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Supplied Files: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NW312.TXT This File ------------------------------------------------------ FLPCI.LAN Novell NetWare ODI specification 3.3 server LAN driver Run PCISNAP to extract ------------------------------------------------------ \NW4X&312\NW312\ NLM312.PM_ NetWare v3.12 NLM files ** run PCISNAP to extract ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) INSTALLATION GUIDE ===================== Below are guidelines for installing the server driver, FLPCI.LAN, in a NetWare 3.12 environment. * Note: FLPCI.LAN drivers default frame type is Ethernet_802.2 Installing with specification 3.3 LAN driver FLPCI.LAN ======================================================= Below are guidelines for installing the server driver, FLPCI.LAN, in a NetWare 3.12 environment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Notes: ====== The MSM.NLM and ETHERTSM.NLM files that come with Novell Netware may not be the latest to work properly with this LAN driver. In this case the autoload mechanism may load those earlier .NLM files from NetWare SYS:SYSTEM directory and can cause failure. To ensure successful autoload, users should copy the following files:- MSM31X.NLM, ETHERTSM.NLM, NBI31X.NLM, and FLPCI.LAN supplied in this diskette to the NetWare boot directory in local hard disk C:\SERVER.312 Follow the steps as described below to load the NLMs and LAN driver. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This installation assumed your NetWare boot directory is in directory path C:\SERVER.312 1. Insert the driver disk in drive A and run PCICNAP. Select Install "NetWare Driver " Select Installing NetWare server v3.12 LAN driver" Select the destination path in drive C:\SERVER.312 Select OK to start extracting the following files. FLPCI.LAN, ETHERTSM.NLM, MSM31X.NLM, and NBI31X.NLM 2. Startup NetWare v3.12 server, e.g. C:\SERVER.312> SERVER.EXE 3. At the NetWare prompt :, load INSTALL to add the following lines to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. *Note:- Mount the SYS: volume if it is not mounted automatically. : LOAD INSTALL select option "Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF file" then add the following lines, LOAD C:\SERVER.312\NBI LOAD C:\SERVER>312\MSM31X LOAD C:\SERVER.312\ETHERTSM LOAD C:\SERVER.312\FLPCI slot=n BIND IPX FLPCI net=xxxxxxxx press ESC to save and quit INSTALL. 4. Down and up the NetWare server again. The server during booting will automatically load the LAN driver. Once the server is up, the LAN adapter is ready to serve the network. Installing with specification 3.0 LAN driver FLPCINW3.LAN ========================================================= The server LAN driver can configured to load automatically when Netware starts up. Follow the steps below to do configure it. 1. Insert the driver disk in drive A and run PCICNAP. Select Install "NetWare Driver " Select Installing NetWare server v3.12 LAN driver" Select the destination path in drive C:\SERVER.312 Select OK to start extracting the following files. FLPCI.LAN, ETHERTSM.NLM, MSM31X.NLM, and NBI31X.NLM 2. Go back to install "NetWare Drivers" Select Installing NetWare server v3.11 LAN driver" Change destination path in drive C:\CPX311 or any new directory name Select OK to start extracting the LAN driver, FLPCINW3.LAN among other NLM files. Quit PCISNAP when completed. From C:\CPX311, copy FLPCINW3.LAN to C:\SERVER.312 Delete all files in C:\CPX311 3. Startup NetWare v3.12 server, C:\SERVer.312> SERVER.EXE Then at the NetWare prompt : run, : LOAD INSTALL Select "System Option" and "Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF file". Add these lines. LOAD C:\SERVER.312\MSM31X LOAD C:\SERVER.312\ETHERTSM LOAD C:\SERVER.312\FLPCINW3 slot=n BIND IPX FLPCINW3 NET= Press ESC key to save. 4. Shutdown the server and restart. When the server starts up, it will automatically load the FLPCINW3.LAN driver. When it is fully start up, FLPCI adapter is ready to serve the network. ------------------------------------- To manually load the LAN server driver do the following:- ------------------------------------------------------- At the NetWare prompt, load the driver for FreedomLINE 100TX/10base card, : LOAD C:\SERVER.312\NBI31X.NLM : LOAD C:\SERVER.312\MSM31X.NLM : LOAD C:\SERVER.312\ETHERTSM.NLM : LOAD C:\SERVER.312\FLPCI slot=n : BIND IPX FLPCI net= OR : LOAD C:\SERVER.312\FLPCINW3 slot=n : BIND IPX FLPCINW3 net= The Netware 3.12 server is now properly setup. The driver frame type by default is Ethernet_802.2. Below is an example to load a different frame like Ethernet_802.3 : LOAD C:\SERVER.312\FLPCI FRAME=Ethernet_802.3 OR : LOAD C:\SERVER.312\FLPCINW2 FRAME=Ethernet_802.3 Note:- If your NetWare server has not run the LOADER patch you will see this message: " Warning: This version of NetWare does not support protected mode BIOS access. Without this loader patch some PCI drivers may fail." FreedomLINE 100TX/10base PCI adapter does not require the loader patch. You can still apply the loader. In doing so, the above message will be supressed. This patch is provided in this disk. See readme files in the PATCH subdirectory on how to run the patch. 6. Parameters The following parameters belong on the server's command line, or in the load line inside the AUTOEXEC.NCF. The general way of using these parameters is: LOAD ... Example: LOAD FLPCI TURBO SLOT=10001 FRAME=Ethernet_802.2 Driver specific parameters list (as for NetWare standard parameters, please see the NetWare user's manual): TP selects TP port. AUTODETECT enables autodetection of media type when driver is loading. TP_NO_LINK_TEST selects twisted pair connection, but disables the LINK test for specific HUBs that do not support LINK. TP_FULL_DUPLEX selects twisted pair connection to work in full duplex mode. TURBO Fixes the problem of multiple transmit underflows and receive overflows (i.e. lose of packets) in systems that use certain PCI chipsets. SKIP_CHECK_BIOS Skip checking compatibility of PCI BIOS LINE_SPEED selects line speed between 10Mbps and 100Mbps on network cards based on 100TX cards. Format: LINE_SPEED= 100 or 10