Description - for Diagnostic Program

  (1). History :

     Version           Descriptions
    ---------  ------------------------------------------------------------
     v1.02      1) First release for DC21140-based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter.
                2) Support 10Base-T/100Base-TX modules.

     v2.30      1) Update to support newer revision of LAN Controller.

     v2.32      1) Update to process the sleep mode for DECchip DC21140-AC
                     or higher.  Because the DOS ODI driver will put the
                     controller under sleep mode after driver unloading.
                2) Discards any key combined with <Ctrl> key to assure
                     that the Diagnostic Program will not be terminated
                     abnormally by Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C key.

  (2). Software Environment :

    A. Make sure that free conventional memory is more than 200K
       before execute this Diagnostic Program.

    B. Make sure that Expanded Memory Manager (EMM386.EXE) is
       version 4.49 or higher (date is 05-31-94) for compatibility.

    C. The Diagnostic Program should not be run under DOS prompt
       of Windows.

  (3). Statistic Counters :

    A. Transmission:

          Items                 Descriptions
    ----------------------  -------------------------------------------

      Collision Count       Indicates the number of collisions that occurred
                            when transmission.

      Frame deferred        Indicates that the DC21140 had to defer
                            while ready to transmit a frame because
                            the carrier was asserted.

      FIFO underflow        Indicates that the transmitter aborted the
                            message because data arrived late from memory.
                            Underflow error indicates that the DC21140
                            encountered an empty transmit FIFO while
                            transmitting a frame.
                            The transmission process enters the suspended
                            state and sets both transmit underflow and
                            transmit interrupt.

      Heartbeat fail        This is effect only in 10-Mb/s operating mode.
                            Indicates a heartbeat collision check failure
                            (the transceiver failed to return a collision
                            pulse as a check after the transmission).
                            Some transceiver do not support heartbeat.
                            In this case, heartbeat fail is always set
                            but not valid.

      Excessive collisions  Indicates that the transmission was aborted
                            after 16 successive collisions while attempting
                            to transmit the current frame.

      Late collision        Indicates that the frame transmission was
                            aborted due to collision occuring after the
                            collision window of 64 bytes.

      No carrier            Indicates that the carrier signal from the
                            transceiver was not present during transmission.

      Loss of carrier       Indicates loss of carrier during transmission.

      Jabber timeout        Indicates that the transmit jabber timer timed
                            out and that the DC21140 transmitter was still
                            The transmit jabber timeout interrupt is set.
                            The transmission process is aborted and placed
                            in the STOPPED state.

      Retry count           Indicates the number of retry for Master
                            station to re-build connection with Slave
                            station when timeout to wait for response
                            from Slave station.

    B. Reception:

        Items                     Descriptions
    ----------------------  -------------------------------------------

      FIFO overflow         Indicates received data in this descriptor's
                            buffer were truncated due to FIFO overflow.

      CRC error             Indicates that a cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
                            error occurred on the receive frame.

      Dribbling bit         Indicates that the frame contained a noninteger
                            multiple of 8 bits. This error is reported only
                            if the number of dribbling bits in the last byte
                            is 4 in MII/SYM operating mode, or at least 3 in
                            10-Mb/s serial operating mode.

      Watchdog expire       Indicates that the receive watchdog timer expired
                            while receiving the current packet with length
                            greater than 2048 bytes through 2560 bytes.

      Late collision        Indicates that the frame was damaged by a
                            collision that occurred after the 64 bytes
                            following the start frame delimiter (SFD).
                            This is a late collision.

      Frame too long        Indicates that the frame length exceeds the
                            maximum Ethernet-specified size of 1518 bytes.

      Runt frame            Indicates that this frame was damaged by a
                            collision or premature termination before the
                            collision window had passed.

      Descriptor error      Indicates a frame truncation caused by a frame
                            that does not fit within
                            the current descriptor buffers, and that the
                            DC21140 does not own the next descriptor.
                            The frame is truncated.