The driver named CN100E contained in the directory \NDIS conforms to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. NDIS Driver Installation on Windows for Workgroups ================================================== 1. Start Windows 2. Click the "Control Panel" icon in the Main Program Group. 3. Click the "Network" icon in the Control Panel window. 4. Select "Adapters" item from the Option dialog box. 5. Click the button to select it. 6. Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter" when the Install driver field appears. 7. Type destination drive and path name in your PC. Make sure the full path of the directory (i.e. A:\NDIS\DOS) is given. 8. Insert the CN100TX(E) Driver Diskette in your floppy drive and press to start the installation process. 9. Follow screen instructions to complete the process. 10. Restart your computer. Sample Configuration Files -------------------------- 1. CONFIG.SYS File FILES=30 buffers=30 STACKS=9,256 DEVICE=c:\windows\HIMEM.sys DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\IFSHLP.SYS LASTDRIVE=y 2. PROTOCOL.INI File on Windows for Workgroups [network.setup] version=0x3100 netcard=CN100E,1,CN100E transport=ms$netbeui,MS$NETBEUI lana0=CN100E,1,ms$netbeui [protman] DriverName=PROTMAN$ PRIORITY=MS$NETBEUI [CN100E] DriverName=CN100E$ SIA_MODE = AUTODETECT [MS$NETBEUI] DriverName=netbeui$ SESSIONS=10 NCBS=32 BINDINGS=CN100E LANABASE=0 3. AUTOEXEC.BAT File C:\WINDOWS\net start C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$g PATH C:\WINDOWS; SET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP ---- All trademarks or brand names mentioned are properties of their respective companies. --- End of File ---