Driver Installation - Microsoft LAN Manager Server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter Microsoft LAN Manager v2.x Server (NDIS2) Driver INSTALLATION GUIDE ============================================================================= CONTENTS ============================================================================= * Important Considerations * System Requirements * Files Provided * Hardware Installation Guide * Device Driver Installation Guide * Installing More Than One Adapter * Setting PROTOCOL.INI Parameters ============================================================================= IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS ============================================================================= * This driver supports the Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapters. * This driver conforms to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) v2.0.1 defined by Microsoft/3Com. The driver has been tested with Microsoft LAN Manager, 3Com 3+Open, IBM LAN Server, IBM PC LAN Program, DEC Pathworks, and other NDIS-compatible network operating systems and protocol stacks. * Make sure that the adapter line speed matches the speed of the hub to which it is attached. ============================================================================= SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ============================================================================= Hardware Requirements: * IBM-compatible personal computer (PC), 80486 or higher with PCI bus supporting bus master mode. * Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter Software Requirements: * MS-DOS 5.0 or later with one of the following: * Microsoft LAN Manager v1.3 or v2.x * Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.1 * PATHWORKS for DOS v4.1 OR * OS/2 v1.3 or v2.x with LAN Manager (the driver should work with LAN Server, but the driver has not yet been tested with it; therefore, no installation support is provided in this release) ============================================================================= FILES PROVIDED ============================================================================= * L100.DOS NDIS2 DOS driver * L100.NIF MS LAN Manager network information file * L100.OS2 NDIS2 OS/2 driver * OEMSETUP.INF Windows for Workgroups network information file * PROTOCOL.INI Driver binding information and operational parameters ============================================================================= HARDWARE INSTALLATION GUIDE ============================================================================= * See the User Guide for complete installation instructions. * When installing the Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter in a PCI computer, make sure the slot you select supports bus master operations. * No specialized setup is necessary for motherboards with automatic PCI parameterization (most new PCs support it). * For motherboards with bus master jumpers and interrupt jumpers for PCI slots: 1. Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, enable bus master operations for the selected PCI slot. 2. Using the appropriate motherboard jumper, select the interrupt to the selected PCI slot. 3. Using your computer setup menu: * Enable the bus master on the PCI slot. * Enable I/O on the PCI slot. * Define the interrupt number on the PCI slot. ============================================================================= DEVICE DRIVER INSTALLATION GUIDE ============================================================================= Various network operating systems (LAN Manager, Pathworks, Windows for Workgroups) provide utilities for installing drivers. The installation diskette provides support for these utility programs FOR THE FIRST BOARD ONLY.If you need to install more than one board, you must manually install subsequent boards (See "INSTALLING MORE THAN ONE ADAPTER" for details). The following instructions describe the basic driver installation for any Network Operating System: 1. Copy the files from the A:\MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\L100 subdirectory on the ConfigDisk to a subdirectory on drive C. 2. Using a text editor, add the following line to the CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=:[pathname]\L100.DOS If the driver is installed in DOS high memory, add the following line instead: DEVICEHIGH=:[pathname]\L100.DOS Adapter configuration information displays when you reboot the system. ============================================================================= INSTALLING MORE THAN ONE ADAPTER ============================================================================= To install more than one adapter, follow the manual installation procedures for your operating environment, adding '2', '3', and so on to the device driver name in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Each driver name and section must be unique. Example: L100$ L1002$ L1003$ SLOT must be specified when installing more than one adapter. The following example shows the PROTOCOL.INI file contents for two adapters installed under Windows for Workgroups (using twisted pair wiring): [network.setup] version=0x3100 netcard=L100,1,L100 netcard=L1002,1,L1002 transport=ms$netbeui,MS$NETBEUI lana0=L100,1,ms$netbeui lana1=L1002,1,ms$netbeui [protman] DriverName=PROTMAN$ PRIORITY=MS$NETBEUI [MS$NETBEUI] DriverName=netbeui$ SESSIONS=10 NCBS=32 BINDINGS=L100,L1002 LANABASE=0 [L100] DriverName=L100$ SLOT=1 MEDIA_MODE = AUTODETECT NETADDRESS=#000000000000 [L1002] DriverName=L1002$ SLOT=2 MEDIA_MODE = AUTODETECT NETADDRESS=#000000000000 The PROTOCOL.INI file contains binding and configuration information. The file consists of several named sections, where the section name is the module name from a module characteristics table. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE: You can get a stub version of the PROTOCOL.INI file, listing supported parameters, from the installation diskette root directory. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The following sections describe the PROTOCOL.INI settings used for the driver, their default values, the value ranges, and value units. 1. Required Keyword: DRIVERNAME specifies the network device driver. DRIVERNAME=L100n$ (where "n" is nothing for the first board, "2" for the second, and so on) units:[text] range:[L100$ - L1008$] default:[L100$] ============================================================================= This software and documentation have restricted rights: their use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions in: * DFARS 252.227-7013 Subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause * FAR 52.227-14 Alternate III Rights in Data -- General clause * FAR 52.227-19 Subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted Rights clause Other product and company names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.