[Unattended] OemPreinstall = yes NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1 NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1 FileSystem = LeaveAlone ExtendOEMPartition = 0 ConfirmHardware = no NtUpgrade = no Win31Upgrade = no TargetPath = * OverwriteOemFilesOnUpgrade = no [UserData] FullName = "XXXXXX" OrgName = "XXXXXX" ComputerName = XXXXXX ProductId = "111-1111111" [GuiUnattended] OemSkipWelcome = 1 OEMBlankAdminPassword = 1 TimeZone = "(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei" [Display] ConfigureAtLogon = 0 BitsPerPel = 8 XResolution = 640 YResolution = 480 VRefresh = 60 AutoConfirm = 1 [Network] InstallAdapters = SelectedAdaptersSection InstallProtocols = ProtocolsSection InstallServices = ServicesSection JoinWorkgroup = WORKGROUP [SelectedAdaptersSection] ; ; !!!IMPORTANT!!! ; The string "RL100ATX" must match the value defined under [Options] in OEMSETUP.INF. ; The driver and the INF file should be located in \$OEM$\NET\RL100ATX in this ; case. The is the installation directory for WinNT 4.0 e.g. C:\I386 ; RL100ATX = OEMAdapterParamSection, \$OEM$\NET\RL100ATX [OEMAdapterParamSection] AdapterType = "5" BurstLen = "8192" BusNumber = "0" BusType = "5" CacheAlign = "3" MediaType = "1" LineSpeed = "0" Threshold = "0" FullDuplex = "0" [ProtocolsSection] TC = TCParamSection NBF = NBFParamSection NWLNKIPX = NWLNKIPXParamSection [TCParamSection] DHCP = no IPAddress = Subnet = Gateway = DNSServer = [NBFParamSection] [NWLNKIPXParamSection] [ServicesSection] NWWKSTA = NWWKSTAParamSection [NWWKSTAParamSection]