Novell NetWare DOS ODI Client ----------------------------- * NOTE : To Use the A:\DOSODI\NW3X\W30ODI.COM or A:\DOSODI\NW4X\W30ODI.COM, the version of LSL.COM file must be V2.11 or higher. Driver Installation From The Command Line Prompt ------------------------------------------------ Follow the steps listed below: 1 Insert the PCI Ethernet Card's driver diskette into the floppy drive. 2 Create a subdirectory in your client's main boot drive with the following files: LSL.COM Link Support Layer W30ODI.COM PCI Ethernet Card's NetWare DOS ODI Client driver IPXODI.COM An IPX protocol stack file (e.g., IPXODI.COM) NETX.EXE NetWare Shell (used with conventional memory workstations) NET.CFG Optional (used for configuring options different from the default settings). See Novell NetWare Operating System Keywords section. The (NETX.EXE), (LSL.COM), and (IPXODI.COM) files can be obtained from the Workstation Driver Diskette in the Novell Client Software Package or from CompuServe. Copy the MAC-layer driver file W30ODI.COM from the DOSODI directory of the PCI Ethernet Card's driver diskette to the appropriate subdirectory. To do this, copy the file using the path: A:\DOSODI\NW3X or A:\DOSODI\NW4X 3 To manually load these files from the DOS prompt, type the following commands in the given order to initialize DOS ODI driver support and the IPX protocol stack: LSL.COM Followed by W30ODI.COM Followed by IPXODI.COM Followed by NETX.EXE Followed by Note: ----- NETX.EXE is compatible with DOS versions 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x. If you are use DOS 6.2 or higher,please install Netware DOS requester (VLM). 4 To automatically load these files, use a DOS text editor to create and/or modify an (AUTOEXEC.BAT) file. Load the files in the following order: 1) link support layer, 2) LAN driver, 3) protocol stacks, and 4) the shell. Your (AUTOEXEC.BAT) file should look similar to the following: \\LSL \\W30ODI \\IPXODI \\NETX 5 If the commands have been added to the autoexec.bat file, reboot the workstation. After the commands execute, and if a server is present, the workstation will attach to the server and display the server's name. Log into the network. The installation of the NetWare DOS ODI client driver is now complete. -------------------------------------[END]--------------------------------------