCI slot.

        *  Define the interrupt number on the PCI slot.


1.  Follow the instructions for installing NetWare Lite.

2.  When asked for a network interface card, select "OTHER".

3.  When asked for the "LAN Drivers Diskette",  insert the ConfigDisk.

4.  Select "L100.COM".

5.  Follow theNovell NetWare Lite instructions to finish the installation.


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