Driver Installation - for Packet Driver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (1) Introduction: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This document describes the procedure to setup the Packet driver for NF560 Fast Ethernet card. (2) Location of Driver: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ \PACKET\FEPD.COM (3) Sample Configuration Files: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ %% AUTOEXEC.BAT %% FEPD (Since the default software interrupt is 0x60 ) or FEPD (Interrupt entry should be between 0x60 - 0x80) (4) Notes: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. Load the packet driver using the software interrupt and any optional switches if required. Usage: FEPD [options] Example: FEPD -n 0x7e 2. Executing FEPD need no parameter. When identify the adapter, FEPD will automatically sense the line speed (10Mbps or 100Mbps), read configurations from PCI BIOS and give 0x60 as default software interrupt number. Software interrupt number is changable by user's favorite. Admitted range is between 0x60 - 0x80. Other options list below: -fd Full-Duplex mode. -n NetWare conversion. Converts 8137 packets to 802.3 packets. -w Let packet driver run under windows. -h Help -u Unload the driver 3. Run FEPD.COM, the screen will appear following message: PCI BUS (fast) Ethernet adapter Packet Driver v1.00 (951208) (C) Copyright 1995-1996. All Rights Reserved Performing Power-Up Autosense... Switching between 10BaseTx and 100BaseTx... Switching to 100BaseTx... Ethernet Address is : (00:A0:CC:66:00:03) Packet Driver Interrupt Number : 0x60 Hardware Interrupt Number : 5 Base I/O Address : 0xD000 Medium Type is : 100Mbps Tx Packet Driver is loaded at segment : 29C2