ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º Compex RL100ATX 10/100Base-TX PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter º º (C) Copyright PDS, 1998. All Rights Reserved. º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Compex RL100ATX BootROM described here follows IBM Remote Program Loader (RPL) protocol, which supports NetWare 3.x, 4.x, Microsoft LAN Manager 2.x and IBM LAN Server 3.x. The 3 sections in this document describe how to install the necessary software in a Novell NetWare, Microsoft LAN Manager or IBM LAN Server environment. Note: Run RLP402.EXE to self-extract to a blank formatted diskette or new sub-directory. SECTION 1 : Installing in a Novell NetWare environment ========================================== This installation guide describes how to install the Novell NetWare Remote Program Load (RPL) software on the NetWare 386 3.11, 3.12 or 4.0x server. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR NetWare 386 3.11 SERVER To install the Novell NetWare RPL software on the NetWare 386 3.11 server: 1. Load RL100ANW.LAN using the 802.2 frame type. 2. Bind IPX to RL100ANW.LAN. 3. Copy this disk copy the RPL.NLM to the SYS:SYSTEM directory of the file server. Then copy the RBOOT.RPL to the SYS:LOGIN directory. 4. At the file server console, load RPL.NLM. 5. Bind RPL to RL100ANW.LAN. 6. Follow Novell's instructions to build the NET$DOS.SYS, then copy it into the \LOGIN subdirectory on the file server. Workstations configured with the Compex RL100ATX BootROM can now boot remotely from the server. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR NetWare 386 3.12 or 4.0x SERVER To install the Novell NetWare RPL software on the NetWare 386 3.12 or 4.x server: 1. Load RL100A.LAN (or RL100ANW.LAN for NetWare 386 3.12) using the 802.2 frame type. 2. Bind IPX to RL100A.LAN (or RL100ANW.LAN for NetWare 386 3.12). 3. Then, Load RPL.NLM. This file is shipped together with Novell NetWare 386 3.12 and 4.x. 4. Bind RPL to RL100A.LAN (or RL100ANW.LAN for NetWare 386 3.12). 5. Follow Novell's instructions to build the NET$DOS.SYS, then copy it into the \LOGIN subdirectory on the file server. Workstations configured with the Compex RL100ATX BootROM can now boot remotely from the server. SECTION 2 : Installing in a Microsoft LAN Manager environment ================================================= The procedures described here assumes that you have already added remote boot support for your Microsoft LAN Manager environment. If you don't have remote boot support in your LAN Manager, refer to Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide Chapter 13: Booting Workstations Remotely. Follow the steps to setup the remote boot environment, but do not use the RPLMGR.EXE program to create a remote boot profile. 1. Select an OS/2 full screen. Make C:\LANMAN\RPL the default directory. 2. Copy RL100A.DOS to BBLOCK\NDIS 3. Create a subdirectory BBLOCK\NETBEUI\RL100A 4. Create DOSBB.CNF and PROTOCOL.INI files in BBLOCK\NETBEUI\RL100A as shown below: BBLOCK\NETBEUI\RL100A\DOSBB.CNF: ; ; DOS on Compex RL100ATX 10/100Base-TX PCI Fast Ethernet network adapters ; BASE D0H RPL BBLOCK\RPLBOOT.SYS LDR BBLOCK\RPLSTART.COM ~ DAT BBLOCK\NETBEUI\RL100A\PROTOCOL.INI DRV BBLOCK\RPLDISK.SYS ~ 4 M EXE BBLOCK\RPLPRO1.COM ~ 2 ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND2.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\PROTMAN.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND1.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\NETBEUI\NETBEUI.EXE ~ 10 ~ DRV BBLOCK\NDIS\RL100A.DOS ~ 9 ~ DRV BBLOCK\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ M BBLOCK\NETBEUI\RL100A\PROTOCOL.INI: [protman] drivername = protman$ dynamic = yes priority = netbeui [netbeui_xif] drivername = netbeui$ bindings = RL100A_nif names = 6 ncbs = 8 packets = 20 pipeline = 10 sessions = 4 stacksize = 512 lanabase = 0 [xnsnb_xif] drivername = xnsnb$ bindings = RL100A_nif load = xnsnb[cbr] lanabase = 1 [xnstp_xif] drivername = xnstp$ bindings = RL100A_nif load = xnstp[ub] lanabase = 1 [tcpip_xif] drivername = TCPIP$ ipaddress0 = (TCPIP_ADDRESS) subnetmask0 = (TCPIP_SUBMASK) defaultgateway0 = (TCPIP_GATEWAY) nbsessions = 6 load = tcptsr[c],tinyrfc[c],emsbfr[cr] unload = "unloadt /notsr[dc]" bindings = RL100A_nif lanabase = 1 [ipx_xif] drivername = ipx$ load = ipxmark[u],ipx[u] unload = ipxrel[c] bindings = RL100A_nif lanabase = 1 [dlc_xif] drivername = dlc$ bindings = RL100A_nif load = dlc[cb] unload = dlc[u] lanabase = 1 [RL100A_nif] drivername = RL100A$ 5. Edit the RPL.MAP in the current directory. Add this line below the description of "boot block records" yyyyyyyyyyyy BBLOCK\NETBEUI\RL100A\DOSBB.CNF 2 6 A ~ DOS~RL100A~Ethernet 008048 ~ ,,, ~ RDOS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Insert the lines before the description of "profile and workstation records added by rplmgr" 008048?????? ???????? D FITS\DEFAULT (RPL_SERVER_NAME) S ~ ~ ~ ,,, ~ RDOS ~ DEFAULT *~New~Compex~RL100ATX~Ethernet~* ~ ~ ~ 6. Edit the RPLMGR.INI in the current directory. Insert the following section before the OS/2 description block. [configuration] name = DOS330E os = DOS330 dirname = DOS dirname2 = DOS330 bblink = RDOS fitfileshared = fits\dos330 fitfilepersonal = fits\dos330p comment = DOS 3.30 Compex RL100ATX PCI Adapter adapter = 008048?????? [configuration] name = DOS401E os = DOS401 dirname = DOS dirname2 = DOS401 bblink = RDOS fitfileshared = fits\dos401 fitfilepersonal = fits\dos401p comment = DOS 4.01 Compex RL100ATX PCI Adapter adapter = 008048?????? [configuration] name = DOS500E os = DOS500 dirname = DOS dirname2 = DOS500 bblink = RDOS fitfileshared = fits\dos500 fitfilepersonal = fits\dos500p comment = DOS 5.00 Compex RL100ATX PCI Adpater adapter = 008048?????? And append the following line to RPLMGR.INI ; 008048 = Compex (Ethernet) 7. Logon to the network as an administrator. Stop the remote boot service by typing NET STOP REMOTEBOOT. Next, run RPLINST and then restart remote boot service by typing NET START REMOTEBOOT. 8. Refer to the Chapter 13 of LAN Manager Administrator's Guide. Follow "Managing Remote Boot" to generate a workstation profile. SECTION 3 : Installing in a IBM LAN Server environment ========================================== The procedures described here assumes that you have already added remote boot support for your IBM LAN Server 3.0 environment. If you don't have remote boot support in your LAN Server, refer to IBM OS/2 LAN Server Version 3.0 Volume 1: Planning and Installation. 1. Select an OS/2 Full Screen and change the current directory to C:\IBMLAN\RPL. 2. Login as Administrator and stop the remote boot service (if it is running) by typing NET STOP REMOTEBOOT. 3. Copy RL100A.DOS to DOS directory. 4. Create a subdirectory DOS\RL100A 5. Create PROTOCOL.INI file in DOS\RL100A as shown below: DOS\RL100A\PROTOCOL.INI [PROTMAN_MOD] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [NETBEUI] Drivername = netbeui$ Bindings = RL100A_MOD [RL100A_MOD] DriverName = RL100A$ 6. Create a RL100A.CNF file in the current directory as shown below: ; ; DOS Boot Block Configuration (RL100ATX Network adapter) ; NDIS LAN Support Program Drivers ; BASE 7C0H RPL DOS\RPLBOOT.SYS LDR DOS\RPLLOADR.COM ~ DAT DOS\LT2.MSG DAT C:\IBMLAN\DOSLAN\LSP\DXM.MSG DAT DOS\Rl100A\PROTOCOL.INI EXE C:\IBMLAN\DOSLAN\LSP\NETBIND.COM ~ ~ ~ DRV C:\IBMLAN\DOSLAN\LSP\DXMJ0MOD.SYS ~ 14 ~ DRV C:\IBMLAN\DOSLAN\LSP\DXMA0MOD.SYS 001 ~ ~ DRV DOS\RL100A.DOS ~ 8 ~ DRV C:\IBMLAN\DOSLAN\LSP\PROTMAN.DOS /I: ~ ~ 7. Edit the RPL.MAP file in the current directory. Add these lines below the description of "server record fields". yyyyyyyyyyyy RL100A.cnf 3 10 N IBMLAN$ DOS~RL100A~ETHERNET~NDIS ~ ~ ,,, Z R_DRL100A_NDIS ~ ~ 8. Refer to LAN Server Network Administrator Reference Manual to create Remote IPL workstation records. 9. Start the remoteboot service by typing NET START REMOTEBOOT.