Support Publishing \NETWARE\README.TXT PCMCIA Fast Ethernet Card Installation for Netware DOS ODI Driver Contents -------- .Introduction .Requirements .Minimum Skill Level .Getting Started Introduction ------------ The ODI driver program allows you to run multiple protocol stacks and install up to two network adapters in a workstation. This ODI driver supports the Port, Node Address, Protocol and Frame options for creating your own NET.CFG file. For more information on these keywords, please refer to Novell's "NetWare ODI shell for DOS - NET.CFG options". This installation assumes that the PCMCIA drivers are working properly. Please consult \PCMCIA\README.TXT for help with PCMCIA Drivers. Getting Started will describe the installation instructions. Requirements ------------ .A PCMCIA compatible Laptop .A PCMCIA chipset that is PCIC compatible (Intel, Cirrus, Vadem, and VLSI) or a Card Service has been installed. .An ODI compatible network operating system .A PCMCIA Fast Ethernet Card .A knowledge of basic DOS commands and editing text files Minimum Skill Level ------------------- .A knowledge of basic DOS commands .A knowledge of editing text files .A knowledge of DOS basic file structure (CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT) .A knowledge of the network driver configuration being used .Please see Support Options if you are not comfortable will this skill level Getting Started --------------- There are three methods, auto-installation, manual installation (for NW 3.11 wks) and Novell Client install (for NW 3.12 & 4.x) Auto-installation ----------------- 1. Run INSTALL.EXE from driver diskette's root directory. 2. Select "Netware 3.x or 4.x workstation" in "Network Operating System" screen and enter "Driver Install" screen. 3. If current settings are acceptable, select "Start Installation" and go to step 5. Otherwise, select "Modify Parameters" to make settings changed. 4. Move cursor to focus on the setting you want to make change and press Enter to select a fit value. When the configuration is acceptable, press Enter on the OK field to exit the screen. Back to step 3. 5. Installation program starts copying related files from diskette to the destination directory and modifies AUTOEXEC.BAT and NET.CFG under user's agreement. 6. Installation is complete. Please reboot the computer to make your Netware connection. Manual Installation ------------------- 1. Copy the A:\NETWARE\LE100ODI.COM file from diskette to the Netware client directory containing Novell's LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM and NETx.COM files. 2. Follow Novell's instructions on using ODI programs. You can substitute the LE100ODI.COM whenever a reference is made to the Hardware Specific Module. A typical ODI workstation startup batch file includes: >LSL ; Link Support Layer Module provided by Novell >LE100ODI ; Hardware Specific Module >IPXODI ; IPX Protocol Stack Module provided by Novell >NETx ; DOS Shell Support Module provided by Novell >LOGIN Novell Client Installation -------------------------- 1. Run the NetWare Client Install v1.21 -Get the 4 Client disks from the network administrator or -Run the \NWCLIENT\INSTALL.EXE in a previous installation 2. A message appears on the screen asking you whether or not you want the program to perform modifications on your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. 3. Answer "Yes". The program then modifies your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files accordingly and creates backup copies. 4. The following message appears: -Install support for MS Windows? (Y/N): 5. Answer accordingly and provide a path if necessary. 6. The program displays the following: - Configure your workstation for backup by a NetWare server running software such as SBACKUP? (Y/N): No 7. Answer accordingly and provide a path if necessary. 8. Select a driver for your network board. 9. From the driver list, select "Other Drivers". 10. Go to the Insert the Driver Disk dialog box and specify the path where the ODI driver and INS files reside. For example: C:\NETWARE 11. Press Enter and select the target ODI driver. 12. Specify the driver's optional settings. 13. Press F10 to save to new configuration. 14. Highlight "Install press here" and press to install. The program copies the necessary files for NetWare Client. Continue the installation procedure to completion. Upon completion, a new NET.CFG file will be created in your DOS directory. Typically, this file contains the following lines: Link Driver LE100ODI PORT 320 INT 11 #FRAME Ethernet_802.3 FRAME Ethernet_802.2 : Edit STARTNET.BAT for the ODI workstation performs the following: SET NWLANGUAGE=ENGLISH --Set NetWare 4.X to English language LSL --Link Support Layer Module provided by Novell LE100ODI --Hardware Specific Module IPXODI --IPX Protocol Stack Module provided by Novell VLM --DOS Support Module provided by Novell F: --Change to connected device LOGIN .ADMIN --Login to file server as user ADMIN 15. Run STARTNET to access the Novell network.