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ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ INSTALLATION GUIDE ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1) NetWare v3.1x environment ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ a) Run PCISNAP in Driver Disk 1 diskette and select Driver Installation. b) From Driver Installation Menu, choose Novell NetWare Driver and select `Install NetWare DOS Workstation (NETX)'. c) Follows the instruction on each screen and insert the correct driver disk when prompted. d) To login to the server, do one of the following; i) If you have selected `Install NetWare DOS Workstation (NETX)' option, Change to C:\DOSODI and type, e.g. C:\DOSODI> FL100.BAT or to manually run the individual components, type, LSL FLPCI IPXODI NETX To start this batch automatically, edit Autoexec.bat and add FL100.BAT, ii) If you have selected the `Install NetWare DOS Requester (VLM)' option, the installation program automatically update your Autoexec.bat file to run the file Startnet.bat. e) Installation completes. 2) NetWare v4.x environment ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ a) Run PCISNAP in Driver Disk 1 diskette and select Driver Installation. b) From the Driver Installation Menu, choose Novell NetWare Driver and then select `Install NetWare DOS Requester (VLM)'. c) Follows the instruction on each screen. d) When the installation is completed, your Autoexec.bat file will be update to run Startnet.bat to connect to the server on rebooting. e) If your Config.sys loads multiple configurations DOS, you have to manually edit it and add the statement LASTDRIVE=Z to the appropriate configuration header. Similarly, your AUTOEXEC.BAT may have to be edited to add the statement SET NWLANGUAGE=ENGLISH and @CALL STARTNET to automatically start the workstation connection. f) Installation completed. 3) Installing the DOS ODI driver in a NetWare Lite v1.x environment ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ a) Follow the standard installation procedure detailed in your NetWare Lite manual. b) When prompted to select the "Network Interface Card Name," select the option "*OTHER CARDS." c) Insert the driver diskette, and press . d) Select FLPCI.COM from the menu. e) Re-insert the NetWare Lite Install diskette and complete the installation. 4) Installation of Novell Personal NetWare. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ a) Insert Novell Personal NetWare installation disk in driver A and run, A:> Install b) Follows the instruction on each screen and insert the Driver Disk 3 when prompted to copy the LAN driver. c) Complete the installation and reboot the PC. 4) Using ODINSUP ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The ODINSUP module may be used for NetWare and LAN Services network connectivity. Follow the procedure outlined in the NetWare Manuals for installing ODINSUP. Note the following two statements to be added in the NET.CFG and PROTOCOL.INI. a) Insert 'BIND FLPCI' statement in the sample NET.CFG below: PROTOCOL ODINSUP BIND FLPCI <---Insert this BUFFERED LINK DRIVER FLPCI FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 FRAME ETHERNET_II FRAME ETHERNET_SNAP PROTOCOL IPX 0 ETHERNET_802.3 ... b) Insert 'BINDINGS=FLPCI' within the protocol module of the file PROTOCOL.INI. For example: [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME=PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC=YES PRIORITY=NETBEUI [NETBEUI_XIF] DRIVERNAME=NETBEUI$ SESSIONS=6 NCBS=12 ;BINDINGS=NDISDRV <--Remove reference to NDIS driver BINDINGS=FLPCI <--Replace by reference to ODI driver LANBASE=0 ... c) Insert this line in CONFIG.SYS to load the Protocol Manager. DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS i:C:\LANMAN.DOS d) A sample AUTOEXEC.BAT: LSL FLPCI ODINSUP NETBIND NET START WORKSTATION LOAD NETBEUI NET ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ KEYWORDS SUPPORTED IN NET.CFG FILE ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The following parameters can be used in order to control part of the driver's operation. These parameters are added to the driver's entry in NET.CFG For NetWare standard parameters, please refer to the NetWare user's manual. AUTOSENSE Enables autosensing of media type when driver (default) is loading (Also called Power-Up Autosense) on all types of supported cards. TP_NO_LINK_TEST Selects twisted pair connection, but disables the LINK test for specific HUBs that do not support LINK. TP_FULL_DUPLEX Selects twisted pair connection to work in full duplex mode. SKIP_CHECK_BIOS Skip checking compatibility of PCI BIOS. TURBO Fixes a problem of multiple transmit underflow and receive overflow (i.e. loss of packets) in systems that use certain PCI chipsets. SNOOZE Turn the Power-Saving mode on the FLPCI card power-management function. Line_Speed Selects line speed between 10MBps or 100MBps ports Default is 100MBps for the Fast Ethernet chip.