Release Notes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Siemens OfficeLAN PCI 10/100 TX Fast Ethernet Adapter RELEASE NOTES ============================================================================= History ============================================================================= Version Date Descriptions ======= ============ ================================================= 1.12 1997/10/30 1) First release. 1.13 1997/11/25 1) Update DOS ODI driver to fix loading program. 2) Add NDIS4.0 to WINNT4.0 1.14 1998/01/05 1) Update SCO-UNIX Ver.2.22 driver to support PCI device rev.3A controller. 2) Upadte diag100.exe to support PCI device rev.3A controller. 3) Performance enhance NDIS3 drivers, Ver.4.11. 4) NDIS2 DOS driver Ver.3.11: Fix user speed setting bug. 5) Performance enhance for all Novell Server, and Client32 and also support PCI device Rev.3A controller. 6) Update DOS ODI driver to Ver2.12, support more switch. 7) Update Packet driver to Ver2.09, support NWAY. 8) Turn on all CFCS I/O access, memory access and bus master for all drivers. 9) Support RPL BOOTROM. ============================================================================= Network Operating Systems ============================================================================= This diskette contains these drivers and utilities. And these drivers support the following network operating systems : Network Operating System ==================================================== Novell Netware DOS ODI Workstation Novell Netware OS/2 ODI Workstation Novell Netware Server v3.1x and v4.x Novell NetWare Client 32 for DOS and Windows 95 Novell NetWare Lite Novell LAN WorkPlace for DOS Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.1x Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft Windows NT v3.x and v4.0 Microsoft LAN Manager for DOS and OS/2 IBM LAN Server DOS and OS/2 Requester IBM LAN Server for OS/2 IBM PC LAN Program Environment Artisoft LANTastic Banyan VINES DEC PathWorks FTP PC/TCP with packet driver SCO UNIX and SCO OpenServer Utility ==================================================== Diagnostic (DIAG100.EXE) Readme reader (READHELP.EXE)