This file contains Norton Ghost for NetWare commands and switches. Norton Ghost for NetWare is a 32-bit DOS Extended application. It runs from the DOS prompt and supports Novell NetWare partitions and volumes through both a command-line and graphical user interface. An Adobe Acrobat manual (GHOST4NW.PDF) for Norton Ghost for NetWare is in the \DOCS directory. COMMAND USAGE ------------- Commands are not case-sensitive, but examples given below may use uppercase for emphasis. Quotation marks are used to clarify an example; do not type them. Items in brackets < > require an entry, except that means press the Enter key. Items shown in [ ] brackets are defaults. Pressing after "Would you like to continue? [Y]" means Yes. If a Q is included in the brackets, it is an option to quit at that point. The Q option is found in many commands to allow you to gracefully stop a process. To start Norton Ghost for NetWare, type GHOST4NW at the DOS prompt, then . The program starts and replaces the DOS prompt with GHOST4NW>. To quit Norton Ghost for NetWare and return to DOS, type QUIT or EXIT then . STARTUP SWITCHES ---------------- By default, when GHOST4NW is executed, it searches for IDE, EIDE, and SCSI drives. It also checks the DOS version and check for TCP/IP capabilities. Switch commands are not case sensitive. -NOIDE To disable INT 13 usage -NOEIDE To disable Extended INT 13 usage -NOSCSI To disable ASPI SCSI usage -NOTCPIP To disable TCP/IP usage -NODOSCHK Does not check for DOS version upon startup -MEMTEST Run memory allocation tests (used for technical support) -DISKRPT Create a text file, disks.dbg (used for technical support) Add any of these switches after GHOST4NW. For example, to prevent the software from using ASPI-based SCSI device drivers, use the -noscsi option: GHOST4NW -NOSCSI HELP ---- Entering Help at the prompt displays a listing of all commands available in Norton Ghost for NetWare. Basic syntax for most commands is also displayed. Some commands open additional help screens, and other commands may be disabled at this time. Examples of screen displays are provided for some commands. CHANGER ------- CHANGER supports SCSI Tape Changer systems. Currently, the Overland Data LXB 20/40 GB DLT can be accessed directly from the prompt to control tape selection and loading from a 10- cartridge magazine into two DLT tape drives. Syntax: changer This returns a menu of the changer commands - changer display changer init changer move Example: changer move 0 5 240 This moves a DLT cartridge on the 0 device from position 5 in the magazine to the first tape drive unit. Example: changer move 0 241 7 This moves the tape in the second tape drive unit to position 7 in the magazine. CLONE ----- Copies one disk to another within the same system. Clone does not support spanning. Syntax: clone CLS --- Clears the screen, same as in DOS and the NetWare console. Syntax: cls DATE ---- The DATE command shows the system date and time. It does not allow changing the date or time from within Ghost4Nw. Syntax: date DIR [path] ---------- Displays files from DOS disks in MS-DOS format. Syntax: dir This shows the files in the directory that Ghost for NetWare was started from. Example: dir a: Shows the files on a floppy disk in the A drive. DISK VERIFY ----------- The Disk Verify command attempts a read-only verification of a disk drive. This is attempted by sequentially reading every sector on the disk from the first sector to the last sector. Syntax: disk verify 0 This returns a prompt to confirm that you want to continue. Press to start. Press Ctrl-C to quit if you want to stop before the verification has been completed. DISKS ----- Use this command to display the disk drives; gives same information as the opening screen. Syntax: disks The screen displays: _______________________________________________________________ Drive Type DOS HA TAR LUN Status Size Description ----- ---- --- -- --- --- ------ -------- --------------------- 0 SCSI 80 2 0 0 Ready 8683 MB QUANTUM QM39100TD 1 SCSI 81 3 0 0 Ready 52079 MB MegaRAID LD0 RAID5 2 SCSI -- 4 4 0 Ready 1911 MB Iomega jaz 2GB _______________________________________________________________ EXIT ---- To exit the program and return to the DOS prompt. Can also use the Quit command. Syntax: exit FDISK ----- This command is used to view the partition table of each physical drive. Syntax: fdisk Example: fdisk 0 This returns a table of information on the first drive (drive 0), including drive type, cylinders, heads, sectors per track, total sectors, disk size and status. It also shows up to 4 partitions, their identifier types, starting and ending sectors, partition type and length. An example is shown below: ________________________________________________________________ INT 13 Values - Translated Values Drive Type SCSI Drive 80 - ha=2 target=0 lun=0 Cylinders 1106 - 1106 Heads 255 - 255 Sectors per track 63 - 63 Total sectors 17783248 - 17783248 Disk size 8683 - 8683 MBytes Drive status Ready ID Cyl Hd Sec Cyl Hd Sec Start Length SystemID 0: 06 0 1 1 260 254 63 63 4192902 DOS 16-bit FAT >=32M 1: 65 261 0 1 504 254 63 4192965 3919860 Novell NetWare 386 2: 05 505 0 1 1023 254 63 8112825 8337735 DOS Extended 3: EMPTY ________________________________________________________________ FDISK ADD --------- FDISK ADD is used to add a NetWare partition to a drive. Syntax: fdisk add Example: fdisk add 1 0 This returns the same information as FDISK, and ask you to confirm the addition of a NetWare partition to the second physical drive (drive 1) in the first partition (partition 0). If a partition already exists at this position, an error message advises that the partition is not empty. FDISK DEL --------- This command is used to delete ANY partition that exists on the specified drive. Handle with care! Syntax: fdisk del Example: fdisk del 2 3 This returns the same information as FDISK, and ask you to confirm the deletion of a partition from the third physical drive (drive 2) in the fourth position (partition 3). FDISK INIT ---------- This command initializes the drive selected, deleting all partitions on the drive. Be careful! This is only to be used with new drives that do not have an FDISK table. Syntax: fdisk init Example: fdisk init 0 This returns "Confirm initialization of FDISK Table on Drive 0 [N]" No is the default. GUI --- Loads the user interface. Syntax: gui HISTORY ------- Displays the history of command execution. Syntax: history This displays the last 10 commands entered. Previous commands can be accessed with the Up Arrow, same as in the NetWare console or when using DOSKEY. IMAGE ----- The image command allows you to create an image of a disk drive, disk partition, or NetWare volume. Multiple partitions or volumes can be included in a single image file. Both logical images and sector-by-sector images are supported. The image command supports the creation of image files on different types of media: as files on disk drives; as a sequence of blocks on a SCSI tape drive; as a data stream sent to another system via TCP/IP. Syntax: image Typing IMAGE at the prompt launches a series of screens that implement the image process. You are able to select an output device to store the image data: An image file stored as a disk file An image file stored on a SCSI tape drive An image data stream sent via TCP/IP Selecting [Y] Yes to continue brings up the next screen where you select the image data storage location: 1) for disk file, 2) for SCSI tape drive, or 3) for TCP/IP, or Q to Quit. After selection, you are given the option to include purged files in the image. A purged file is a deleted file that has not yet been removed from the file system. The default is [Y] as a safety measure. Enter N if you don't want to keep the purged files. After Y or N is entered, you are given an opportunity to create a report file. If desired, an option is given to include filenames. Normally, you would not include filenames as this makes a very large report file. Selecting No creates a report file that includes warnings, errors, and status information without the filenames listing. After selecting Yes or No to the filenames question, you are asked for a filename for the report file. Enter a filename, such as SYSIMAGE.TXT. This file is stored in the directory that Ghost for NetWare was started from. The report files are in ASCII text. A report file should be sent to if you have any problems with creating an image or restoring it. The next screen displays the drives and ask you to specify which drive to image. Selecting 0 returns a screen like the example shown: _________________________________________________________________ Disk Drive Contents of Drive 0 Item Action Start End Size Disk Partition Type or Volume ---- -------- ----- ----- -------- ----------------------------- 0 IMAGE 0 63 31 KB Master Boot Record 1 SECTOR 5 30 203 MB DOS 16-bit FAT >=32M 2 IMAGE 31 1105 8432 MB Novell NetWare 386 3 IMAGE 31 1105 8427 MB SYS 4 SECTOR 0 4 39 MB Diagnostics Partition Would you like to modify the action of any of the items? [N]: _________________________________________________________________ Selecting N as the default creates an image of the entire drive. Enter Y to make any changes, then select by item number to to change the Action. For example, selecting 1 gives a choice to SKIP, SECTOR-COPY, or QUIT action on the DOS partition. DOS and Diagnostics partitions can only be sector copied, which take longer than imaging and can result in a large file since the full size of those partitions are included in the image, even if the total files are small. The IMAGE option only creates files as large as the total of all files. In the example above, if the SYS volume has only 300 MB of files in it, an image file of only the SYS volume is 300 MB. A Sector-copy of the SYS volume would be over 8 GB! After making any modifications, enter N to start the imaging process. IMAGEDIR FILE ------------- Use IMAGEDIR to view the contents of an image file. Syntax: imagedir file [p] Example: imagedir file sys_x.img p This displays a listing of all files in the image file, and pauses on each full screen of information. IMAGEDIR TAPE ------------- IMAGEDIR TAPE views the contents of an image written to a tape device. Syntax: imagedir tape [p] Example: imagedir tape 0 p This displays a listing of all files written to the image on the first tape device (device 0), and pauses on each full screen of information. IMAGEDIR TCPIP -------------- IMAGEDIR TCPIP views the contents of an image stored on a different machine, via TCP/IP connection. Syntax: imagedir tcpip [p] Example: imagedir tcpip 0 p This displays a listing of all files written to the image on the first drive (drive 0), of the remote machine and pauses on each full screen of information. PARTITION --------- Use the PARTITION command to copy a NetWare partition and its volumes. This command is prompt driven and displays each available option. It creates a new NetWare partition on a target disk drive of configurable parameters, and then create exact copies of the NetWare volumes. The volumes can maintain the same names or the name of the copied volumes can be changed. You can resize a NetWare partition to be either smaller or larger. The Resize command verifies if it is safe to increase or decrease the size of a NetWare partition. NOTICE: If the partition command is used to create an exact duplicate of the volumes - including the same names of the volumes, do NOT start SERVER.EXE! NetWare won't mount the volumes and gives error messages when duplicate volume names exist. The partition command is useful for creating duplicate disks for removal and installation into another server. Syntax: partition The response is: ________________________________________________________________ 1) Create a Novell NetWare Partition 2) Delete a Novell NetWare Partition 3) Copy a Novell NetWare Partition 4) Resize a Novell NetWare Partition Select command option (1-3,Q): ________________________________________________________________ If you select 1, the display shows: ________________________________________________________________ Create a Novell NetWare Partition Drive Type DOS HA TAR LUN Status Size Description ----- ---- --- -- --- --- --------- --------- ------------------ 0 SCSI 80 2 0 0 Ready 8683 MB QUANTUM QM39100TD-SCA 1 SCSI 81 3 0 0 Ready 52079 MB MegaRAID LD0 RAID5 52080R 2 SCSI -- 4 4 0 Ready 1911 MB iomega jaz 2GB Specify which drive to create a Novell NetWare Partition on [0-2,Q]: ________________________________________________________________ The Q option allows a graceful exit at any point where it is displayed. If you select 3 to copy to a drive that does not have a NetWare partition, one can be created on the fly without stopping and going back to create the partition. PWD --- Displays the current working directory. Syntax: pwd QUIT ---- To quit the program and return to the DOS prompt. Can also use the Exit command. Syntax: quit RECV ---- RECV is used to receive a file using TCP/IP from another machine running the SEND command or running SEND.EXE Syntax: recv Example: recv sys_x.img RECV begins execution and then attempts to connect to another machine that has an IP address of Once the connection has been established, RECV receives the sys_x.img file using TCP. REPORT CLOSE ------------ Closes the report that has been opened during the running of commands. Syntax: report close REPORT OPEN ----------- Open a report before running commands. This allows the saving of details of the commands run. Syntax: report open RESTORE ------- Restore is prompt driven and brings up a screen describing how the command is used. Image files can be restored from a disk file, a file stored on tape, or remotely via TCP/IP connection. Note: There must be a NetWare partition on the destination drive before restoring. Refer to the FDISK command. Syntax: restore The screen displays: ________________________________________________________________ The restore command allows you to restore a Novell NetWare Partition or Volume. The restore of a partition or volume can be a different size and characteristics. You are able to select an input device to use for the restore data: An image file located on a disk file An image file located on a tape drive An image file being sent to this machine via TCP/IP Would you like to continue [Y]: y 1) An image file located on a disk file 2) An image file located on a tape drive 3) An image file being sent to this machine via TCP/IP Select the image file input location: 1 Restore a Novell NetWare Partition or Volume Drive Type DOS HA TAR LUN Status Size Description ----- ---- --- -- --- --- --------- --------- ------------------ 0 SCSI 80 2 0 0 Ready 8683 MB QUANTUM QM39100TD 1 SCSI 81 3 0 0 Ready 52079 MB MegaRAID LD0 RAID5 2 SCSI -- 4 4 0 Ready 1911 MB Iomega jaz 2GB Specify which drive to use for the restore [0-2,Q]: 0 Found NetWare Partition on Drive 0 Partition 1 on Destination Disk You can either leave this partition as is or delete it to create a new one Confirm deletion of Partition 1 on Drive 0 [N]: ________________________________________________________________ SELECT ------ Use this to view partition sizes in sectors and megabytes. The SELECT command is similar to the DISKS command, but shows information in a different format. Syntax: select Example: select 0 The display shows: ________________________________________________________________ Partition Start Length Size SystemID ---------------------------------------------------- 0 63 4192902 2047 MB DOS 16-bit FAT >=32M 1 4192965 3919860 1913 MB Novell NetWare 386 2 8112825 8337735 4071 MB DOS Extended 3 0 0 0 MB Empty Found NetWare Partition on partition 1 ________________________________________________________________ SEND ---- SEND lets you send a file using TCP/IP to another machine that is running the RECV command or running RECV.EXE. Syntax: send Example: send sys_x.img The SEND command begins execution and then waits for a receiver to connect with it. Once the connection has been established, SEND transmits the file using TCP/IP. You do not need to specify an IP address for the SEND command, as it waits for any receiver to connect with it at TCP port 111. TAPE COPY FROM TAPE and TAPE COPY TO TAPE ----------------------------------------- TAPE COPY is used to copy a file to or from a tape. You now have the option of selecting block copy or variable length copy modes. See TAPE TEST below to determined how to select modes. Syntax: tape copy from tape Syntax: tape copy to tape Example: tape copy to tape 0 b sys_x.img b This command attempts to write a file of everything on tape, which may be a problem when trying to write a large tape file to a small DOS partition. TAPE DISPLAY ------------ This command displays all tape devices. Syntax: tape display returns device number, status, adapter, target, and description. For example: ________________________________________________________________ Device Status Adapter Target Description ------ --------- ------- ------ ------------------ 0 Ready 0 6 Quantum DLT4000 ________________________________________________________________ TAPE EJECT ---------- Rewinds and ejects the tape or prepare the tape for ejection by making the release handle operable. Syntax: tape eject Example: tape eject 0 Tape rewinds and ejects, or turns on the "Operate Handle" LED on DLT drives. TAPE ERASE ---------- This command erases all data on a loaded tape. Syntax: tape erase Example: tape erase 0 This erases all data on device 0. No warning given. TAPE REWIND ----------- This command rewinds the tape to prepare for backup or removal. Syntax: tape rewind Example: tape rewind 0 TAPE TEST --------- This is used to test a tape before use. Norton Ghost for NetWare can read/write in block mode or variable length mode. Variable length mode is usually faster, but not all tape drives support this mode. Test both modes if this is the first time Ghost for NetWare is used with a specific drive. If both modes work, go with the faster mode. Writing the header for the first time affects the speed on the first run, so run it a second time to get an accurate reading. The default setting of 10000 should be used to adequately test the tape speed. Syntax: tape test [b|v] [block_count (default=10000)] Example: tape test 0 b This tests tape device 0 in block mode with default setting. TIME ---- The TIME command shows the system date and time. It does not allow changing the date or time from within Ghost4Nw. Syntax: time VOLUME ADD ---------- This command is used to add a new volume to an existing NetWare partition. It is prompt-driven and asks for NetWare version, block size, (Block suballocation, enable compressed files for NetWare 4 and 5), file system size, and to confirm volume creation. Syntax: volume add Example: Volume add 1 data1 This adds a new volume named DATA1 to the second physical drive (drive 1) after all parameters are entered. VOLUME DEL ---------- This command deletes an existing volume. Use with care! Syntax: volume del Example: Volume del 1 data1 You receive a confirmation before continuing. Default is No. VOLUME RENAME ------------- This command renames an existing volume. Syntax: volume rename Example: volume rename 1 data1 data2 After confirmation, DATA1 on the second physical drive is renamed to DATA2. VOLUMES ------- This displays all NetWare volumes and show existing free space. Syntax: volumes Returns the drive, index, size in MB, and volume name. An example of the display is shown below: _______________________________________________________________ VOLUME TABLE Drive Index Size Volume Name ---------------------------------------- 0 0 667 MB SYS 0 1 900 MB VOL1 0 - 342 MB 1 0 400 MB SYS2 1 - 9007 MB 2 - 1904 MB _______________________________________________________________ End of File