Files on Intel (r) PRO/100+ Client Adapter Configuration and Drivers Disk Software Release 2.57 Adapter drivers and setup files =============================== Root Directory README.BAT Batch file for SETUP /README README.LST Support file for DOS SETUP utility MICROSFT.LST Support file for DOS SETUP utility NOVELL.LST Support file for DOS SETUP utility OTHER.LST Support file for DOS SETUP utility READMEMS.LST Support file for DOS SETUP utility READMENW.LST Support file for DOS SETUP utility SETUP.EXE Installation and configuration utility (runs in DOS) OEMSETUP.INF Windows NT* installation information file D100DISK Tag file to indicate driver disk for Windows NT 8255XNDI.DLL Windows 95 OEM DLL NET82557.INF Configuration file for Windows installation PROSET.INF PROSet Windows 95 install file FILES.TXT List of files on this disk README.TXT Instructions for creating install disks from this compact disk MAKEMS.BAT File for creating install disk from this compact disk (Microsoft drivers) MAKENW.BAT File for creating install disk from this compact disk (NetWare drivers) MAKEW98.BAT File for creating install disk from this compact disk (Windows 98 signed driver) \DOS E100BODI.COM DOS ODI driver E100BODI.INS Text file for NetWare* 4.x install DRIVERS.DOS Driver name for NetWare 4.x install NET.CFG Sample NET.CFG for ODI configurations LSL.COM LSL from Novell IPXODI.COM IPXODI from Novell NETX.EXE NETX from Novell \WFW E100B.38_ NDIS 3 MAC driver for Windows for WorkGroups OEMSETUP.INF Windows for Workgroups setup file \NDIS E100B.DOS DOS NDIS 2.0.1 driver E100B.OS2 OS/2 NDIS 2.0.1 driver E100BEDS.NIF Extended NIF file for IBM DOS E100BEO2.NIF Extended NIF file for OS/2 MSLANMAN.BAT Lan Manager directory structure batch file OEMSETUP.INF IBM Lan Server 4.0 DOS setup file PROTOCOL.INI PROTOCOL.INI stub \NDIS\STNDNIF E100BDOS.NIF Standard NIF file for IBM DOS E100BOS2.NIF Standard NIF file for IBM LSP for OS/2 \NT 557SET.HL_ Help file for 82557-based adapters E100B.SY_ NDIS 3.1 Miniport driver for Win NT 3.51 & Win 95 E100BNT.SY_ NDIS 4 Miniport driver for Win NT 4.0 E100BNT5.SY_ NDIS 5 Miniport driver for Win NT 5.0 and Win98 PROSET.CP_ PROSet setup control panel E100SET.HL_ PROSet setup program help file EP100DG.DL_ PROSet setup program support file EPRO100.DL_ PROSet setup program support file PROKDD.SY_ PROSet setup program support file PROSET.EX_ PROSet setup program (run via Control Panel) SPDO3DG.SY_ PROSet setup program support file \NWSERVER E100B.LAN NetWare 4.1 server driver E100B.LDI Text for NetWare 4.1 installation E100B.INF Setup file for Client 32 OEMSETUP.INF Setup file for NetWare NT 3.51 requester \NWSERVER\311LAN E100B.LAN NetWare 3.11 server driver \WIN95 EPROPS.DL_ PROSet adapter setup program support file PROW95.VX_ PROSet adapter setup program support file SPDO3DG.VX_ PROSet adapter setup program support file \WIN95\PUSH W95PUSH.TXT PUSH install instructions MSBATCH.INF PUSH install answer file CUSTOM.INF PUSH install answer file supplement \WIN98 WOL558.VX_ Wake On Lan support file \WIN98\PUSH W98PUSH.TXT PUSH install instructions MSBATCH.INF PUSH install answer file CUSTOM.INF PUSH install answer file supplement NET82557.INF Config file for Windows 98 install \MS_SIGN MS_SIGN.EXE Self-extracting archive of digitally-signed driver files for Windows 98 MS_SIGN.TXT Install instructions for MS_SIGN.EXE \INFO\GENERAL RELNOTES.TXT Release notes and latest information TECHSUP.TXT Technical support information HWSPECS.TXT Hardware specifications CABLE10.TXT Cabling information for 10BASE-T CABLE100.TXT Cabling information for 100BASE-TX PCI.TXT PCI configuration directions DUPLEX.TXT Duplex support configuration information DIAG.TXT Running diagnostics on the adapter DIAGLED.TXT Diagnostic LED information MASTENAB.TXT Error text for non-busmaster enabled slots MANAGE.TXT Wake on LAN and Intel (r) LANDesk Service Agent SHAREIRQ.TXT Error text for shared interrupts \INFO\IBM AS400.TXT IBM LAN Support to AS/400 and NetWare LANSERV.TXT OS/2 and LAN Server 3.0 installation \INFO\MS MSLANMGR.TXT LAN Manager workstation/server installation MSNT351.TXT Windows NT 3.5 installation MSNT40.TXT Windows NT 4.0 installation MSWIN95.TXT Windows 95 installation MSWIN98.TXT Windows 98 installation NTPUSH.TXT Windows NT 4.x Unattended Install (Push) \INFO\NETWARE NW311.TXT NetWare 3.11 Server Driver installation NW312.TXT NetWare 3.12 & 4.10 Server installation NW41.TXT NetWare 4.11 Server Driver installation NWODIDOS.TXT DOS ODI Client installation NWODIOS2.TXT OS/2 ODI Client installation NWCLNT32.TXT NetWare Client 32 installation under Windows 95 NWNTREQ.TXT Windows NT 3.51 with NT Requester installation NWPARAM.TXT NetWare load line parameters \INFO\OTHER LANTAS60.TXT LANtastic 6.0 installation BANYAN.TXT Banyan NDIS Workstation installation NDIS.TXT NDIS 2.x installation \INFO\UNIX UNIXINFO.TXT UNIX* driver information * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.