Windows 95 & OSR2

   This document describes the procedure to install  Windows 95
   driver for Realtek RTL8019 Plug&Play  ethernet adapter.

   Location of Driver:     \WIN95\PNPNT.SYS

   Installing driver procedure on Microsoft Windows 95 :
      Windows 95 is the operation system with Plug&Play feature. If you set
      the  adapter in  Plug&Play  mode,  Windows 95  will  auto-detect your
      adapter configuration and set it.  The user don't need to do anything
      for the adapter  configuration  or installing the driver.  If you set
      the network  card in  jumpless  mode,  you  must setup your driver as
      following procedure by manual.

      1. When log into Windows 95, click on the "Start" icon ,then move the
         mouse to "Settings" icon and click on the "Control Panel".

      2. In the Control Panel window, click on the "Network" icon.

      3. In the Network Configuration dialog box, choose the "Add.." button.
         "Select  Network  Component Type"  dialog  box  appears, and select
         "Adapter" icon.

      4. In the list of Manufacturers, select "Realtek", and then choose the
         "OK" button.

      5. Then, you will see  "Realtek RTL8019 Pnp LAN adapter or compatible"
         in the Network  Configuration  dialog box, select it and then click
         on the "Properties"  button.

      6. In this dialog box, select "Resources",the screen will come up with
         settings: IRQ  and  I/O address. Make sure the  values that come up
         match the actual board settings.

      7. Restarting your system you will acquire network service.