Push Install 1.03 Windows* 95 Push Install Instructions ===================================== These instructions apply to push installs of Retail Windows 95, Windows 95 w/ Service Pack 1. Note: The network share Z:\PUSH is used here as an example path to the distribution folder. The distribution folder is where the setup files for Win95 reside. During the first step of the push install, the client will connect to the distribution folder with IPX or TCP/IP. 1. Copy the Win95 setup folder from the CD to Z:\PUSH. Use Explorer, Winfile or XCOPY in order to maintain the same directory structure as on the CD. 2. From the Configuration and Drivers Diskette provided with the adapter, copy the following files and directories into Z:\PUSH: A:\NET82557.INF --> Z:\PUSH\NET82557.INF A:\8255XNDI.DLL --> Z:\PUSH\8255XNDI.DLL A:\WIN95\PUSH\CUSTOM.INF --> Z:\PUSH\CUSTOM.INF A:\WIN95\PUSH\MSBATCH.INF --> Z:\PUSH\MSBATCH.INF A:\NT\*.* --> Z:\PUSH\NT\ A:\NDIS\*.* --> Z:\PUSH\NDIS\ A:\DOS\*.* --> Z:\PUSH\DOS\ A:\WIN98\WOL558.VX_ --> Z:\PUSH\WIN98\WOL558.VX_ 3. MSBATCH.INF is the auto answer file that SETUP uses during the install of the Windows 95 client. The MSBATCH.INF file copied in step 3 sets up the client to network with an NT server. If the client should network with a NetWare server, make the following modifications to the [Network] section of MSBATCH.INF to load up only the NetWare client components: Clients=NWREDIR PrimaryLogon=NWREDIR DefaultProtocol=MWLINK 4. Connect the target client system to Z:\PUSH using IPX or TCP/IP. 5. Run Windows 95 setup with the following command line switches: Z:\PUSH> SETUP /IS /IW For debugging purposes, include the additional switches to show each device class scanned for during PnP detection: Z:\PUSH> SETUP /IS /IW /P B;G=3