NDIS/3 DRIVER FOR WINDOWS FOR WORKGROUPS 3.11 INSTALLATION ========================================================== Content: -------- A) Install NDIS 2/3 driver to the WFW 3.11 B) Set Up Real Mode (NDIS 2) Driver Parameters on WFW311 C) Set Up Protect Mode (NDIS 3) Driver Parameters on WFW311 A) Install NDIS 2/3 driver to the WFW 3.11 The drivers named CN100E.DOS (NDIS 2), CN100E.386 (NDIS 3) contained in the directory WFW311. NDIS Driver Installation on Windows for Workgroups 3.11 ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Run Windows by typing WIN from the DOS prompt. 2. Click the "Network" icon in the Main Program Group. 3. Click the "Network Setup" icon in the Network window. 4. Select "Drivers" item from the Network Setup dialog box. 5. Select "Add Adapters" item from the Option dialog box. 6. Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter" when the Install driver field appears. 7. Type destination drive (A: or B:) in your PC 8. Insert the CN100TX(E) Driver Diskette in your floppy drive and press to start the installation process. 9. When the "CN100TX(E) PCI Ethernet Adapter Driver" dialog box appear. Select the installed adapter & driver from the following options: CN100TX(E) PCI LAN Adapter NDIS 2/3 driver, 10.Follow screen instructions to complete the process. 11.Restart your computer. B) Set Up Real Mode (NDIS 2) Driver Parameters on WFW311 (in A:\NDIS\DOS) There are 4 parameters that can be set in driver installation & reconfiguration 1. Slot number: the PCI board index, range is 1..16, default is 1. This parameter is used to distinguish the activated board when multiple CN100TX's PCI LAN boards are enabled by the driver. 2. Sia Mode: the connection type of the LAN board, can be selected from TP, BNC, TP_FULL_DUPLEX and AUTODETECT, default is AUTODETECT. 3. Data Rate: for CN100TX(E) PCI LAN board only. MB10 : speed is 10 Mbps, MB100: speed is 100 Mbps. 4. Tx FIFO threshold: transmit FIFO threshold level LW128 : threshold is 128 bytes (100Mbps), 72 bytes (10Mbps), LW256 : threshold is 256 bytes (100Mbps), 96 bytes (10Mbps), LW512 : threshold is 512 bytes (100Mbps), 128 bytes (10Mbps), LW1024: threshold is 1024 bytes (100Mbps), 160 bytes (10Mbps), FP : Disable early transmit. Sample Configuration Files -------------------------- 1. CONFIG.SYS File FILES=30 buffers=30 STACKS=9,256 DEVICE=c:\windows\HIMEM.sys DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\IFSHLP.SYS rem device=C:\WINDOWS\protman.dos /i:C:\WINDOWS rem device=C:\WINDOWS\ethpci.dos rem device=C:\WINDOWS\workgrp.sys LASTDRIVE=z 2. PROTOCOL.INI File on Windows for Workgroups [network.setup] version=0x3100 netcard=cn100e,1,CN100E transport=ms$netbeui,MS$NETBEUI lana0=cn100e,1,ms$netbeui [protman] DriverName=PROTMAN$ PRIORITY=MS$NETBEUI [CN100E] DriverName=CN100E$ SIA_MODE = AUTODETECT [MS$NETBEUI] DriverName=netbeui$ SESSIONS=10 NCBS=32 BINDINGS=CN100E LANABASE=0 3. AUTOEXEC.BAT File C:\WINDOWS\net start C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$g PATH C:\WINDOWS; SET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP C) Set Up Protect Mode (NDIS 3) Driver Parameters on WFW311 There are 6 parameters that can be set in driver installation & reconfiguration 1. Burst Length : the PCI bus busrt length, validate data are 1 dword, 2 dwords, 4 dwords, 8 dwords, 16 dwords, 32 dwords. default value is 16 dwords (1 dword = 4 bytes) 2. PCI Mechanism: the PCI configuration space access mechanism, valid data are AutoDetect, Mechanism 1 and Mechanism 2, default value is AutoDetect. When AutoDetect is selected, driver will first use Mechanism 2 to search for the LAN adapter; if the search failed, i.e. no LAN adapter was found, Mechanism 1 should be applied to the next search. 3. Connection Type: default is Auto Detection. The connection types for CN100TX(E) PCI board are AutoSense ; performs automatic media ; detection during driver ; initialization. 10 Mbps ; RJ-45 connector, line speed is ; 10 Mega bits per second. 10 Mbps Full_Duplex ; communication in full duplex mode, ; speed is 20Mbps. 100 Mbps ; RJ-45 connector, line speed is ; 100 Mega bits per second. 100 Mbps Full_Duplex ; communication in full duplex mode, ; speed is 200Mbps. 4. Receive Buffers : the number of data buffers used for packet reception, valid data are 8, 16, 32, 48 and 64, default is 16. 5. Store And Forward : Cut Through : Enable eraly transmit. Store And Forward : Disable early transmit. default is Store And Forward. 6. Transmit Threshold : the transmit FIFO threshold level when Store and Forward is disabled. 10Mbps: 72, 96, 128, 160 bytes 100Mbps: 128, 256, 512, 1024 bytes default is 160 or 1024 bytes. Sample Configuration Files -------------------------- 1. CONFIG.SYS File FILES=30 BUFFERS=30 LASTDRIVE=Z DEVICE=C:\WFW311\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\WFW311\IFSHLP.SYS STACKS=9,256 2. AUTOEXEC.BAT File C:\WFW311\SMARTDRV.EXE C:\WFW311\net start PATH C:\WFW311; SET TEMP=C:\WFW311\TEMP 3. SYSTEM.INI [386Enh] netcard=cn100e.386 --- End of File ---