Compex FL100TX-PCI Ethernet Adapter Copyright (C) 1998 by PDS. All Rights Reserved. + How to Configure Windows 95 Remoteboot from Windows NT 4.0 + + with Compex FL100TX-PCI Network Adapter + ============================================================ What you will need.. * A Windows NT 4.0 server with the Remoteboot Service installed and configured. Earlier versions of NT do not support Windows 95 clients. * The NT server must have a CD-ROM drive installed and configured for sharing. * Window95 CD, make sure the CD-ROM contains the NETSETUP.EXE program. * Compex FL100TX network adapters with boot PROM. * In this article, we assume Windows NT4.0 directory name as WINNT, and Computer Name of NT4.0 server as NT40SV. If either of the name in your machine is not the same as these, please let the name in your machine replace the name in the article below. * It is assumed that you have successfully installed remoteboot DOS client from Windows NT server with FL100TX-PCI. * It is assumed that you have successfully installed remoteboot Windows95 client from Windows NT server with RL2000APnP. And there is a subdirectory W95WS1 under C:\W95MAC for RL2000A PnP to do remote booting. Installation steps =================== Step 1: 1.1 At the NT4.0 server, copy FLTX.INF in A:\NDIS3 from Compex diskette to directory, c:\w95shr\inf 1.2 Copy file FLPCI.SYS on Compex diskette to the directory, c:\w95shr\system 1.3 Copy the file W95BB.CNF on Compex diskette to the directory, c:\winnt\rpl\bblock\netbeui\flpci 1.4 Power off the first Windows95 remoteboot client machine and install the FL100TX-PCI card without the boot PROM and RL2000A PnP with PROM. 1.5 Power on the computer and remoteboot to Windows95 as usual using the boot PROM installed on the RL2000A PnP. 1.6 When Windows 95 starting, it will automatically detect the FL100TX-PCI adapter and install the needed device driver. 1.7 After install the driver successfully, shut down the machine. Step 2: 2.1 Put the Windows 95 compact disc in the CD-ROM drive on NT4.0 server, and share the CD-ROM drive to all the workstations. 2.2 Power on the computer and remoteboot to Windows95 as usual using the boot PROM installed on the RL2000A PnP. Map the CD-ROM drive on NT4.0 server as drive N on workstation. Click Windows Explorer, click drive N, then switch to the ADMIN\NETTOOLS\NETSETUP directory. Double-click NETSETUP.EXE. 2.3 In the Setup dialog box, click the Set Path button, then type as below: \\nt40sv\w95shr 2.4 Then click OK button. 2.5 Click Add button. 2.6 In the Set Up Machine dialog box, click Set Up One Machine and then type as below: Computer name: FLPCI. Path to machine directory: \\NT40SV\W95MAC\W95WS2 Existing machine directory: \\NT40SV\W95MAC\W95WS1 2.7 Click OK buttton. 2.8 Click Exit button to exit NETSETUP.EXE. 2.9 Turn off the computer and remove CDROM, etc. Step 3: 3.1 Manually copy files as below: c:\> cd w95mac\w95ws2 c:\w95mac\w95ws2> md suboot c:\w95mac\w95ws2> cd suboot c:\w95mac\w95ws2\suboot>copy c:\w95mac\w95ws1\suboot\*.* 3.2 Copy FLPCI.DOS from Compex diskette as below: c:\>copy a:\flpci.dos c:\w95mac\w95ws2\suboot 3.3 Switch to the directory c:\w95mac\w95ws2\suboot 3.4 Update the PROTOCOL.INI file, comment out or remove any IRQ and IOBase setting, have all "MS2000" replaced by "FLPCI". 3.5 Update the MSDOS.SYS file, have line "WinDir=g:\w95ws1" replaced by "WinDir=g:\w95ws2". 3.6 Remoteboot from your first Windows 95 client, when the message "Starting Windows 95" appears, press the F8 function key. When the boot menu appears, select the Step-by-step Confirmation option, answer Yes to each line except WIN.COM. When prompted to start WIN.COM answer NO. This will drop you to the DOS command prompt. 3.7 Switch to the subdirectory as below: g:\>w95mac\w95ws2\suboot 3.8 Type as below: g:\w95mac\w95ws2\suboot> regedit /L:system.dat /E registry.txt 3.9 Edit REGISTRY.TXT, have all "w95ws1" replaced by "w95ws2", have "ne2000.dos" replaced by "flpci.dos", then save the file. 3.10 Type as below: g:\w95mac\w95ws2\suboot> regedit /L:system.dat /C registry.txt g:\w95mac\w95ws2\suboot> attrib -r -s -h system.dat 3.11 Shut down the computer. Step 4: 4.1 Create a new profile, as named FL100TX_W95. 4.2 At NT4.0 server type as below: c:\> cd \winnt\rpl\bin c:\winnt\rpl\bin> win95clt c:\w95mac\w95ws2 \\nt40sv fl100tx_w95 4.3 Add lines as below in machines.ini file: [008048ED8090] SYSDATPATH=g:\w95ws2 g=\\nt40sv\w95mac [008048ED8090] is the adapter id, you should replace it with your FL100TX-PCI id. Step 5: 5.1 Install the PROM on the FL100TX-PCI adapter. 5.2 Remove RL2000A PnP from the computer and install the FL100TX-PCI with PROM only. 5.3 Power on the computer then the client may boot to Windows95 and complete the Windows 95 setup. 5.4 After Windows 95 has been successfully setup, click Control Panel, then click Network, choose RL2000A PnP, then click Remove button to remove it. 5.5 Restart the computer.