2 Workstation: NetWare Client 32 NetWare* Client 32 for Windows* 95 and DOS/Windows 3.1x ======================================================= Location of Drivers: \NWSERVER\E100B.LAN (ODI Assembly Specification version 3.31) \NWSERVER\E100B.LDI Location of NLM's: Novell's automated services (listed under the heading of "Minimum Patch List") These instructions are for use with the ODI Assembly Specification v3.31 NLMs. The \NWSERVER\E100B.LAN driver on this disk is written to this specification. To load the driver on IntranetWare Client 2.2 requires updated ETHERTSM.NLM, CMSM.NLM and LSLC32.NLM. Obtain these files from Novell's automated services. LSLC32.NLM (ver 1.42, 11/17/97 or newer) CMSM.NLM (ver 1.49, 12/10/97 or newer) ETHERTSM.NLM (ver 1.35, 11/14/97 or newer) If you receive the message "NIOS-201-109: An attempt to load E100B.LAN failed because the module references an undefined external: MSMHardwareFailure" when loading the driver, you will need to update to the latest NLM's. ====================================================================== Prerequisite: 1 Windows 95 operating system installed. 2 NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 archive file and any patch files. 3 Access to the Windows 95 CD or CAB files, since the Client 32 installation will ask for it. 4 Access to the latest drivers available from online services. General instructions -------------------- 1 If the PRO/100+ adapter is being installed for the first time when Client 32 is being added, install the adapter hardware as described in the printed Installation Guide and go to step 2. If the adapter is already installed on the Windows 95 system, go to step 3. 2 When Windows 95 is restarting, it may display the message "Windows has found new hardware and is installing software for it". Select the option labeled "Do not install a driver (Windows will not prompt you again)" then click on OK. 3 Run the SETUP.EXE program for Client 32. It is located in the \ENGLISH subdirectory of the Client 32 software. 4 On the NetWare Client 32 Installation screen, make sure the "Upgrade NDIS driver to ODI, if available" box is checked if you are replacing the NDIS driver with the ODI. 5 When the Select Devices screen appears, highlight "Intel" under Manufacturers and select "Intel EtherExpress (TM) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter (ODI)" under Models. Click OK to install the driver. 6 On the Recommended NetWare Client 32 properties screen, set the appropriate settings for the version of NetWare you are using. 7 The Client 32 installation program will copy files. It may ask for the source of the Windows 95 installation files. Click OK and then enter the correct path to the files. 8 The Client 32 installation will finish, and you must reboot in order for the changes to become effective. 9 When Windows 95 reboots you may receive a DOS box message, "Command line parameter Prompt for E100B". Note the supported Slot value and select OK to continue. If you see a message "E100B.LAN did not remain resident ....", ignore it. 10 To prevent the Slot message from appearing each time Windows 95 is rebooted, right click the Network Neighborhood Icon. Click Properties. Highlight the "Intel EtherExpress(TM) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter(ODI)" and click Properties. Select the Advanced tab. Under Properties highlight Slot. Under Value, type in the slot value noted in step 9 and click OK twice. You will need to restart Windows 95. Hints and tips for Client 32 in Windows 95 ------------------------------------------ 1 If the PRO/100+ adapter driver loads as an "ATI AT-2560 Series PCI/100 Ethernet Adapter (ODI)", then the client 32 software is an older version. Download the latest version from Novell and reinstall. 2 Message - Module c:\novell\client32\e100b.lan did not remain resident: Occasionally on restarting Windows 95 after the Client 32 installation, this NetWare Alert message appears. If you click on OK, another message says that "The hardware configuration conflicts E100B.LAN-NW-Adapter 0-Board-0". The ODINSUP device did not load properly (Device Manager doesn't show it under Network Adapters). Shut down the system and reboot. This action should load ODINSUP successfully. 3 PRO/10+ PCI adapter driver loads indicating it is a PRO/100+ adapter: If a problem occurs loading the driver, the driver may default to indicating it is a PRO/100+. This condition will not cause any problems since these two adapters use the same drivers. The only consideration to be aware of is if any advanced settings have to be made for the adapter. Speed is not a valid option for the PRO/10+ PCI, and it will always operate at 10mbps. The Force Duplex option defaults to Auto-negotiate which isn't supported on the PRO/10+ PCI. It will operate in half duplex. If you need Full Duplex, set it specifically for Full. General Installation of Client 32 with DOS/Windows 3.1x ======================================================= 1 From the Novell NetWare Client 32 software, run INST_DOS.EXE. 2 Select the NetWare Client 32 products you want to install from the on your workstation from the list: [X] NetWare Client 32 for DOS [X] NetWare Client 32 for Windows [ ] NetWare TCP/IP protocol stack [ ] NetWare IP (TCP/IP Required) [ ]Desktop SNMP [ ] HOSTMIB for SNMP (SNMP Required) [ ] NetWare TSA for SMS Note: "NetWare Client 32 for DOS" and "NetWare Client 32 for Windows" are usually selected by default. 3 From the Customize Support for Windows menu, specify if you want to use multiple country codes or if you want to set the shared Windows path. The default for both of these is NO. 4 From the Select LAN Driver Type menu, select "32-bit LAN drivers". 5 From the 32-Bit Network Board Drivers menu, select "USER SPECIFIED 32 BIT DRIVER" Insert the driver diskette and type :\NWSERVER, select: "Intel EtherExpress PRO/100+ LAN Adapter" 6 Specify the following settings for the PRO/100+ adapter: Parameter Default ------------- ------- Speed (100B only) 0 (auto detect) IOMAPMODE Memory Mapped Forceduplex 0 (auto negotiate) Frame Type Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_802.3 Note: The default settings will work for most installations. If you use multiple frame types, please see Hints and Tips section below. 7 From the Installation Configuration Summary, verify the default settings for Client 32 are correct, or modify as necessary. Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS [YES] Client Directory: C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32 Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS LAN driver type: 32-bit LAN drivers LAN driver: Intel EtherExpress(TM) PCI Adapters 8 Novell NetWare will now copy the files to your workstations and modify the configuration files to match your selected configuration. Hints and tips -------------- 1 If you are using multiple frame types, you will get the following message when you load the driver: "Do you want to load another frame type for a previously loaded board? Y/N " The way to avoid this is to add the slot number to the load line for the driver in the STARTNET.BAT (by default it is located in the \NOVELL\CLIENT32 directory). The only way to determine the slot number Novell is expecting is to put an invalid value on the load line. For example (and the load line should be all on one line): LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\E100B.LAN SPEED=0 IOMAPMODE=0 FORCEDUPLEX=0 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 SLOT=e When you next reboot, you will be prompted with the correct value. Modify the STARTNET.CFG again, and use that value. If the slot is not specified correctly, only the first frame type will load. 2 Check for a LASTDRIVE statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. You must have LASTDRIVE=Z in CONFIG.SYS when using Client 32. 3 Verify that you have FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = F in the NET.CFG file under the NetWare DOS Requester section. Note: NET.CFG is position sensitive, so be careful to indent lines with one space or one tab as shown above in the example. 4 Verify that the PRO/100+ adapter passes the diagnostics test by running SETUP.EXE on the Configuration and Drivers disk. If the adapter fails diagnostics it will not function correctly running Client 32. 5 Using 16-bit ODI driver with Client 32 requires CLIENT32.NLM dated 10/09/96 or later. The driver will not load with older versions. Sample configurations --------------------- Below are sample files from a Novell NetWare Client 32 workstation with a PRO/100+ adapter installed using the default installation: CONFIG.SYS ---------- DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS BUFFERS=30,0 FILES=60 LASTDRIVE=Z AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------ prompt $P$G path=C:\WINDOWS;c:\dos;C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\ SET TEMP=C:\TEMP @CALL C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\STARTNET STARTNET.BAT ------------ SET NWLANGUAGE=ENGLISH C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NIOS.EXE LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\LSLC32.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\CMSM.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\ETHERTSM.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\E100B.LAN SPEED=0 IOMAPMODE=0 FORCEDUPLEX=0 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 SLOT=2 LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\E100B.LAN SPEED=0 IOMAPMODE=0 FORCEDUPLEX=0 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 SLOT=2 LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\IPX.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\CLIENT32.NLM NOTE: If you are loading multiple frame types, you will need to specify the slot number of the adapter on the load lines. See Hints and Tips section above for detailed information. NET.CFG ------- NetWare DOS Requester FIRST NETWORK DRIVE F NETWARE PROTOCOL NDS BIND Protocol IPX IPX SOCKETS 40 *Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.