The packet driver demonstrates the use of the upper edge NDIS 3.0 services to communicate with NDIS 3.0 MAC drivers. The driver creates a device object which may be opened by Win32 apps via a symbolic link. A Packet may be sent by writing data to the driver. Receives may be pended to the driver by reading from the driver. The driver expects that it will be bound an Ethernet card as it makes assumptions about frame size. If the driver is installed but the card doesn't exist, there will be a warning message box shown after the invalid card is chosen at the first dialog. There are 4 necessary files: 1. Oemsetup.inf ------ the setup file 2. packet.sys ------ the packet file 3. packet32.dll ------ the AP DLL file 4. NT4Diag.exe ------ the AP file The install procedure is as followed: 1. Make sure that Oemsetup.inf, packet.sys and packet32.dll are in the same directory. 2. Choose "Start" --> "Setting" --> "Control Panel" --> "Network" --> "Potocols" 3. Press "Add..." and "Have Disk..". Key in the directory which is mentioned in step 1. The NT will start installing when you press "OK" in the "Select OEM Option" dialog box. 4. Check the item "Service" to see if "Ndis 3.0 Packer Driver" is shown. If yes, press "Close" and restart the computer. If not, repeat step 1 and try again. 5. Copy the execution file "NT4Diag.exe" to anywhere you want. Suggestion: Remove other potocols, if they disturb the test seriously.