Server Driver for NetWare 3.12 v3.03 NetWare* 3.12 Server Driver Installation Notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 LAN Adapter ========================================================== Location of Driver: \NWSERVER\EPRO.LAN Sample Load Commands -------------------- LOAD C:\EPRO PORT=xxx FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 BIND IPX TO EPRO NET=xxxxxxxx General Installation -------------------- If you have a Plug and Play BIOS, make sure you DISABLE Plug and Play on your adapter using SoftSet2 (Change Adapter Configuration, Advanced Options menu). NetWare servers don't support Plug and Play (they don't support a Configuration Manager). As a result, NetWare servers may not be able to find your adapter if Plug and Play is enabled. 1 Install NetWare 3.12 according to the NetWare 3.12 installation manual. 2 We recommend you update the version of the following two NLMs to version 2.50 or later. Earlier versions may not work properly. These files can be obtained from Novell's online services. See the Hints and Tips section for notes on contacting Novell. MSM31X.NLM (11-23-94 v2.50) ETHERTSM.NLM (11-29-94 v2.50) NOTE: On a 3.12 server, you must RENAME MSM31X.NLM to MSM.NLM If you can log into the server, rename the existing copy of these files in the SYSTEM subdirectory and copy the updates into the SYSTEM subdirectory. If the adapter is the only one in the server, manually LOAD these NLMs in the order listed above, specifying the c:\<path> to where they are located. 3 Prior to bringing up the server, copy the LAN adapter driver from the \NWSERVER directory on the LAN adapter driver disk to the root directory of the hard drive of the server. 4 Bring up the server, and at the server console issue the load and bind statement(s) as required. See the example above and substitute "xxx" with valid parameters for that adapter. PORT= refers to the I/O port address and NET= is the unique network address for that LAN segment. If you have workstations using the 802.3 frame type, see below for using multiple frame types on one adapter. 5 Add the load and bind statements you require to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file so the EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 driver will load automatically each time the server starts up. Hints and Tips -------------- 1 Installing multiple EtherExpress PRO/10 LAN adapters If you have multiple LAN adapters in a single server, each adapter must have a different network number and a different port number. You may also want to name each adapter for ease of management. For example LOAD C:\EPRO PORT=300 NAME=LAN_A BIND IPX TO LAN_A NET=222 LOAD C:\EPRO PORT=320 NAME=LAN_B BIND IPX TO LAN_B NET=333 2 Installing one EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter with multiple frame types When binding multiple frame types to one adapter, enter a load and bind statement for each frame type. Each load statement will use the same port number, but a different network number is required on the bind statement. You need to supply a name on each load line to avoid being prompted for which board to bind IPX to. If you do not have the name option in the AUTOEXEC.NCF, it will not execute completely without user intervention. For example LOAD C:\EPRO PORT=300 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 NAME=LAN8023 BIND IPX TO LAN8023 NET=77777 LOAD C:\EPRO PORT=300 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 NAME=LAN8022 BIND IPX TO LAN8022 NET=88888 3 For updated NLMs, download LANDRx.EXE (x being the latest offering) from one of Novell's services: Novell BBS: 801-221-5197 World Wide Web: WWW.NOVELL.COM CompuServe: Type GO NOVFILES and download LANDRx.EXE * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.