32-bit (NWAY) PCI Ethernet Adapter NDIS/2 Driver Installation ============================================================================= (C) Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved. The drivers you need are in the directories MSLANMAN.DOS and NDIS. The NDIS drivers contained in these subdirectories are used with 3Com 3+Open, Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager OEM distribution, Release 1.x or 2.x, and other compatible OEM versions of LAN Manager. The driver can also be used with IBM LAN Server 3.0, 4.0, Banyan VINES, ARTISOFT LANtastic 5.0, 6.0, Wollongong Pathway Access, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.11, DEC PATHWORKS, Sun PC-NFS etc. The ETHPCI.* drivers conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. Included in MSLANMAN.DOS, and NDIS subdirectories are the following files: \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\ETH_32 ETHPCI.DOS The DOS NDIS MAC driver PROTOCOL.INI A sample section of PROTOCOL.INI file \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF\ ETHPCI.NIF Network Information File \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\ETH_32 ETHPCI.OS2 The OS2 NDIS MAC driver PROTOCOL.INI A sample section of PROTOCOL.INI file \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\NIF\ ETHPCI.NIF Network Information File \NDIS NDIS.TXT This readme file WFW.TXT The Installation guide for Windows for Workgroups v3.11 LANMAN.TXT The installation guide for LAN Manager LANSVR.TXT The installation guide for Lan Server BANYAN.TXT The installation guide for Banyan VINES LANTASTI.TXT The installation guide for ARTISOFT LANtastic 5.0, 6.0 PATHWAY.TXT The installation guide for Wollongong Pathway Access. PATHWORK.TXT The installation guide for DEC PATHWORKS PCNFS.TXT The installation guide for Sun PC-NFS \NDIS\DOS ETH_32D.NIF Network Information File for IBM Lan Support Program ETHPCI.DOS The DOS NDIS/2 MAC driver PROTOCOL.INI A sample section of PROTOCOL.INI file \NDIS\OS2 ETH_32O.NIF Network Information File for IBM LAN Server 3.0, 4.0 ETHPCI.OS2 The OS2 NDIS/2 MAC driver PROTOCOL.INI A sample section of PROTOCOL.INI file Sample PROTOCOL.INI Files and Parameters ---------------------------------------- [ETHPCI_NIF] DriverName = ETHPCI$ ; Slot = 1 ;; {1-16} ; SIA_Mode = AUTODETECT ; {SIA_Mode = TP, BNC, TP_FULL_DUPLEX, AUTODETECT} ; DATA_RATE = MB10 ;; {MB10, MB100} There are several parameters included in the ETHPCI_NIF section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. However, the only parameter that you should specify is the "DriverName." If you change other parameter settings, such as the SIA_MODE, make sure that it matches the hardware settings. Otherwise, the adapter may fail. If you don't specify these settings, the NDIS/2 driver also can automatically detect them. SLOT Specifies which network adapter is used by the driver. If you have only one 32-bit PCI LAN card in your machine, this parameter is unnecessary! For more than one 32-bit PCI LAN cards, this parameter is required and cannot be omitted from PROTOCOL.INI. If the first 32-bit PCI LAN adapter is assigned to Slot=16, the second one will be Slot=17, the third Slot=18 and so forth until the last slot. SIA_MODE Specifies the media type used by the adapter. Acceptable values for this parameter are AUTODETECT, TP, BNC and TP_FULL_DUPLEX. If you didn't specify this setting, it would be AUTODETECT. DATA_RATE Specifies the line speed for 10/100M(-NWAY) adapter. The default setting is MB100. MB100: 100Mbps MB10: 10Mbps TX_THRESHOLD Specifies the FIFO threshold level during packet transmission. Acceptable values for this parameter are: Support Support Keywords Level (bytes) 10M Card 10/100M Card ======== ================== ======== ============ LW128 72 128 Yes Yes LW256 96 256 Yes Yes LW512 128 512 Yes Yes LW1024 160 1024 Yes Yes FP X full packet No Yes -- END of File--