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All Rights Reserved. º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ GENERAL INFORMATION ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The 16-bit NDIS 2.01 driver for IBM LAN Server OS/2 servers/clients is located in the \IBMLS directory. \IBMLS\OS2\RLPNPA.OS2 - 16-bit NDIS 2.01 for OS/2 IBM LAN Server also requires a unique NIF file. \IBMLS\OS2\RLPNPA.NIF - NIF file for IBM OS/2 Server and Requester ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ INSTALLATION GUIDE ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ** - IMPORTANT ========= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recommended you run RLASET configuration utility first before you proceed with installation of LAN adapter driver described below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install the Compex RL2000A PnP NDIS 2.01 driver, follow the instructions below: Installation of IBM OS/2 Warp Connect in OS/2 Warp 3.0 ====================================================== The procedure assumes you already installed OS/2 Warp Connect and have the MPTS (Multi-Protocol Transport System) icon. 1. Start up OS/2 Warp in the PC. 2. Click on the MPTS (Multi-Protocol Transport System) icon. 3. The "Multi-Protocol Transport System" dialog box will appear, click the Configure button. 4. At the "Adapters and Protocols" option list, select "LAN adapters and protocols" option and click the Configure button. 5. The "LAPS Configuration" dialog box will appear, click the Other Adapters button to add Compex RL2000A PnP Series Ethernet Adapter. 6. Specify the location on a diskette where the Compex RL2000A PnP Series NDIS2 driver reside, e.g. A:\IBMLS\OS2 7. In the Network Adapters lists, highlight "Compex RL2000A PnP Series Ethernet Adapter" and click the Add button to add inside the Current Configuration field. 8. Select the protocols to go with it. 9. Select OK when complete. 10. Reboot the station. The RL2000A PnP adapter is now ready to run. Installation of IBM OS/2 LAN Server/Requester 4.0 in OS/2 Warp 3.0 =================================================================== NOTE:- Server and Requester installation steps are the same for adding network adapter driver. Only Requester installation steps are described below. The procedure assumes you are using CD-ROM in the installation. Drive D is the CD device. 1. Start up OS/2 Warp in the PC. 2. Open an OS/2 Windows, change to drive D:\ and run INSTALL. 3. Select the service "IBM OS/2 LAN Requester" 4. Enter a unique name for the requester station. 5. Enter the domain name of the network domain server. 6. When "Select Network Adapter" window appear, click "Other adapters" button below the window. 7. When prompted, insert the Compex RL2000A PnP Series Ethernet Adapter Driver Disk in drive A and enter the drive name and path to the RLPNPA.NIF file. Click OK. e.g. A:\IBMLS\OS2 The Compex RL2000A PnP Series Ethernet Adapter name will be added to the " Select Network Adapter " box of LAN adapters list. 8. From the list select "Compex RL2000A PnP Series Ethernet Adapter". Click OK. 9. Click OK again to confirm the selected adapter is the correct one. 10. The installation program will then contiune to run until it completes. 11. Reboot the station. The RL2000A PnP adapter is now ready to run. Installation Procedure for installing IBM LAN Server OS/2 Server/Requester ========================================================================== Please note that the instsallation procedure described below is based on the IBM LAN Adapter and Protocol Support program that comes with IBM LAN Server ver 3.0. For the other versions of LAN Adapter and Protocol Support program, please refer to its "Installation Guide" for details. 1. Boot up IBM OS/2 and run IBM LAPS program. a) Make sure the IBM OS/2 operating system is properly installed and functioning. Insert the IBM LAPS (LAN Adapter and Protocol Support) disk into the floppy disk drive). In IBM OS/2, select to run LAPS program. Please refer to the "IBM LAN Adapter and Protocol Support Configuration Guide" for more information about this utility. b) From the IBM LAPS main dialog box, select 'INSTALL' button. If the LAPS program has been installed on your system, it will start installing and configurign the network drivers into your system. Go to step 2 now and continue. c) If the LAPS program hasn't been installed on your system yet, the target drive dialog box will appear on the screen. Specify target drive where you want the LAPS program to be installed (eg. drive 'C') now and select 'OK' button. d) The LAPS program begins to transfer files from the floppy disks to the target drive specified in the above step. When it finishes, select 'OK' button and it will return to the LAPS main dialog box. Now, you have to select 'INSTALL' button again to install and configure the driver of LAN card into IBM LAN Server environment. 2. Install NDIS 2.01 driver into the system. Insert the Driver Disk into the floppy drive (eg. drive A). Type "A:\IBMLS\OS2" at the prompt where it asks you for the source of driver and INF files and then select 'OK' button. The LAPS program will copy the appropriate driver file and .INF file from the Driver Disk and then it will return to the main dialog box. 3. Configure network drivers. a) From the main dialog box, select 'Configure' button. b) In the 'Configuration' dialog box, choose the 'Configure LAN Transport' option and select 'Continue' button. c) When 'Configure Workstation' dialog box shows up, choose "Compex RL2000A PnP Series Ethernet Adapter" from the 'Network Adapters' list box by highlighting that entry. Then choose 'Add' to add the LAN card to the 'Current Configuration' list box. d) Highlighting the appropriate protocols in the 'Protocols' list box. Then choose 'Add' to add them to the 'Current Configuration' list box. e) If you want to edit the card's configuration, choose 'Compex RL2000A PnP Series Ethernet Adapter' and then choose 'Edit'. After the editing is done, select the 'OK' button to return to the 'Configure Workstation' screen. f) Select 'OK' button if all the configuration has been done and LAPS program will return to the main dialog box. g) Select 'Exit' button to indicate the completion of configuration and then follow the instructions on the screen or refer to the "LAPS Installation Guide" to complete the installation process of LAPS. The LAPS program will update your CONFIG.SYS file in the IBM OS/2 boot disk and then return to OS/2 prompt. 4. Install IBM LAN Server software or IBM LAN Server OS/2 Requester software. Refer to the installation guide for IBM OS/2 LAN Server or OS/2 Requester and follow the instructions to complete the rest of server/requester program installation. 5. Reboot the computer. All the changes made to your computer will not take effect until you reboot the computer. PROTOCOL.INI Parameter Definitions ================================== Below is an explanation of each PROTOCOL.INI parameter for the Compex RL2000A PnP Series Ethernet Adapter. The only parameter that must be present is the "DRIVERNAME". DRIVERNAME = RLPNPA$ Note: If you have two LAN cards installed, the second card will use, Drivername = RLPNPA2$.