TPE cabling specifications

Specifications and Recommendations for Twisted-Pair Ethernet cable

The EtherExpress(TM) 10 ISA adapters have a small, snap-in RJ45

RJ45 cabling is also known as twisted-pair Ethernet (TPE), unshielded
twisted pair (UTP) and 10BASE-T.

This document covers the following topics:
      -  Recommended cables
      -  Cable and connector pinouts
      -  Connecting two workstations without a hub
      -  Link integrity
      -  Common problems

For more information on the 10BASE-T specification, contact your local
network supplier or call the IEEE (800-678-IEEE).

Recommended cables

The RJ45 connector can use 22, 24, or 26-gauge UTP cabling. The cable
must comply with the IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T standard.

If you're using TPE cabling in a residential environment, you must use a
shielded cable.

The cable between the computer and the hub must be less than 100 meters

These UTP cables work well:

Manufacturer       Model number         No. of pairs
Belden             9562                 2
Data Set           2402                 4
Belden             9566                 6

Silver satin is not within the 10BASE-T specification and cannot be used.
If used, it may not work at all, or may give intermittent results.

EtherExpress adapters do not support pre10BASE-T concentrators.

Cable and connector pinouts

If you need to repair a cable or provide connectors for UTP cable, wire
straight through as shown in the following table.

Use only four of the eight pins. Pins 1 and 2 must be a pair, and pins 3
and 6 must be a pair.

Function    Pin#               Pin#
TX+        1    <-------->   1
TX-        2    <-------->   2
RX+        3    <-------->   3
RX-        6    <-------->   6

To allow for a straight-through cable, the hub provides an internal
transmit/receive crossover function. This means the transmit circuit of
the network card is connected to the receive circuit of the hub and vice

Pinout for the RJ45 connector

           ----------              --------------------------
        1 |--        |          8 |------------              |
        2 |--        |          7 |------------              |
        3 |--         ---       6 |------------              |
        4 |--            |      5 |------------              |
        5 |--            |      4 |------------              |
        6 |--         ---       3 |------------              |
        7 |--        |          2 |------------              |
        8 |--        |          1 |------------              |
           ----------              --------------------------
              END                             TOP

Pin name and function:
      1. Transmit Data Plus. The positive signal for the TD differential
         pair. This signal contains the serial output data stream
         transmitted onto the network.
      2. Transmit Data Minus. The negative signal for the TD differential
         pair. This contains the same output as pin 1.
      3. Receive Data Plus. The positive signal for the RD differential
         pair. This signal contains the serial input data stream received
         from the network.
      4. not connected
      5. not connected
      6. Receive data minus. The negative signal for the RD differential
         pair. This signal contains the same input as pin 3.
      7. not connected
      8. not connected

Connecting two workstations without a hub

10BASE-T uses a star topology. This means there is a hub or concentrator
in the center of a star and each workstation or server is connected to
this hub.

For TEST purposes, you can directly connect two workstations or a
workstation and a server without using a hub. This requires a special
cable that incorporates the crossover function.

Function    Pin#               Pin#   Function
  TX+        1    <-------->    3       RX+
  TX-        2    <-------->    6       RX-
  RX+        3    <-------->    1       TX+
  RX-        6    <-------->    2       TX-
      NOTE: This is not an IEEE supported configuration and should be
            used for test purposes only.

Link integrity

For 10BASE-T networks, Link Integrity (LI) needs to be on. Some
transceivers, Ethernet cards, or other network devices allow you to turn
it off, but Link Integrity is always on with the EtherExpress adapters.

If you're using a transceiver to go to a thick/thin Ethernet segment,
Link Integrity must be set to on for the transceiver.

Common problems

A hub can't "see" a workstation

This is often caused by a crossed wire in the cable or wiring closet.
Check to make sure the wiring is correct.

Workstations can't connect to the network

If your workstations are having problems connecting, reset or power
off/on your concentrator or hub.

Polarity problems

A common problem in 10BASE-T wiring is crossing the positive and negative
phases of the transmit or receive signals. For example, a problem would
occur if pins 1 and 2 were crossed. (TX+ connected to TX-).

The current EtherExpress adapters automatically detect this problem and
adjust for it internally. Early EtherExpress 16TP adapters did not have
this feature.

Even though the current EtherExpress adapters can take care of this
crossover for you, it is best to check your wiring and correct this
problem if you find it.