Driver Installation - for NetWare Server 4.X ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (1) Introduction: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This document describes the procedure to install the NetWare v4.X server driver for 10/100 Base-TX PCI Bus Ethernet Adapter. (2) Location of Driver: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ \NWSERVER\4.X\DC21X4.LAN (3) Installaton Procedure: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Before you start with the installation process, make sure that the Novell NetWare v4.X server is properly installed. Similarly, your adapter should also be properly installed in your server. 1. Insert the Driver Diskette into drive A and check the contents of subdirectory \NWSERVER\4.X, It should contain the following file : DC21X4.LAN ÄÄÄ Novell NetWare V4.X Server Driver DC21X4.LDI ÄÄÄ Novell NetWare V4.X Server Driver Installation Information File ETHERTSM.NLM ÄÄÄ Novell TSM needed to run the ODI server driver MSM.NLM ÄÄÄ Novell MSM needed to run the ODI server driver NBI.NLM ÄÄÄ Novell NBI needed to run the ODI server driver 2. Copy the following files to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on the NetWare server. These files must be provided by the driver diskette. NBI.NLM MSM.NLM ETHERTSM.NLM 3. At the Netware prompt (indicated by the Server name), run the following programs by typing: server name: LOAD NBI server name: LOAD MSM server name: LOAD ETHERTSM if any programs above have beed loaded, unload them first, and then reload them. The SMP.NLM program is loaded after the NBI.NLM program for the NetWare 4.xx SMP only. 4. At the NetWare prompt (indicated by the Server name), run the INSTALL.NLM program by typing: server name: LOAD INSTALL 5. Select "Maintenance/Selective Install" and press . 6. Select " LAN Driver Options (Configure/Load/...) " and press . 7. Press the key to specify other drivers to install. 8. Press and specify the driver path (A:\NWSERVER\4.X) and press . 9. The DC21X4.LAN driver should appear in your choice list for the 'Select a LAN Driver' field. Choose this driver to start the driver loading and binding procedure. This will allow you to load and bind all 4 frame types supported by NetWare. 10. Add the LOAD and BIND statements required to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file so that the LAN driver will load automatically each time the server starts up. (4) Installation Notes: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. If the adapter not work fine after installation, try to adjust TransmitThreshold and ReceiveBuffers. 2. The default frame type for the NetWare v4.X binding is Ethernet_802.2 and not Ethernet_802.3. This is the difference between V3.11 and v4.X of NetWare operating system. 3. Edit the AUTOEXEC.NCF if you want to change some parameters. For example, if you're using a NetWare 3.11 workstation and wants to log into a NetWare v4.X server. The default frame type of NetWare 3.11 is Ethernet 802.3, while that of NetWare v4.X is Ethernet 802.2. Before you can log into the NetWare v4.X, make sure there is a protocol binding for Ethernet 802.3 in the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file. 4. The NBI.NLM, MSM.NLM, ETHERTSM.NLM programs must be loaded before driver installation. The SMP.NLM program is neccessary for the NetWare 4.xx SMP only. In order to make sure that the DC21X4.LAN driver works. (5). Parameters: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The following parameters belong on the server's command line, or in the load line inside the AUTOEXEC.NCF. The general way of using these parameters is: LOAD ... Example: LOAD TURBO SLOT=1 FRAME=Ethernet_802.2 Driver specific parameters list (as for NetWare standard parameters, please see the NetWare user's manual): SLOT slot number that corresponds to the physical expansion slot where the board or other device is installed. (**) AUTOSENSE auto-sense the line speed 10Mbps or 100Mbps (*) AUTODETECT enable auto-detection of media type when driver is loading. Note that this ONLY! works at initialization time, i.e. when the driver first loads for a specific network card. TP selects TP port BNC selects BNC port AUI selects AUI port T4 selects 100 Base-T4 interface (in conjunction with Line_Speed 100) TP_NO_LINK_TEST selects twisted pair connection, but disables the LINK test for specific HUBs that do not support LINK. TP_FULL_DUPLEX selects twisted pair connection to work in full duplex mode. NT run under NT requester OS2 run in NetWare for OS/2 UnixWare run in UnixWare Client32Win run in Client32 environment for windows Client32Win95 run in Client32 environment for Windows 95 Client32DOS run in Client32 environment for DOS TURBO Fixes the problem of multiple transmit underflows and receive overflows (i.e. lose of packets) in systems that use certain PCI chipsets. (**) SNOOZE Change Chip's Power Management to Power-Saving mode (**) LINE_SPEED selects line speed between 10MPBs and 100MBPs on network cards based on DC21140. Format: LINE_SPEED= Allowed values are: 10,100 (**) GENERAL_PURPOSE_CONTROL user override of the control value in the GENERAL_PURPOSE register in DC21140 Normally, this value should not be changed. Format: GENERAL_PURPOSE_CONTROL= Allowed values: in the range 1FF-0 hex. (**) GENERAL_PURPOSE_DATA user override of the data value in the GENERAL_PURPOSE register in DC21140 Normally, this value should not be changed. Format: GENERAL_PURPOSE_DATA= Allowed values: in the range 1FF-0 hex. RX_BUFFERS Allows the user to select the amount of receive buffers to work with. More buffers means larger driver resident in memory but with higher performance. Format: RX_BUFFERS= Allowed values: 2-F hex TX_THRESHOLD Setup the threshold value of transmit FIFO. Format: TX_THRESHOLD= Allowed values: 0 - 72 bytes 1 - 96 bytes 2 - 128 bytes 3 - 160 bytes 4 - 160 bytes in Tulip and Full packet in FasterNet 100Mbps. Notes : (*) Those keywords affect ONLY DC21040/DC21041 based network interface cards. (**) Those keywords affect ONLY DC21140 based network interface cards. (6). Driver Error Messages: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Some messages also have a numerical code printed with them. The codes are given here to the left of the message (when applicable). 50 - No PCI board found in machine! Driver could not detect a supported NIC. 53 - Board is disabled for no apparent reason! EISA board is not enabled. Normally BIOS & ECU should enable the board. 73 - Unable to allocate memory Driver failed to allocate needed memory from the OS (receive/transmit descriptors or needed transmit buffers). 200 - Timeout when initializing DecChip 21X4 with setup packet! This happens mainly when the PCI slot does not support DMA accordingly. Make sure the BIOS setup or motherboard switches are set to enable DMA or Bus Master operation of this slot. 209 - Do not support DC21041 in DC21040 mode The DC21041 MODE_SELECT pin is connected to VSS making it work in MODE_0, i.e. as a virtual DC21040 in all respects. The driver does NOT support this mode. 210 - Driver failed to locate PCI bus! The machine is not identified as PCI (to support PCI NICs). 211 - Failed to locate DecChip 21X4 on board Failed to identify a DecChip 21x4 signature in an EISA board. 212 - Unsupported DC21140 chip version The DC21X4 drivers do not support DC21140 rev 1.0 chip. If you receive this message, please make sure you have an updated rev of your NIC. 213 - Unexpected OS behavior. Driver supports 3.11 and later This identifies a fail of assumption regarding the OS behavior. 214 - Read bad mask value from EISA configuration An assumption regarding data read from EISA ECU (for EISA based NICs) failed. This might happen because of incorrect ECU file for that NIC. 215 - Read bad port size value from EISA configuration An assumption regarding data read from EISA ECU (for EISA based NICs) failed. This might happen because of incorrect ECU file for that NIC. 216 - Failed to read EISA configuration An assumption regarding data read from EISA ECU (for EISA based NICs) failed. This might happen because of incorrect ECU file for that NIC. 217 - Failed to find PCI BIOS The machine is not identified as PCI (to support PCI NICs). This error is generated when driver is directed to load PCI NIC (using the 'slot=xx' keyword, and slot value is a PCI number). If the driver is loaded without specifying slot number, the driver checks for PCI support, and in this case will generate another error message (please refer to error number 210 - Driver failed to locate either PCI bus). 218 - Bad PCI BIOS status PCI BIOS returned a fail status in one of the calls. Please check the BIOS version and BIOS correctness using an external utility. 219 - Bad PCI BIOS Register err PCI BIOS returned a fail status in one of the calls. Please check the BIOS version and BIOS correctness using an external utility. 220 - PCI BIOS failed to initialize DecChip 21040 CBIO reg! PCI BIOS has initialized a DWORD register in the NIC's configuration space (at offset 10Hex) with illegal value. Please check the BIOS version and BIOS correctness using an external utility. Also verify that your BIOS setup enables I/O and initialize correctly the device in this PCI slot. 221 - PCI board disappeared... PCI BIOS is not consistent with returned values per this NIC. 222 - Unsupported TSM version (need x.yz and above)! This driver supports EtherTSM.NLM of version as specified and higher. 223 - DC21X4 Tx babbles on slot x. Driver halted this slot's NIC. This is a watchdog put in the driver to make sure the transmit does not babble on the cable. 224 - DC21X4 detected PCI bus error on slot x (bus error bits = xh). Driver halted this slot NIC due to that identified error. 225 - PCI BIOS assigned DecChip 21040 an illegal interrupt number PCI BIOS has initialized a byte register in the NIC's configuration space (at offset 3CHex) with illegal value. Please check the BIOS version and BIOS correctness using an external utility. Also verify that your BIOS setup enables interrupt, assigns a reasonable interrupt value and initialize correctly the device in this PCI slot. 226 - Could not handle Turbo switch successfully Failed to operate the 'Turbo' mechanism from one of the following reasons: - Unknown chipset on the motherboard - PCI BIOS returned a fail status in one of the calls involved with operating this mechanism. 227 - Internal CRC table corrupted Driver found an error in internal CRC table. 228 - Could not handle chipset bug workaround successfully Failed to operate chipset bug workaround because PCI BIOS returned a fail status in one of the calls involved with operating this mechanism. 229 - This machine Host to PCI bridge has a known bug. Driver limits DC21X4 bursts as a workaround. 230 - This machine Host to PCI bridge has a known bug when using cache in WB mode which may cause data corruption or system hang. Please change the cache mode to WT (Write Through) as a workaround. This machine Host to PCI bridge has a known bug that might violate system integrity. Driver cannot be responsible for outcome, therefor it will not load in this case. Putting the machine in write-through mode (cache) makes the system safe to work with. Driver will load in that case. 240 - Unable to locate or read the Ethernet ROM address on board! This might happen due to bad data stored in the IEEE serial ROM, an error when reading it, or a wrong data structure burnt into the ROM. 244 - Serial ROM - Read failed Driver failed to read the IEEE serial flash ROM due to hardware handshake failure. Make sure the IEEE flash ROM on your NIC is operational using external utility. 245 - The selected media is unsupported The selected media is unsupported by the device. 246 - Cannot initialize the network card (CreateNIC failed) The CreateNIC routine failed, and we cannot initialize the nic 247 - This is an internal warning that warns against the use of WriteCSR6 before CreateNIC was called for the first time 248 - The OPTI chipset might cause excessive tx underflow and cause network nodes to perform poorly or disconnect from the server. The driver switchs to STORE and FORWARD mode to overcome this at the cost of performance.