4 Server: NetWare AFT v1.10 NetWare* 4.1X Adapter Fault Tolerance Driver Installation Notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/100+ adapter =================================================================== Location of driver: \NWSERVER\AFT.NLM NOTE: AFT is supported on NetWare 4.10 and 4.11 only. Overview -------- Adapter Fault Tolerance provides Adapter redundancy for two EtherExpress PRO/100+ adapters. When configured, there becomes a primary and secondary PRO/100+ adapter. If the primary loses communication with the hub/switch, the secondary automatically takes over. The secondary adapter will take over for such reasons as cable connection problems, switch or hub port failure or adapter failure. For more information on Adapter Fault Tolerance, see the AFT.TXT readme file. ********************************************************************** ;- Example: With Adapter Fault Tolerance ********************************************************************** ;- Load Adapter Fault Tolerance (STARTUP.NCF) load aft ;- Load LAN Driver on 1st Adapter (AUTOEXEC.NCF) load e100b slot=4 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=pri_802.2 load e100b slot=4 frame=ethernet_802.3 name=pri_802.3 load e100b slot=4 frame=ethernet_snap name=pri_snap load e100b slot=4 frame=ethernet_ii name=pri_ii ;- Load LAN Driver on 2nd Adapter load e100b slot=5 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=sec_802.2 load e100b slot=5 frame=ethernet_802.3 name=sec_802.3 load e100b slot=5 frame=ethernet_snap name=sec_snap load e100b slot=5 frame=ethernet_ii name=sec_ii ;- Bind ipx to 1st adapter bind ipx pri_802.2 net=2 bind ipx pri_802.3 net=3 bind ipx pri_snap net=5 bind ipx pri_ii net=11 ;-Set the 2nd Adapter to be a Fault Tolerance Partner with to the 1st aft bind 4 5 Additional Information Following are some commands that can be helpful in configuring or troubleshooting Adapter Fault Tolerance. Command: AFT BIND Description: Used for creating Adapter Fault Tolerance group by specifying slot numbers of primary and secondary NICs. Format: AFT BIND PrimarySlotNo SecondarySlotNo Example: AFT BIND 4 5 Error Conditions: If you receive the error message: "Failed to create AFT group. Make sure that the drivers for supported adapters are loaded, primary adapter is bound to protocols and secondary adapter is not bound to any protocols." Check the following: 1. The slot number is valid for the primary and secondary adapter. 2. The primary adapter has a protocol stack bound to it. 3. The secondary adapter is not bound to a protocol stack. 4. AFT is not being bound to an unsupported adapter. Command: AFT NAMEBIND Description: Used for creating a Adapter Fault Tolerance group by specifying logical names associated with primary and secondary NICs. Format: AFT NAMEBIND PrimaryLName SecondaryLname Example: AFT NAMEBIND primary_8022 secondary_8022 Error Conditions: If you receive the error message: "Failed to create AFT group. Make sure that the drivers for supported adapters are loaded, primary adapter is bound to protocols and secondary adapter is not bound to any protocols." Check the following: 1. The specified board name is valid. 2. The primary adapter has a protocol stack bound to it. 3. The secondary adapter is not bound to a protocol stack. 4. AFT is not being bound to an unsupported adapter. Command: AFT UNBIND Description: Used for deleting a Adapter Fault Tolerance group from the list. To delete a group, user has to specify the slot number associated with primary adapter. The group gets deleted automatically if LAN driver for that group is unloaded. Format: AFT UNBIND PrimarySlotNo Example: AFT UNBIND 4 Command: AFT RESET SLOT Description: Used for issuing a hardware reset to the slot in the system. This command is particularly useful after a transceiver failure has happened and the user is trying to correct the problem. If the fault was on the TPE cable, then AFT will detect the link as soon as the cable is plugged in again. No reset command is required. If the fault involved a MII transceiver that has failed or was disconnected, transceivers that support hot-swapping can be replaced and returned to service without downing the server. If this is done, the card must be reset before AFT will add it back in to the group. Format: AFT RESET SLOT SlotNumber Example: AFT RESET SLOT 4 Command: AFT LINK TIMEOUT Description: Used for setting the link timeout value. During the binding process, AFT does a network topology test for short period of time before creating an Adapter Fault Tolerance group. This test ensures that both cards are connected to the same network segment, and that they can properly transfer data. The default value for this parameter is 5 seconds. When using AFT with certain Fast Ethernet switches, AFT may fail to create the group within the five second timeout. In this case, the timeout should be extended to allow the switch to begin passing traffic. The recommended value is 40 seconds for Catalyst 5000* and other Cisco* switches. This command must be issued before the AFT BIND command. Format: AFT LINK TIMEOUT TimeoutValue Example: AFT LINK TIMEOUT 40 Command: AFT STATUS Description: Displays current status of Adapter Fault Tolerance Groups. Format: AFT STATUS Example: AFT STATUS * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.