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Hints:- ===== To load frame type Ethernet_802.2 instead of default Ethernet_802.3, in step (3) above, type, : Load RL2000NW Frame=Ethernet_802.2 : Bind IPX RL2000NW net=nnnnnnnn To load both Ethernet_802.2 and Ethernet_802.3 frame types, execute step (3) twice. e.g., : Load RL2000NW Frame=Ethernet_802.3 name=RL2000_1F1 : Load RL2000NW Frame=Ethernet_802.2 name=RL2000_1F2 : Bind IPX RL2000_1F1 net=xxxxxx1 : Bind IPX RL2000_1F2 net=xxxxxx2 Running NetWare v4.x server LAN driver on NetWare v3.11 (Without SFT III) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ *** WARNING *** If you use this new specification LAN driver and you should not use the NetWare 3.11 bundled MONITOR.NLM, your server could abend when viewing LAN statistics. Use the MONITOR.NLM included in this disk instead. Rename or copy the original MONITOR.NLM to a save place first. Then copy the MONITOR.NLM file to SYS:SYSTEM directory. ** Note: When loading the new LAN driver, a warning message below will appear, " Warning: NetWare v3.11 does not support protected mode BIOS accesses. This may cause newer PCI driver to fail" Just ignore the message. RL2000 driver does not use protected mode BIOS access and runs properly in NetWare v3.11 ************* Installation Instructions: -------------------------- 1. Rename the old .LAN, MONITOR.NLM, PATCHMAN.NLM files. 2. Copy all .LAN and .NLM files (except for PM311IO.NLM, LSLENH3.NLM, and IOSHIM.NLM) from A:\NW3.11\SPEC3.3 into C:\SERVER.311 directory. Do not use PM311IO.NLM, LSLENH3.NLM, and IOSHIM.NLM on NetWare 3.11. These files are for NetWare SFT III 3.11 ONLY. 3. Bring up NetWare v3.11 server. At the file server console, type, : RL311 : Load C:\SERVER.311\RL2000 : BIND IPX RL2000 net= xxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is a unquit number from 1 to 8 digit in hexadecimal. Update AUTOEXEC.NCF file to auto-load these file when the server starts. ======================================================================== 1. Login in as Supervisor user and change the SYSTEM directory. 2. Use any text editor like Notepad or DOS EDIT open the file AUTOEXEC.NCF. Insert the following text after the line "IPX internet address= nnnnnnnn". Then save and exit. e.g. IPX internet address = nnnnnnnn C:\SERVER.311\RL311 <-- add line Bind IPX RL2000 net=xxxxxxxx <-- add line Note:- If you have more than one RL2000-PCI adapter installed, At the DOS prompt, run EASYSET record the I/O addresses and IRQ numbers for each card. Edit C:\SERVER.311\RL311.NCF file and change the line; Load C:\SERVER.311\RL2000 to Load C:\SERVER.311\RL2000 Port=nnn1 Name=RL1 Load C:\SERVER.311\RL2000 Port=nnn2 Name=RL2 Bind IPX RL1 net=xxxxxxx1 Bind IPx RL2 net=xxxxxxx2 save and exit the text editor. where, xxxxxx1 and xxxxxx2 must be unique hexadecimal number. Manual load at the file server console. ====================================== If you load manually, the modules should be loaded in this sequence; : Load C:\SERVER.311\LSLENH : Load C:\SERVER.311\A3112 : Load C:\SERVER.311\NBI31X.NLM : Load C:\SERVER.311\MSM31X.NLM : Load C:\SERVER.311\ETHERTSM.NLM : Load C:\SERVER.311\RL2000.LAN : BIND IPX RL2000 net=xxxxxxxx Note: If you are also running NetWare for Macintosh, you may see a conflict with the drivers. If you do, load file ATK306.EXE. This file is available from your Novell Authorized Service Center (NASC), Novell reseller, or from one of Novell's electronic distribution tools (for example, NetWire on CompuServe or the Network Support Encyclopedia on CD-ROM). Installing on NetWare SFT III 3.11 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 1. Rename the old xxx.LAN, xxxTSM.NLM, and MSMxxx.NLM files. 2. Copy the new xxx.LAN, xxxTSM.NLM, and MSMxxx.NLM files from A:\NW3.11\SFT311 into the directory of each server where files loaded from IOSTART.NCF are loaded. Also copy from A:\NW3.11\SPEC3.3 directory the following files; NBI31X.NLM, MSM31X.NLM, ETHERTSM.NLM, PATCHMAN.NLM and A3112.NLM These files should also be put into the SYSTEM directory of the SYS: volume for easy server maintenance. Do not use LSLENH.NLM, PATCHMAN.NLM, MONITOR.NLM, XLOAD.EXE, or LDR001.PTF with NetWare SFT III 3.11. These files are for NetWare 3.11 only. Do not use the included MONITOR.NLM with NetWare SFT III 3.11. Use the shipping MONITOR.NLM with NetWare SFT III 3.11. LAN statistics are not part of MONITOR.NLM in SFT III 3.11. 3. Copy PM311IO.NLM and LSLENH3.NLM into the directory of each server where files loaded from IOSTART.NCF are loaded. 4. Add "load lslenh3" to the IOSTART.NCF of each server before the load statement for the LAN drivers. This will automatically load PM311IO.NLM. 5. Load A3112.NLM first and then load the driver, RL2000.LAN in the IOSTART.NCF of each server after the load statement for LSLENH3.NLM. This will automatically load MSM/MSM31X, ETHERTSM.NLM and NBI31X.NLM. 6. Server is now ready for workstaion connection.