LAN Manager DOS Workstation Remote Boot v3.02 LAN Manager* Remote Boot Installation Notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 LAN Adapter ======================================================================== Location of Driver: \NDIS\MSLANMAN.BAT MSLANMAN.BAT will create the following directory structure on local hard drive: \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\EPRO\EPRO.DOS (DOS NDIS driver) \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\EPRO\PROTOCOL.INI \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF\EPRODOS.NIF \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\EPRO\EPRO.OS2 (OS/2 NDIS driver) \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\EPRO\PROTOCOL.INI \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\NIF\EPROOS2.NIF General Installation -------------------- Note: This document assumes the RPL workstations are running DOS 5.0 (remote OS/2 workstations are not supported), and the server is using LAN Manager's default file structure. 1 If you have a hard disk in the RPL workstations you need to execute Microsoft's RPLENABL command before those workstations can boot from the network. See the "Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator Guide" for more information on RPLENABL. 2 Chapter 13 of the "LAN Manager Administrator Guide" is on remote boot workstations. Complete the sections on Preparing the Server, Installing LAN Manager with Remote Selections, and Setting up for MS- DOS* and MS-OS/2 Workstations. A note in Chapter 13, Section 4, refers to MSDOS.SYS, IO.SYS, IBMDIO.COM, and IBMDOS.COM. Use the File Manager to turn off the SYSTEM and HIDDEN file attributes for these files. You can verify these attributes are correct by displaying a directory listing for C:\LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS500. If the MSDOS.SYS and IO.SYS files are not visible in this virtual root directory when booting an RPL workstation, the following error will be displayed: "NON-SYSTEM DISK insert DOS disk and strike any key." 3 The name of the server MUST conform to the DOS naming convention (eight characters or less). 4 Be sure RPLINST runs successfully before you continue. This is an indication that the DOS directory is installed correctly. 5 Setting up an RPL workstation is a fairly detailed process. If you have additional questions about the remote boot process, refer to your LAN Manager documentation. 6 Make sure the REMOTEBOOT service is not running. This can be done by entering the command NET STOP REMOTEBOOT at the server's OS/2 prompt. NOTE: You will need to be logged in as NET ADMIN. 7. Remove all references to Intel EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 (EPRO) card in the RPL.MAP & RPLMGR.INI files located in the C:\LANMAN\RPL directory. These entries probably don't exist unless you entered them manually. To help determine if RPL.MAP & RPLMGR.INI contain references to the EtherExpress PRO/10 card - Look for lines that begin with 00AA00?????? in the RPL.MAP file. If any exist, remove them. - Look for configurations that contain "bblink = RDOSIN" or "adapters=00AA00??????." If any exist, remove them. Note: The PRO/10+ adapter uses an Ethernet address beginning with 00A0C9. Look for this character string also. 8 Edit the RPL.MAP file to include information about the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter. (Path: \LANMAN\RPL\RPL.MAP). Use existing entries in the RPL.MAP file. Modify them to look like the following lines. We show each entry as two lines, but in the RPL.MAP file each entry will be on one line. Check the syntax and spacing carefully! Note: The PRO/10+ adapter uses an Ethernet address beginning with 00A0C9. Use SoftSet2 to check what your Ethernet address is and use the appropriate string in the boot block records and RPLMGR.INI. In the Boot Block Records ------------------------- yyyyyyyyyyyy BBLOCK\NETBEUI\EPRO\DOSBB.CNF 2 6 A ~ DOS~INTEL~ EPRO 00AA00 ~ ,,, ~ RDOSIN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In the Workstation Records -------------------------- 00AA00?????? INTEL D FITS\DOS500 (RPL_SERVER_NAME) S ~ ~ ~ ,,, ~ RDOSIN ~ DEFAULT *~New~Intel~EPRO~*~ ~ ~ NOTE: The RPL_Server_Name must conform to the DOS naming convention. 9 Edit the RPLMGR.INI file to include information about the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter. In the Configuration section of the RPLMGR.INI file, add these new sections for the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter. [configuration] name = INTEL os = DOS500 dirname = DOS dirname2 = DOS500 bblink = RDOSIN fitfileshared = fits\DOS500 comment = DOS 5.00 EtherExpress PRO card adapter = 00AA00?????? 10 Copy the DOS NDIS driver from the disk (\MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\EPRO\EPRO.DOS) to the C:\LANMAN\RPL\BBLOCK\NDIS directory. 11 Create the directory C:\LANMAN\RPL\BBLOCK\NETBEUI\EPRO. In this directory create a PROTOCOL.INI and a DOSBB.CNF file. Make sure the EPRO_NIF and EPRO$ statements are capitalized. Example of the PROTOCOL.INI file -------------------------------- [protman] drivername = protman$ dynamic = yes priority = netbeui [netbeui] drivername = netbeui$ bindings = EPRO_NIF names = 5 ncbs = 8 packets = 20 pipeline = 10 sessions = 4 stacksize = 512 lanabase = 0 [EPRO_NIF] IOADDRESS = 0x300 DRIVERNAME = EPRO$ RPL Note: The IOADDRESS line should match the I/O address you chose for the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter. Example of the DOSBB.CNF file ----------------------------- ; DOS on INTEL ETHEREXPRESS RPL BBLOCK\RPLBOOT.SYS LDR BBLOCK\RPLSTART.COM ~ DAT BBLOCK\NETBEUI\EPRO\PROTOCOL.INI DRV BBLOCK\RPLDISK.SYS ~ 4 M EXE BBLOCK\RPLPRO1.COM ~ 2 ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND2.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\PROTMAN.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND1.EXE ~ ~ DRV BBLOCK\TCPDRV.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\NETBEUI\NETBEUI.EXE ~ 10 ~ DRV BBLOCK\NDIS\EPRO.DOS ~ ~ ~ DRV BBLOCK\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ M Note: You can copy the DOSBB.CNF file from the subdirectory of another network card then modify it to match this example. 12 Create this directory structure: C:\LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\MACHINES\INTEL\DEFAULT\WKSTA Copy the PROTOCOL.INI you created in the previous step to the WKSTA directory. 13 Update RPLMGR. - Change to the C:\LANMAN\RPL and invoke RPLMGR. - From the Remoteboot pulldown menu, choose New Profile. - Enter Profile name, comment, and configuration. - Profile Name: INTEL - Comment: Your comment here - Configuration: DOS500 EtherExpress card The configuration line should match the COMMENT line entry in the PLMRG.INI file. - Select OK - When disk activity stops, exit RPLMGR. 14 Start the REMOTEBOOT service by entering the NET START REMOTEBOOT at the OS/2 prompt. NOTE: After the RPL installation is complete, configure the server to automatically start the REMOTEBOOT service. 15 Install the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter, and when the FlashStart main menu appears, select the NDIS boot rom. 16 The workstation will attach to the server and eventually return you to a "C:\" prompt. The "C:\" is a virtual link to the C:\LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\MACHINES\INTEL\DEFAULT\WKSTA directory on the server. Note: The workstation has limited file permissions until the user executes a NET LOGON command. Hints and Tips -------------- 1 Setting up a LAN Manager remote boot setup is an involved process. If the RPL workstation does not find the server (example error message: Searching for a DLC RPL server), go back through each step and check the syntax, spelling, and directory structures. 2 Follow Microsoft's instructions in Chapter 13 of the "LAN Manager Administrator Guide" to configure personal or shared workstation profiles using RPLMGR. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.