NetWare Remote Boot v3.03 NetWare* Remote Boot Installation Notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 LAN Adapter ==================================================================== Setting up a remote boot or diskless workstation requires 2 steps: 1 Configuring the file server (with either a single boot image or multiple boot image). 2 Configuring the workstation. The drivers for the EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 adapter are located in the following directories on the LAN Adapter Configuration and Driver Diskette: DOS\EPROODI.COM .. for ODI workstations DOS\IPX.COM ...... for IPX workstations 1 CONFIGURING THE FILE SERVER ------------------------------ NOTE: If your file server is using NetWare v4.x, you MUST change the RBOOT.RPL and RPL.NLM to the ones dated 10/17/95. See the Hints and Tips section at the end of this document for details. The EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter's flash ROM is ODI/802.2 based, and requires the IPX protocol and RPL to be loaded and bound to the 802.2 frame type on the server. For example, LOAD EPRO PORT=xxx FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 NAME=LAN1 BIND IPX TO LAN1 NET=xx LOAD RPL BIND RPL TO LAN1 NetWare 3.11 server drivers default to 802.3 frame type, so you may have to add all lines above to the server's autoexec.ncf file. Example AUTOEXEC.NCF file with multiple frame types: File Server Name RPLSERVER IPX Internal Net 0378047 Load epro port=300 frame=ETHERNET_802.2 name=rpl_lan Bind IPX to rpl_lan net=200 Load RPL Bind RPL to rpl_lan Load epro port=300 frame=ETHERNET_802.3 name=lan1 Bind IPX to lan1 net=100 SETTING UP A SINGLE BOOT IMAGE ------------------------------ 1 A single boot image should be used if all your remote boot workstations use the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter, and all of them will use the same boot up files and DOS version. Otherwise, refer to #6 under the Hints and Tips section at the end of this document for details on multiple boot images. If using the IPX driver, create a DOS bootable disk that contains these files: COMMAND.COM AUTOEXEC.BAT CONFIG.SYS IPX.COM NETX.EXE Sample AUTOEXEC.BAT (for IPX workstations) ----------------------------------------- prompt $p$g ipx netx If using the ODI driver, create a DOS bootable disk that contains these files: COMMAND.COM AUTOEXEC.BAT CONFIG.SYS ...........required if using VLMs NET.CFG LSL.COM EPROODI.COM IPXODI.COM NETX.EXE or VLM.EXE Note: NETX.EXE for 3.11 or 3.12 workstations and VLM.EXE (and related files)for 3.12 or 4.x workstations. For a list of VLMs to use with remote boot, see #5 under the Hints and Tips section below. Sample AUTOEXEC.BAT (for ODI workstations) ------------------------------------------ prompt $p$g set nwlanguage=english ... use with VLMs only lsl eproodi ipxodi netx ..................... for NetWare 3.11 or 3.12 vlm ...................... for NetWare 3.12 or 4.x Sample CONFIG.SYS ----------------- files=50 buffers=25 lastdrive=Z ............. ONLY for use with VLMs Sample NET.CFG (for ODI workstations) ------------------------------------- preferred server= NetWare DOS Requester first network drive = F (ONLY for use with VLM's) link driver EPROODI port 300 frame ethernet_802.2 frame ethernet_II LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM, NETX.EXE and VLM.EXE (and related files) are Novell files. All except the VLMs can be found on the EtherExpress PRO/10 disk in the DOS directory along with the EPROODI.COM and IPX.COM drivers. Include any other drivers you plan to load on this boot disk. 2 Log onto the network with supervisory rights and verify that these mappings exist: SYS:LOGIN SYS:SYSTEM If they don't, you will need to create them: MAP F:=SYS:LOGIN MAP G:=SYS:SYSTEM 3 Put the DOS bootable disk in drive A. Change to the LOGIN directory and type G:DOSGEN NOTE: For DOSGEN to work correctly, you should run DOSGEN from the LOGIN directory not the SYSTEM directory. DOSGEN creates a file called NET$DOS.SYS in the SYS:LOGIN directory. NET$DOS.SYS contains all the files from your boot disk. 4 Change the attributes of NET$DOS.SYS to: Shareable, Read/Write. FLAG NET$DOS.SYS SRW (NetWare 3.11 and 3.12) FLAG NET$DOS.SYS SHRW (NetWare 4.x) 2 SETTING UP THE WORKSTATION ----------------------------= ONLY AFTER SETTING UP A BOOT IMAGE ON THE SERVER Configure the adapter so it is set for ODI remote boot. This can be done the first time you plug the adapter in and turn the power on. Choose the FLASHSET option and select the ODI remote boot option. If FLASHSTART has been disabled, and the FLASHSET option does not appear on the screen when the system boots up, you will need to run the SOFTSET2 utility and manually configure the adapter. 1 From a clean DOS boot run SOFTSET2 and choose Change Adapter Configuration from the main menu. 2 Set the FLASH chip address to a valid address. D000-D3FF is the default address setting. 3 Select Remote Boot Program and set it to NetWare ODI. 4 Press to save changes, then exit SOFTSET2 and reboot the system. HINTS AND TIPS -------------- 1 NetWare 4.x servers: If you are using NetWare 4.x, and are experiencing problems remote booting to the server, replace your existing RBOOT.RPL and RPL.NLM with the ones dated 10/17/95. Among the symptoms that appear are problems reading the boot image on the server; not seeing the rpl server; or just booting from the local hard drive. Replace the server's RPL files as follows: a. If RPL is already loaded, unload it from the server console. b. From a workstation, login as ADMIN and flag \LOGIN\RBOOT.RPL and \SYSTEM\RPL.NLM as read-write. c. Insert the disk with the updated files and copy RPL.NLM to the server's \SYSTEM directory and RBOOT.RPL to the server's \LOGIN directory. d. Flag both files as read only. e. From the server console, load RPL and bind it to the Ethernet 802.2 frame type. 2 Remote Boot Process: When you power on a remote-boot workstation, the ROM finds the server by looking for the nearest RPL server with 802.2 frame type. Once connected to the server, it looks for a BOOTCONF.SYS file. If it finds this file AND it finds a line with its Ethernet address it executes the XXXX.sys file. If it does not find its Ethernet address (or a BOOTCONF.SYS file), it looks for NET$DOS.SYS and executes that file. 3 Non 802.2 servers: The Boot ROM is configured for a FRAME type of 802.2. If you are using a different FRAME type (i.e. Ethernet Type II), the server must be configured to include both 802.2 and the other FRAME type. You will also need to include a NET.CFG file in the boot image. This NET.CFG files must also include both FRAME types. 4 Computer won't boot from network: If the remote boot workstation does not have a floppy drive, try another computer with the SAME configuration. - Make sure the computer will boot from the EXACT floppy disk used for DOSGEN (BEFORE configuring the adapter so it is set for ODI remote boot). - If you are using a memory manager, make sure you EXCLUDE the memory for the flash ROM address. - If an RPL counter appears while trying to boot and continues to increment, make sure the server has the correct frame types loaded, that RPL is bound to the 802.2 frame type, and ensure the cables are working properly. 5 With PRO/10 ISA adapter in server, workstations that had been successful remote booting, fail to reconnect: Update the EPRO.LAN driver to version 2.05 or greater. 6 VLMs for remote boot: below is a list of VLMs you should use for remote booting. VLM.EXE AUTO.VLM CONN.VLM FIO.VLM GENERAL.VLM IPXNCP.VLM NMR.VLM NWP.VLM PNW.VLM PRINT.VLM REDIR.VLM TRAN.VLM 7 Remote booting to an SFT III server: If you are remote booting to a SFT III server, the bind rpl line requires the GetNearestServer parameter in the IOSTART.NCF file. For Example: LOAD EPRO.LAN PORT=300 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 NAME=LAN1 BIND IPX LAN1 NET=4444 LOAD RPL BIND RPL TO LAN1 GNS 8 Setting up multiple boot images: a) Create a DOS 5.0 or 6.xx bootable disk that contains the files as listed in step 2 under the single boot image section. b) The AUTOEXEC.BAT file should contain only one line: xxxx.BAT WHERE: xxxx is a name you assign to the remote boot workstation. Each remote boot workstation will have its own xxxx.BAT file. The xxxx.BAT file should contain the information as listed in the appropriate AUTOEXEC.BAT file under Sample configuration files above. c) Copy the xxxx.bat file to the LOGIN subdirectory on the server. You can execute other commands by including them in the xxxx.bat file. d) Log onto the network as supervisor and verify that these mappings exist: SYS:LOGIN SYS:SYSTEM If they don't, you will need to create them: MAP F:=SYS:LOGIN MAP G:=SYS:SYSTEM e) Put the DOS bootable disk in drive A. Change to the LOGIN directory and type G:DOSGEN a: XXXX.sys There MUST be a space between a: and XXXX.sys. f) Change the attributes of the new file to Shareable, Read/Write: FLAG XXXX.SYS SRW (NetWare 3.11 and 3.12) FLAG XXXX.SYS SHRW (NetWare 4.x) g) Change to the LOGIN directory and create an ASCII file called BOOTCONF.SYS Each line in this file defines a unique remote-boot workstation. The format for this file is 0xYYY,00AA00123456=XXXX.sys WHERE: 0xYYY is the network address of the remote-boot workstation (It should start with 0x). This is the NET=# that is specified on the BIND IPX line of the 802.2 segment. 00AA00123456 is the 12 digit Ethernet address of the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter. This address is printed on the board or can be displayed by running SOFTSET2. Note: Newer PRO/10+ adapters use a different Ethernet Address. The first six digits are 00A0C9. XXXX.sys is the name of the boot image for this workstation. You entered this name when you ran DOSGEN. For additional information on setting up multiple boot images refer to your Novell documentation. h) Return to the section entitled Setting up the Workstation to complete the installation. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners