READ ME file Advanced Micro Devices Product Name: AMD PCNET Family NDIS driver for IBM OS/2 2.x. Release Date: Dec 13, 1993 Product Version: 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS This file contains information about AMD AMD PCNET Family NDIS driver for IBM OS/2 2.x. It includes the following topics: 1. WHICH AMD ADAPTER DO YOU HAVE? 2. INSTALLING THE DRIVER 3. EDITING PROTOCOL.INI TO CHANGE THE CONFIGURATION 4. THE AMD BULLETIN BOARD 5. WHO TO CONTACT IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS 6. DISKETTE INVENTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. WHICH AMD ADAPTER DO YOU HAVE? ======================================= 2. INSTALLING THE DRIVER ======================== 2.1 Installing the driver for IBM LAN Services 2.0 -------------------------------------------------- To install the AMD driver for IBM LAN Services 2.0 (LAN Requester or LAN Server), follow these steps: 1 Insert the floppy with AMD files into the floppy drive. 2 Open the LAN Services folder( or run "laps" command from your IBMCOM subdirectory). 3 Run OS/2 LAN Services Installation/Configuration. 4 When the Basic or Advanced Installation/Configuration dialog box is displayed, choose Advanced. 5 When the Install Type dialog box is displayed, choose Install or Configure this workstation. 6 When the Installation and Configuration dialog box is displayed, choose Configure a component. Then choose OK. 7 When the Configure dialog box is displayed, choose LAN Adapter and Protocol Support and choose Configure. Then choose OK. 8 At the Options dialog box, choose Copy additional network adapter drivers. Then choose OK. 9 At the Copy Additional Network Adapter Drivers dialog box, type the path . Then choose OK. 10 When the Copy Diskette dialog box is displayed, choose OK. 11 When the Options dialog box is displayed, choose Configure Workstation. Then choose OK. 12 When the Configure Workstation dialog box is displayed, remove the current configurations from the Current Configuration list box. 13 Choose the AMD PCNET Family Ethernet Adapter from the Network Adapters list box, by highlighting the entry. Then choose Add to add the AMD to Current Configuration list box. 14 Highlight the appropriate protocols in the Protocols list box. Then choose Add to add them to the Current Configuration list box. 15 Choose the AMD driver at the Current Configuration list box. Then choose Edit. The Parameters for AMD dialog box is displayed. 16 View the default configuration. If the default configuration is appropriate, choose OK. If you need to change AMD driver configuration, change the options in this dialog box. You have finished installing the AMD driver for IBM LAN Services 2.0. 2.2 Installing the driver for IBM Extended Services 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------- To install the driver for IBM Extended Services 1.0, follow these steps: 1 Insert the floppy with AMD files into the floppy drive. 2 Display the Communication Manager main menu and choose Advanced. 3 Choose Configuration. 4 Choose LAN Adapter and Protocol Support (LAPS). 5 At the Options dialog box, choose Copy additional network adapter drivers. Then choose OK. 6 At the Copy Additional Network Adapter Drivers dialog box, type the path (a:). Then choose OK. 7 When the Copy Diskette dialog box is displayed, choose OK. 8 When the Options dialog box is displayed, choose Configure Workstation. Then choose OK. 9 When the Configure Workstation dialog box is displayed, remove the current configurations from the Current Configuration list box. 10 Choose the AMD PCNET Family Ethernet Adapter from the Network Adapters list box, by highlighting the entry. Then choose Add to add the AMD to Current Configuration list box. 11 Highlight the appropriate protocols in the Protocols list box. Then choose Add to add them to the Current Configuration list box. 12 Choose the AMD at the Current Configuration list box. Then choose Edit. The Parameters for AMD dialog box is displayed. 14 View the default configuration. If the default configuration is appropriate, choose OK. If you need to change AMD's configuration, change the options in this dialog box. You have finished installing the driver for IBM Extended Services 1.0. 3. EDITING PROTOCOL.INI TO CHANGE THE CONFIGURATION =================================================== To change AMD's configuration, you can edit keyword entries in the IRMATR_NIF section of PROTOCOL.INI. If you are using several AMD adapters, you will have [PCNTND_NIF] and [PCNTND2_NIF] sections. Here's a sample PCNTND_NIF section in PROTOCOL.INI: [PCNTND_NIF] DRIVERNAME=PCNTND$ IOADDRESS=0x300 INTERRUPT=5 DMACHANNEL=9 RXBUFFERS=8 TXBUFFERS=8 For keywords description, please see PCnet Family Network Driver Installation Guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. THE AMD BULLETIN BOARD ========================= Set your communications software parameters as follows: Data: 8 Parity: N Stop bits: 1 Speed: 1200, 2400, or 9600 (with V.32) Emulation: ANSI or TTY Number: (408) 749-4659 9600 baud Number: (408) 749-4346 2400 baud 5. WHO TO CONTACT IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ======================================= If you have questions or experience a problem, you can contact AMD Customer Support. 6. DISKETTE INVENTORY ====================== The following files are provided: File Description -------------- -------------------------------------------------- READ.ME This file. PCNTND.NIF The network information file that supports AMD adapters under OS/2 2.0; Extended Services 1.0 and LAN Services 2.0. PCNTND.OS2 The device driver for OS/2 2.0; Extended Services 1.0 and LAN Services 2.0.