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NOTE: Should any problems be encountered, the EN2000.COM driver can be manually added to the NetWare Lite startup procedure. Simply select any other Interface card type (e.g. Novell NE2000 ) when prompted during the NetWare Lite installation. After this, a file called STARTNET.BAT is created by the installation process in the C:\NWLITE sub-directory. Complete the following steps: a) Copy the EN2000.COM file from the driver diskette to the C:\NWLITE sub-directory. Type COPY A:\DOSODI\EN2000.COM C:\NWLITE b) Edit the STARTNET.BAT file so that the second line in the file states EN2000.COM and not the name of the other Interface card type (e.g. NE2000.COM) that you selected in the installation process. c) Start NetWare Lite by typing STARTNET.BAT. B) Installing the DOS ODI driver in a NetWare v3.1x environment =============================================================== a) Make a directory in your hard disk, e.g. C:\NWCLIENT. Copy the DOS ODI workstation files into this directory. b) Copy the DOS ODI driver, EN2000.COM, and the NET.CFG from the driver diskette into this directory. c) To login to the server, run LSL (Must be at least version 2.11 or above) EN2000 IPXODI NETX C) Installing the DOS ODI driver in NetWare v4.0x and v4.10 environment ======================================================================= Auto installation ----------------- In a NetWare v4.xx environment, you may execute the NetWare v4.xx Client INSTALL.EXE utility to install the DOS Requester and generate the NET.CFG and CONFIG.SYS. The INSTALL.EXE utility makes use of the INS file, EN2000.INS, to prompt for configuration parameters that will be copied into the NET.CFG. Manual installation ------------------- You may also manually execute the following steps: a) Make a directory in your hard disk, e.g. C:\NWCLIENT. Copy the DOS Requester files into this directory. b) Copy the DOS ODI driver and the NET.CFG file from the driver diskette into this directory. c) Your NET.CFG file may look like this: LINK DRIVER EN2000 NetWare DOS Requester First Network Drive = F d) In CONFIG.SYS, add the line "LASTDRIVE=Z" e) Reboot the workstation. f) To login to the network, run LSL (Must be at least version 2.11 or above) EN2000 IPXODI VLM (2) STANDARD KEYWORDS SUPPORTED IN NET.CFG FILE Two main keywords supported in the NET.CFG file are: 1. PORT Valid PORT addresses are: 240h, 280h, 2C0h, 300h, 320h, 340h and 360h. In most cases, it is UNNECESSARY to specify the PORT address. The driver automatically reads the I/O base address from the network adapter if this keyword is not specified. However, by specifying this keyword in the NET.CFG, you can CHANGE the PORT address of your network adapter regardless of the original setting. For example to change the I/O base address to 2C0h, simply write: LINK DRIVER EN2000 PORT 2C0 2. INT Valid INT levels are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 11. In most cases, it is UNNECESSARY to specify the INT level. The driver automatically reads the hardware interrupt number from the network adapter if this keyword is not specified. However, by specifying this keyword in the NET.CFG, you can CHANGE the interrupt level of your network adapter regardless of the original setting. For example to change the hardware interrupt to 11, write: LINK DRIVER EN2000 INT 11 3. CABLE Valid cable types are : (1) BNC (Thin Ethernet) (2) TPI (Twisted-pair) This keyword is used to change the cable type of your adapter. If the cable type is not specified, the preset cable type on your adapter is effective. For example, you may write in the NET.CFG file: LINK DRIVER EN2000 CABLE TPI NOTE for EN2000N-Combo3: To use the AUI port, jumper pins J3 and J4 MUST be shorted by a jumper and at the same time the adapter must be programmed to BNC mode (either via the Easyset program or NET.CFG with the keyword CABLE BNC). (3) MULTIPLE ADAPTERS If there are multiple EN2000N boards installed in your system, specify the port address so that the driver know which adapters to initialize. Otherwise the driver will initialize the first EN2000N board it locates. Provided by:- Compex Inc. 4051 E,La Palma Anaheim, CA 92807 USA