Content of this document ======================== A. ODI Server Driver Installation (NetWare 3.12) B. ODI Server Driver Installation (NetWare 4.x) C. DOS ODI WorkStation Driver Installation D. Installation Notes A. NetWare ODI Server Driver Installation (NetWare 3.12) ======================================================== Requirements: ------------- CN100TX(E) Driver Diskette (CN100E.LAN) Driver Location: \NetWare\ODI\3.12 Installation Procedure: ----------------------- Before you start with the installation process, make sure that the Novell NetWare 386 v3.12 server is properly installed. Similarly, your adapter should also be properly installed in your workstation. 1. Insert the CN100TX(E) Driver Diskette into drive A and check the contents of subdirectory \NETWARE\ODI\3.12 and \NETWARE\ODI It should contain the following file : CN100E.LAN - Novell NetWare V4.X, 3.1X Server Driver for CN100TX(E) CN100E.EXE - Self-Extraction file for Novell NetWare V3.12 Patch 2. Copy the above LAN files from the CN100TX Driver Diskette into the NetWare 386 subdirectory of your server. 3. Run CN100E.exe from your server. You will see a series files files have been extracted from this file. (These files are lswap.exe, loader.exe, autoexec.ncf, ethertsm.nlm, msm31x.nlm and nbi31x.nlm) 4. Run LSWAP for your SERVER.EXE. If your Netware 386 subdirectory name is not "NWSERVER". Please notice the usage of the LSWAP. USAGE: LSWAP [loaderFilePath [serverFilePath]] Default loaderFilePath = C:\NWSERVER\LOADER.EXE Default serverFilePath = C:\NWSERVER\SERVER.EXE 5. Run SERVER.EXE from your server. 6. When the NetWare 386 prompt appears (indicated by a colon), load your server driver. Simply type: : LOAD [d:]CN100E SLOT=1 [1..8] TP [AUI,BNC,AUTODETECT,TP_FULL_DUPLEX] LINE_SPEED=100 [10,100] FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 (Command Syntax : LOAD [d:] SLOT= LINE_SPEED= FRAME=) 7. Bind IPX to the CN100TX LAN driver. At the NetWare server prompt, type: :BIND IPX CN100E 8. After pressing the computer prompts you for the Network Number. For details on how to assign this number, please consult your NetWare 386 Installation Manual. B. NetWare ODI Server Driver Installation (NetWare 4.xx) ======================================================= Requirements: ------------- CN100TX(E) Driver Diskette (CN100E.LAN) Driver Location: \NetWare\ODI\4.X and \NetWare\ODI Installation Procedure: ----------------------- 1. Insert the CN100TX(E) Driver Diskette into drive A and check the contents of subdirectory \NETWARE\ODI\4.X It should contain the following files: CN100E.LAN - Novell NetWare V4.X, 3.1X Server Driver for CN100TX(E) CN100E.LDI - Novell NetWare V4.X Server Driver Installation Information File MSM.NLM ETHERTSM.NLM NBI.NLM AUTOEXEC.NCF 2. At the NetWare prompt (indicated by the Server name), run the INSTALL.NLM program by typing: server name: LOAD INSTALL 3. Select "Maintenance/Selective Install" and press . 4. Select "LAN Driver Options (Configure/Load/...)" and press . 5. Press the key to specify other drivers to install. 6. Press and specify the driver path (A:\) and press . 7. The CN100E.LAN driver should appear in your choice list for the 'Select a LAN Driver' field. Choose this driver to start the driver loading and binding procedure. This will allow you to load and bind all 4 frame types supported by NetWare. 8. Next time you start up your system, simply follow steps 2 to 4 to complete the installation. NOTE: In Netware 4.X this driver must be loaded after loading: - NBI.NLM - MSM.NLM - ETHERTSM.NLM If your NetWare Server is V4.0 or V4.10. You must unload the ETHERTSM and MSM in your server first, then load ETHERTSM in \NETWARE\ODI\4.X of this release diskette. C. NetWare DOS ODI Workstation Driver Installation ================================================== This section describes the procedure to install the NetWare workstation driver for your adapter. Requirements: ------------- CN100TX(E), Driver Diskette (CN100E.COM) Driver Location: \DOS Installation Procedure: ----------------------- Before you start with the installation process, make sure that the adapter is properly installed and configured. Make sure the your NetWare operating system is properly installed. 1. Run the following command in the order given below and press : lsl pcimlid ipxodi netx (or vlm) 2. You can now log into your network. D. Installation Notes ===================== 1. The default frame type for the CN100E.LAN binding is Ethernet_802.2 and not Ethernet_802.3. This is the difference between V3.11 and V4.X drivers. The CN100E.LAN also supports the NetWare V3.11 environment. However, it requires loading of some patch NLMs before loading it. 2. Remember to specify LASTDRIVE=Z in the CONFIG.SYS file. 3. Edit the NET.CFG if you want to change some parameters. For example, if you're using a NetWare 3.11 workstation and want to log into a NetWare v4.X server. The default frame type of NetWare 3.11 is Ethernet 802.3, while that of NetWare v4.X is Ethernet 802.2. Before you can log into the NetWare v4.X , make sure there is a protocol binding for Ethernet 802.3 in the server's NET.CFG file. This is normally included in the [MLID] section. A sample NET.CFG file is given below: LINK DRIVER CN100E TP ;; Medium type in used : : ---