***************************************************************************** * * * 32-Bit PCI FAST Ethernet Adapter * * * * Ethernet Driver for SCOUNIX 5.0 * * * ***************************************************************************** Installation: ============= 1. Login as root user. (On system maintenance mode) 2. Put network driver diskette to floppy A: and use doscp command to copy the file "setup" for installing SCO UNIX Network Driver into UNIX's directory. # cd / # doscp a:/sco/5.x/setup /setup # chmod +x setup # ./setup Install 32-Bit PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver (MDI) Please input source path ? ( ex: a:/sco/5.x )==> a:/sco/5.x ^^^^^^^^^^ (VOL.000.000 file will be created in the /tmp directory) 3. Run custom to enter software manager procedure. From the menu select: Software -> Install New -> From scosysv (i.e. local host) -> Media Device (select "Media Images") -> keyin full path for "Image Directory" (i.e. /tmp) The "32-Bit PCI Fast Ethernet Driver (r8e) (ver 1.0.0a)" message will appear. Select "Install". When custom has completed, quit custom. 4. Use netconfig utility to add LAN adapter. # netconfig 5. To add adapters, select "Add new LAN adapter" from "Hardware". The message "Select network adapter to be added:" will appear and select "32-Bit PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (r8e)". 6. "Network Driver Configuration" will appear. Please use arrow key to fill the configuration of your PCI adapter. Enter the configuration of 32-Bit PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (r8e): Set speed and duplex mode:: | Auto_________________|v * - indicates conflict with other hardware 7. Select SCO TCP/IP to add protocol. 8. Enter the required information and use [TAB] key to press "OK" Local Host Name: |scosysv_____________| IP Address: || Netmask: || Broadcast Address: || Domain Name: |scosysv.com_________| TCP connections: |1024________________| Pseudo ttys: |64__________________| 9. At "Hardware" menu select "Exit" to quit the netconfig utility. 10. Do you want to relink to kernel now ? y 11. Do you want this kernel to boot by default (y/n) y 12. Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt (y/n) y 13. Reboot unix. # shutdown -y -g0 ---- All trademarks or brand names mentioned are properties of their respective companies.