Sun PC-NFS Installation [Method 1 -- NDIS Driver] ========================= Location of driver : \NDIS\DOS\LAN_S4\PCIND.DOS When using PC-NFS and LAN Manager networks at the same time, on the screen of the PC-NFS install program, please select "NDIS". It works fine with the NDIS driver included in the subdirectory \NDIS\DOS of the shipping driver diskette. Please copy PCIND.DOS into the \NFS directory of your hard disk. About the content of the configuration files, please refer the following. CONFIG.SYS AUTOEXEC.BAT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SWITCHES=/F SET TZ=EST5EDT DEVICE=C:\HIMEM.SYS C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE DEVICE=C:\EMM386.EXE NOEMS RAM @PROMPT $p$g DOS=HIGH,UMB PATH=C:\NFS;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS; BUFFERS=10,0 C:\LANMAN\NETBIND FILES=40 SET TEMP=C:\DOS STACKS=0,0 SET NFSDRIVE=C LASTDRIVE=G SET NFSPATH=C:\NFS SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS /P SET TN_DIR=C:\NFS\TELNET DEVICE=C:\NFS\PCNFS.SYS /l40 C:\NFS\PRT * DEVICE=C:\NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS C:\NFS\NET INIT DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\PROTMAN.SYS /I:C:\LANMAN DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\NFS-NDIS.SYS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\PCIND.DOS PROTOCOL.INI ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [PCIND_NIF] DRIVERNAME = PCIND$ [NFS-NDIS] DriverName = NFSLINK$ Bindings = PCIND_NIF To use NDIS driver, the user has to obtain a PC-NFS 5.0 QUIKNDIS diskette. [Method 2 -- Packet Driver] =========================== When using PC-NFS without any other NOS at the same time, on the screen of the PC-NFS install program, please select "OTHER". It works fine with the PACKET driver included in the subdirectory \PKTDRV of the shipping driver diskette. Please copy PCIPKT.COM into the \NFS directory of your hard disk. About the content of the configuration files, please refer the following. CONFIG.SYS AUTOEXEC.BAT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SWITCHES=/F SET TZ=EST5EDT DEVICE=C:\HIMEM.SYS C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE DEVICE=C:\EMM386.EXE NOEMS RAM @PROMPT $p$g DOS=HIGH,UMB PATH=C:\NFS;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS; BUFFERS=10,0 SET TEMP=C:\DOS FILES=40 SET NFSDRIVE=C STACKS=0,0 SET NFSPATH=C:\NFS LASTDRIVE=G SET TN_DIR=C:\NFS\TELNET SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS /P C:\NFS\PRT * DEVICE=C:\NFS\PCNFS.SYS /l40 C:\NFS\NET INIT DEVICE=C:\NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS DEVICE=C:\NFS\PCIPKT.COM 0x60 DEVICE=C:\NFS\PDNFS.SYS