DMI (Desktop Management Interface) v1.07 DMI support for Intel 82557-based PCI adapters: EtherExpress(TM) PRO/100B TX EtherExpress PRO/100B T4 EtherExpress PRO/10+ PCI =================================================================== Overview ======== This document includes: - How to get DMI working with your Intel 82557-based PCI adapter - What DMI is - How DMI works - What DMI needs ________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Before proceeding, your computer must be DMI-ready. If your computer is not DMI-ready, you need to install a DMI Service Layer on your computer. Intel provides a combined DOS and Windows* Service Layer on its BBS and WWW page. Access one of these services and download the self-extracting file DMISL.EXE. Follow installation instructions in the DMISL.TXT file. _________________________________________________________________________ How to get DMI working with your adapter ======================================================================== PRO/10+ PCI adapter: copy E10PPCI.MIF to the C:\DMI\DOS\MIFS directory and E10PPCI.OVL to the C:\DMI\DOS\BIN directory. PRO/100B TX or T4 adapter: copy E100B.MIF to the C:\DMI\DOS\MIFS directory and E100B.OVL to the C:\DMI\DOS\BIN directory. All adapters: Restart the Service Layer. Make sure you add the "o=11" parameter. For example, C:\DMI\DOS\BIN\SL o=11 This installs DMI support for your adapter and in turn allows your adapter to be managed through the Desktop Management Interface. Note: Your adapter's network drivers must be loaded in order for management applications to manage your adapter. DMI support works with DOS ODI and DOS NDIS 2.0 only. What DMI is =========== The Desktop Management Interface (DMI) is an emerging computer industry standard for managing computer components, such as your 82557-based EtherExpress adapter. Any desktop component designed to be DMI-compliant--your hard disk, operating system, software application, adapter--can dynamically communicate with management applications via the DMI. |```````````````| {`````} |```````````````````| | DMI-compliant | <====> { DMI } <====> | DMI-compliant | | Component | { } | Mgmt. Application | | | ````` | | ``````````````` ``````````````````` In effect, the DMI is the middleman between DMI-compliant components and DMI-compliant management applications. How DMI works ============= At a fundamental level, DMI performs two functions: it stores information about components, and it provides the ability to query and change that information. Information about how a desktop component can be managed is stored in a Management Information Format (MIF) file. Each DMI-compliant component has its own MIF file that includes information like location of the component, vendor name, and installation date. When you install DMI support for a DMI-compliant component, an entry is made into the MIF Database by the Service Layer. The DMI Service Layer is software installed on desktop computers that use DMI. The Service Layer can be part of the computer's operating system, or it can be an add-on. For DOS, the Service Layer is an add-on loaded by a command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, just like network adapter drivers or disk-caching software. DMI-compliant management applications use the Service Layer to interact with a desktop component by querying for information ("What's the name of the component manufacturer?"), requesting a change ("Change your I/O address to 310"), or accepting a message ("I'm out of paper"). What DMI needs ============== To use DMI, you need three things: - DMI Service Layer - DMI-compliant components and support software - DMI-compliant management application. DMI Service Layer ----------------- The DMI Service Layer can be part of your operating system or an add-on. Currently, service layers that work with DOS, OS/2* and Windows 3.1 have been developed by the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF). Intel provides a combined DOS and Windows Service Layer on its BBS and WWW page. Access one of these services and download the self-extracting file DMISL.EXE. DMI-compliant components ------------------------ Your 82557-based network adapter is a DMI-compliant component. Once you install your adapter, you still need to install the DMI support files, as described in the section "How to get DMI working with your adapter" above. DMI-compliant management applications ------------------------------------- Management applications are available from a variety of sources. For example, Intel's LANDesk(TM) Manager 2.0 is a DMI-compliant management application. For more information about LANDesk Manager, visit our corporate home page on the world wide web. From the home page, click on SEARCH and specify LANDesk Manager to get the latest information. * Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.