100 Mbps cabling specifications 100 Mbps Cabling Specifications =============================== The adapters have a small, snap-in RJ45 connector. RJ45 cabling is also known as Twisted-pair Ethernet (TPE), Unshielded twisted pair (UTP), and 10BASE-T cabling. The type of cabling you must use depends on the adapter you're using. This document covers the following topics: - PRO/100+ Server adapters - Link integrity - Common problems NOTE: For 10 Mbps operation, refer to the 10 Mbps cabling specifications help file. PRO/100+ Server Adapters ======================== Recommended cables ------------------ The cable must comply with the IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T standard for 2-pair, Category 5, UTP cable. Select a high-quality brand of Category 5 cable from your local supplier. The cable between the computer and the hub must be less than 100 meters long. PRO/100+ Server adapters do not support pre-10BASE-T concentrators. Cable and connector pinouts --------------------------- If you need to repair a cable or provide connectors for UTP cable, wire straight through as shown in the following table. Function Pin# Pin# ----------------------------------- TX+ 1 <--------> 1 TX- 2 <--------> 2 RX+ 3 <--------> 3 RX- 6 <--------> 6 Use only four of the eight pins. Pins 1 and 2 must be a pair, and pins 3 and 6 must be a pair. To allow for a straight-through cable, the hub provides an internal transmit/receive crossover function. This means the transmit circuit of the network card is connected to the receive circuit of the hub and vice versa. Pinout for an RJ45 connector on a cable --------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------- | --|8 8 |------------ | | --|7 7 |------------ | --- --|6 6 |------------ | | --|5 5 |------------ | | --|4 4 |------------ | --- --|3 3 |------------ | | --|2 2 |------------ | | --|1 1 |------------ | ---------- ------------------------- END TOP Pin name and function: 1 Transmit Data Plus (TD+). The positive signal for the TD differential pair. This signal contains the serial output data stream transmitted onto the network. 2 Transmit Data Minus (TD-). The negative signal for the TD differential pair. This contains the same output as pin 1. 3 Receive Data Plus (RD+). The positive signal for the RD differential pair. This signal contains the serial input data stream received from the network. 4 Not used. 5 Not used. 6 Receive Data Minus (RD-). The negative signal for the RD differential pair. This signal contains the same input as pin 3. 7 Not used. 8 Not used. Connecting two workstations without a hub ----------------------------------------- 100BASE-T uses a star topology. This means a hub or concentrator is in the center of a star, and each workstation or server is connected to this hub. For test purposes, you can directly connect two workstations or a workstation and a server without using a hub. This setup requires a special cable incorporating the crossover function. The table below shows which wires need to be crossed over. Function Pin# Pin# Function ---------------------------------------------- TX+ 1 <--------> 3 RX+ TX- 2 <--------> 6 RX- RX+ 3 <--------> 1 TX+ RX- 6 <--------> 2 TX- NOTE: This is not an IEEE supported configuration and should be used for test purposes only. Link Integrity ============== There are three LEDs on the adapter: 1. A LNK light for link 2. An ACT light for activity 3. A 100 light which indicates a 100 Mbps connection Refer to your adapter Installation Guide or the "Diagnostic LEDs" readme file for complete information. NOTE: The ACT LED indicates activity on the network, not necessarily activity on the adapter. Common Problems =============== A hub can't detect a workstation -------------------------------- This is often the result of a crossed wire in the cable or wiring closet. Make sure the wiring is correct. Workstations can't connect to the network ----------------------------------------- Make sure hub port is configured to the correct speed. Also, make sure last line in the NET.CFG file reads: lastdrive=F (for NETX systems) or lastdrive=Z (for VLM systems) Also try resetting the concentrator or hub or turn the power off and on. Polarity problems ----------------- A common problem in 10BASE-T wiring is crossing the positive and negative phases of the transmit or receive signals (for example, crossing pins 1 (TX+) and 2 (TX-)). PRO/100+ Server adapters automatically detect this problem and adjust for it internally. However, it's best to check your wiring and correct this problem if you find it. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.